With the current suggestions of being able to change your timezone and have times on AG displayed accordingly (link to that thread), I'm gonna throw an idea out here - fuzzy time.
Integrate an option to have the time displayed as a relative figure. For instance, instead of it being the fixed time format (like Posted Oct 4, '08 at 4:07pm), it would relate to when it was posted compared to when you view it. Options can be such as 'Just now', 'A few minutes ago', 'Ten minutes ago', 'Fifteen minutes ago', 'Half an hour ago', 'One hour ago', 'Two hours ago', 'One day ago', 'Two days ago', 'One month ago', and so on and on and on - the gaps between each fuzzy definition of time becoming larger and larger, because it becomes more and more irrelevant when it was posted.
Another site I'm on has this integrated, and I find it really useful - I'm one of those people who doesn't constantly now what date or time it is, and the 'fuzzy date' format allows me to ignore the calculations and just react to how long ago the post I'm reading was made.
I hope I explained the idea properly, and I would like to hear your opinions. It's probably not something that will be implemented soon either way, but would others find it as useful as I do?
*few* I was just looking for this thread.....took me ages to find it!
Any way's, I do like this idea, but what if it allso said when It was posted?
I mean I live in AG time, so it dosn't effect me much, and it is easy for me to keep track of it. Fuzzy time would work for every one, but I like the old way as well.
Well I haven't read anything, just want to state my backing of this idea. Its nice, simple, and would save me a ton of time figuring out when things were posted!
i like your idea i get what your trying to say but i dont exacly get why it means that much if AG disides to do it well great but its not the most thing to be consernded about right now
Yay my idea was resurrected. ^^ By slightly short posts but still~
@blackwolf: None of the ideas we're giving the staff is really meant for immediate implementation. But since a lot of users agree that this would be nice and work well, it's one of those things that might just actually make it once Shpigford gets some extra time for stuff like that.
Again, yay for people liking my idea. *minor proud feeling*
But i did think of one down side, and it is very minor.
If i was trying to talk about a glitch for example, and i said it happened to every one at around 1 A.M. Ag time. I could no longer say that, becuse every thing would be all fuzzy you know?