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If you could time travel, would you?
Where would you go and do?

  • 93 Replies
539 posts

Not to a lottery ping pong type there isn't. The machine is calibrated to ensure the dimensions of the machine are correct and each ball is the same size and weight, but the air flow isn't calibrated. Why would it be? The air jets are just air jets, but they don't dispense the exact same jet on every injection.

So that is the variable. The unknown in the equation.

4,104 posts

You never answered my question.

"how do you view time?"

rerunning time

You just said "rerun". Reruns aren't different from the original

the variables will do what they do best, vary.

Variables don't have to vary, if they have no reason to change, why would they change?

So any variation within the parameters of the air flow in that machine will change the timeline

So if nothing changes the parameters, and nothing is changing the parameters, the timeline stays the same.

Why would the variables suddenly produce a constant?

Because they're being reset to the state they were at. If at point A in time, variable B = 5, and at point C, variable B = 8. Now let's say A and C are binary values (they can be a 1 or a 0), which they are, we are either at that point in time, are we're not. So now our variables would look like

If A = 1, B=5

If C =1, B=8

A will only equal 1 when time is at point A, same for C. Point A doesn't necessarily exist in every timeline, but when we travel back in time, we're traveling to the same timeline.
991 posts

Why can't you understand the fact that the point of this is that everything in the past is the exact same as the first time it occurred? Nothing changes. If the wind was blowing at twenty miles an hour at that time, when you revisit it, you better believe its going to be blowing at twenty miles an hour under the same circumstances. The factors won't change, because it's the exact same occurrence.

539 posts

Rather than answer you both individually, I'd ask you prove that a point in the past, becoming present by the very fact of time travel, is immune to variety. Or in other words, remains a constant no matter what happens.

9,438 posts

is immune to variety.

Nothing changes if nothing caused it to change. Newton's laws of motion. Like I said, things would change if someting actively caused the change, such as the person from the future adding miniscule pressure to the air by their own presence.
4,104 posts

Rather than answer you both individually

So that answers that's relevant to this question how?

"how do you view time?"

I'd ask you prove that a point in the past, becoming present by the very fact of time travel, is immune to variety

I kind of answered that in the last post, you need to answer why anything would change. If B =/= 5, then we either aren't at the same point in time, or we're on a different timeline.
9,438 posts

such as the person from the future adding miniscule pressure to the air by their own presence.

Actually, if it's on the same timeline, their presence wouldn't matter because they would already be a contributing factor to the environment the 'first' time the machine started when they saw the result in the future. So no, there would be no changes.
539 posts

So let me get this straight, if we have a point in time, any point in time, that point in time is fixed? Anything that happens in that window in time is immune to an variance? Any degree of randomness?

Sorry, but I don't accept that each point in time is determined by the fact that it sits in that point in time.

If you travel back in time, you are in fact living a point in time again, but everything in the world around you is living it for the first time. Anything that cause a variance, such as the air from the jet or anything else will cause the timeline to alter.

Neither of you can guarantee that the air jet will emit the same amount of air on both occasions, and even a tiny difference due to the nature of the air jet would lead to a different result.

Dress it up with As, Bs or Cs, it doesn't make the slightest difference to the fact that a random event can and would happen. Just because you've traveled back to that point in time doesn't mean it wouldn't change.

Imagine the battle of 1066. Harold is on the hill, William is attacking. For a split second Harold is in the direct path of an arrow, but if we traveled back in time, who is to say he won't turn his head the other way? There is nothing in science, brain or otherwise, to suggest he wouldn't. It is purely your belief that he will move his head in the exact same manner because it suits your perception of time.

And for the record "How do I view time" I certainly don't view it as a preset sequence of events. A point in time is subject to the forces that act upon it. And in the example I'm giving, the force acting upon the point in time is the variance in force given by the air jet. It's not complicated. The air jet is given to randomness, randomness by nature can not be duplicated exactly on two occasions, so therefore the airjet won't act the same when an event happens in the time it exists.

Or in short, if you rerun any point in time, the same result will not necessarily be a given. Variances can occur to change the course of time.

1,824 posts

If you go back in time, any change has already been made.
Now, ditch the argument and go back to saying what you would do.

9,438 posts

If you travel back in time, you are in fact living a point in time again, but everything in the world around you is living it for the first time.

It would remain constant because that living person in that point would already be a factor of the future he came from.
9,438 posts

but if we traveled back in time, who is to say he won't turn his head the other way?

For him to alter his status in a way that is different from the timeline the traveler came from, that would require parallel or alternate timelines.
539 posts

For him to alter his status in a way that is different from the timeline the traveler came from, that would require parallel or alternate timelines.

The alternate timeline isn't going to be a certainty, but a possibility, and that is all I am saying. You can not go back in time and guarantee that the same thing will happen twice in the same time and space.
539 posts

It would remain constant because that living person in that point would already be a factor of the future he came from.

Does time have a soul or a consciousness then?
9,438 posts

You can not go back in time and guarantee that the same thing will happen twice in the same time and space.

If you can go back in time on the same timeline, then your presence in the past already contributed to the future you came from.

Does time have a soul or a consciousness then?

539 posts

If you can go back in time on the same timeline, then your presence in the past already contributed to the future you came from.

Good, but who said you were where your where at the beginning of this discussion? We are not talking about where you land, the physical presence of you, it is irrelevant.


You don't understand what I'm on about or you have a fetish for question marks? Which is it?
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