You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
Granted but he beats you up.I wish my magic hobo wouldn't beat me up.
granted. But you get crazy of him and suicidei wish for cookies
The cookies taste terrible.I wish I had a magic hobo.
you get one. but it uses it's magical powers to fly away and comes back but then beats you up.i wish that mcdonalds would intoduce a mcheartattack burger, that is made of solid fat+grease
Granted, however, you purchase said burger without realizing it then you die.I wish that I could get to sleep.
granted,but you sleep so long that when you wake up your 84 years old!i wish for a piece of cardboard
Granted, but you accidentally set it on fire.I wish I had a half-ton of thermite.
you get it, but a random house fire starts up and your thermite catches and you die.i wish that if i closed my eyes i would be invisible!
Granted but, whil you cross the street you sneeze and a car runs over you I wish for free admissions to every movie theater in the world
sure, but the only movies that they play are barbie moviesi wish that i could sneeze with my eyes open.
Granted, but your friends have to pay a higher price.I wish that time would flow backwards for one second every ten days.
granted you see a clock flow backward every ten days (you didn't think it would be the actual space time continuum did you?)I wish for skills
ok, but when time flows backward you lose all memory of the past 10 daysi wish i knew what the greater price was.
I you learn it and then your mind blows up from how mind blowing it is and you dieI wish i can beat chuck norris
you beat chuck norris, but it was on;y in your dream and you wake up to his fist embedded in your skull for dreaming such stupid things.i wish i could get a robotic head replacement
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