With the current suggestions of being able to change your timezone and have times on AG displayed accordingly (link to that thread), I'm gonna throw an idea out here - fuzzy time.
Integrate an option to have the time displayed as a relative figure. For instance, instead of it being the fixed time format (like Posted Oct 4, '08 at 4:07pm), it would relate to when it was posted compared to when you view it. Options can be such as 'Just now', 'A few minutes ago', 'Ten minutes ago', 'Fifteen minutes ago', 'Half an hour ago', 'One hour ago', 'Two hours ago', 'One day ago', 'Two days ago', 'One month ago', and so on and on and on - the gaps between each fuzzy definition of time becoming larger and larger, because it becomes more and more irrelevant when it was posted.
Another site I'm on has this integrated, and I find it really useful - I'm one of those people who doesn't constantly now what date or time it is, and the 'fuzzy date' format allows me to ignore the calculations and just react to how long ago the post I'm reading was made.
I hope I explained the idea properly, and I would like to hear your opinions. It's probably not something that will be implemented soon either way, but would others find it as useful as I do?
Oh, but that's the beauty of fuzzy time, Carlie. It's always "accurate" (as accurate as fuzziness can be), considering it relates to how long ago a post was made - it relates to no timezone in particular. But yes, getting that whole timezone discussion solved would be nice...
Great idea!! This could solve our time zone problems except for one thing:
If you look at a post ages ago, it would take a sheet of paper to work out when the post was sent.
We're proposing we have fuzzy time, but what happens to timezones? Will people be able to change that?
There's a thread for that subject. It's called 'Anyone got the time?' I think. It's a seperate discussion.
wat in the name of armor games is fuzzy time??????
Read the thread starter (first post in the thread). . . It is all explained.
But...it allready says like.......23 minutes ago and stuff...?
It does, but only in the 'last post' feature. This is about enabling it as an overall way of viewing time, so there's not the problem with comparing the time of the post with the time were you are, and needing to remember the time difference...
If you look at a post ages ago, it would take a sheet of paper to work out when the post was sent.
That's why a way of changing smoothly between the two options would be preferably. Though of course, if something was posted 'A month ago' or '38 years ago', it's not so relevant when exactly it was posted. Fuzzy time is much about relevance.
Anyway, the site I got the idea from, has it in such a way, that if you click on the fuzzy time displayed, it changes to the exact time - and vice versa. That's for the people who just occasionally wants to use the other option.
Yeah, if something was posted five minutes ago. I gave a bunch of examples in the thread starter~ It replaces stuff like Posted Oct 9, '08 at 7:49pm with a fuzzy time figure determined by how long ago the post was made, compared to when you are viewing it - am I making my explanation too complicated?
Okay, apparently people don't like talking about this suggestion... I'm gonna bump it just this once, to get more peoples opinions (sorry, I know it's bad to bump).
Read the thread starter. Fuzzy time on AG, good idea/bad idea?
I would really appreciate that because I never know what time it is and hate to check, then do the AG timezone difference... The other reason is because AG will be a place, no timezone, just a universal time - Fuzzy^_^!
Lige, I fail to see what that has to do with anything and yet it is one of the best posts I've seen... *turns on I-pod* 'duh nuh nuh nuh, nuh nuh, nuh nuh can't touch this duh nuh nuh nuh, nuh nuh, nuh nuh can't... stay on topic?!'
@thoad, YES... that is what it is (I am 99.99999% sure of that)
KAY THEN, in that case that's the best darn thing I've ever heard! That way when your looking back on a club or art thread you can rule out what comments you should kinda void from your mind or ignore.