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If you could time travel, would you?
Where would you go and do?

  • 93 Replies
1,824 posts

Why this petty debate, gentlemen? This thread is for saying what you'd do if you could go back in time. If necessary, I'll create a thread for time debates. What'll it be, gents?

9,438 posts

Ok then, back to topic. If I could travel back in time to a parallel timeline where I could actively change things, I'd do my best to prevent WWI. I'd also print off everything Wiki has on medicine and take it there too.

4,104 posts

I'll start off this post by once again saying, nothing is random. If you believe something can happen for absolutely no reason, then what you believe in is called magic. Things can happen for uncontrollable reasons, and those uncontrollable reasons can happen for other uncontrollable reasons, which can happen for other uncontrollable reasons, and this can go on and on. The only argument against this is the creation of the universe.

Anything that cause a variance, such as the air from the jet or anything else will cause the timeline to alter.

The only thing to cause variance is you. Everything else has no reason not to change, and don't tell me "they could change randomly" without telling me what caused that random change, and what caused the cause for the random change, and what caused the cause of the cause of the random change, ect, until you find something that was caused by nothing (i.e. actual randomness).

even a tiny difference due to the nature of the air jet

What caused that difference? Follow the same rules stated in my last paragraph.

if we traveled back in time, who is to say he won't turn his head the other way?

What caused him to turn his head the other way? If it was us or our actions, then okay. If not, use my rules again because human brains don't make different choices under the same circumstances (once again, memories are included in that).

it doesn't make the slightest difference to the fact that a random event can and would happen

What caused that random event? (rules again)

I certainly don't view it as a preset sequence of events.

According to string theory, every possible timeline to every possible universe exists, so it's not exactly that it's preset, it's that everything that could happen, will happen somewhere in some universe in some timeline.

The air jet is given to randomness, randomness by nature

What caused this randomness? (rules again)

duplicated exactly on two occasions

Again, don't say two occasions. It's the same occasion twice, which is still completely the point of traveling into the past.

Variances can occur to change the course of time.

What caused those variances?
4,104 posts

I forgot to add, unless you actually believe in magic, I'm going to keep asking what caused the change in variables, and what caused that, and what caused that, and what caused that, ect.

1,824 posts

*shakes head slowly*
There I were, posting
and upon a sudden, I see an ungodly debate in the tavern
Members, making debates without provocation without need
Men, before the word, changing the topic for themselves
What be that, first mate

Petty, captain!



Aye. Petty. And what fate, befalls petty debates now we know the answer to that, do we not?
Petty Debates STOP!!!

539 posts

****, how many times do I repeat the same to receive the same response?

Lets put it another way, I do not believe for even a millisecond that the air jet will repeat the results it gave first time round if you travel back in time to observe the results of a ping pong ball lottery machine.

It is a belief, and considering you can not present irrefutable proof to the contrary that I am wrong (unless you have a time machine that is), then it goes to what you believe and what I believe. Neither of us can prove our hypothesis.

You can sit there and argue a point you can't prove, or we can accept a stalemate. Otherwise we're going to spend eternity arguing the same point over and over again.

4,104 posts

It is a belief, and considering you can not present irrefutable proof to the contrary that I am wrong

I don't need to present proof, I need to prove your argument incorrect. I can't prove to you your argument incorrect if you won't answer the question i present to you. Why do those jets change? What force is causing them to vary? What is causing that force? You haven't even yet to prove that "randomness" exists, and yet you keep using it as a factor.

It is a belief, and considering you can not present irrefutable proof to the contrary that I am wrong (unless you have a time machine that is)

You don't always need physical proof to prove something, in an argument of the logic of both sides, you shouldn't need any, it would just help.

Neither of us can prove our hypothesis.

Yes we can, through logic.

You can sit there and argue a point you can't prove

Same as before, you can prove it.

It's not like I'm not presenting anything new, you didn't respond to my argument about string theory or the one about randomness having to be magic, which i brought up in the last post.
4,104 posts

(unless you have a time machine that is)

I do, it travels only into the future and goes at a rate of 1 second per second (hehe)
1,824 posts

I will start a thread for this debate in the tavern. Feel free to take your anger with you.

539 posts

I will start a thread for this debate in the tavern. Feel free to take your anger with you.

I'm not sure either myself or master565 are angry, we are simply having a heated debate based on what we both believe to be true. It relates directly to the subject matter and is in no way, shape or form petty. Why do you insist that it is petty?

If we were genuinely angry with each other, no doubt we would be trading insults, but I haven't seen a single insult in this debate. Just the exchange of what we believe.

I don't need to present proof, I need to prove your argument incorrect. I can't prove to you your argument incorrect if you won't answer the question i present to you. Why do those jets change? What force is causing them to vary? What is causing that force? You haven't even yet to prove that "randomness" exists, and yet you keep using it as a factor.

Sorry for that distraction, but the reason the jets change is because they are not a constant. The air flow produced by the jets follows no set pattern, so the force will vary. Randomness does exist, but if I'm honest, I'm in 3 other debates at the moment and referencing to each one is proving to be a little more than my mind can handle. I promise I will reference to this as soon as I can though.

You don't always need physical proof to prove something, in an argument of the logic of both sides, you shouldn't need any, it would just help.

Logic doesn't answer the unpredictable nature of that air jet though does it? Neither of us can logically determine where the air will be, what force will be applied and for how long, so therefore we can not reasonably predict where the balls will go.

Same as before, you can prove it.

I disagree.
56 posts

Personally i would go forward in time to see if the end of the world is real then use the future time travel thing to come back to now and live life depending on what happens.

539 posts

Personally i would go forward in time to see if the end of the world is real then use the future time travel thing to come back to now and live life depending on what happens.

What happens if you travel into the future and discover a toxic wasteland, contract a disease or illness, go back to your own time and spread it to your fellow man? Thus causing a disease that wipes out mankind and causes a toxic wasteland.

I've just been told that is a paradox. I don't know whether that is correct or not, as I thought it was irony.
4,104 posts

I posted my reply on the other thread, which is where i assume we'll continue this.

4,710 posts

Travelling into the future probably wouldn't help either, because the solutions of the future may not necessarily work in the present. Lets say in the future there is some sort of machine invented, something that generates power without the need for fuel. You'd have to see the path to that machine, the logical progression of ideas and materials in order to recreate it in the past. Political solutions that may work in the future could be because of the events that led to that point and again, wouldn't necessarily work in the past.

then i want just a mirror-like device to see what happened in the past. history class could be so easy then.

539 posts

I posted my reply on the other thread, which is where i assume we'll continue this

The thread won't make sense now though, we'll be arguing a point from the middle of one thread to the first of another. There is no real point of reference, especially as time passes and the threads separate.

I'm still not entirely convinced that the argument isn't relevant here.
Showing 76-90 of 93