You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
Granted, you get his blood instead of the delicious drink. I wish for a candle that can never go out.
Granted but it burns your home down.I wish for an empty piggy bank.
Granted, the piggy bank is actually cursed to eat money instead of storing it.I wish for ten purple balloons tide to a pink balloon tied to a blue dog.
Granted, but you never got to see it. I wish for two lit candles.
granted,but they are as big as skyscrapers
You forgot to wish for something. I wish that I could sleep on clouds without falling through them.
Granted, but the sun still blinds you up there.I wish for some time to rest.
Granted, but the time for rest was thirty years and most of your life passed by. I wish that clouds were cotton candy.
Granted,but its old and rotten.I wish that world peace wishes were gone.
Granted. but then there was a nuclear war and the world endedi wish for an unbreakable,rotton piece of wood from a sewer that smells so bad that in kills everybody within a radious of 5 meters
Granted,but people are waring gas masks there days do to the nuclear war.U just ruined your own wish!
i wish,that you would change your armatar
Granted,but people are waring gas masks there days do to the nuclear war.
Granted,but it falls to the ground,gets covered in dust and becomes visible/dirty.
I wish a warp engine
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