But it's something that I wished for and which would apparently please me! You didn't really corrupt it, and I request a re-corruption, as well as the corruption of the next wish...
I wish for the previous poster to have used proper grammar.
Can't anyone corrupt a wish PROPERLY around here? Who the heck said I wished for your previous poster to have used proper grammar? I meant I wished you used proper grammar in general, which you did in the next posts, which means you did grant me my wish, but not corrupt it. Just because it looked like I had wished
iwsh i haz sum gramerz.
had been written in English, doesn't mean I did. I still want that wish corrupted, as well as my last one on page 382.
Granted, you are a god who the people hate, and who has no powers (btw, as payback for not corrupting my wish previously, I take it that the "Athiest" god is someone I just made out, since "ahteist" was, apparently, the word you were going for).