You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
Poop.And I wish i had remembered to wish for something
Granted. Congratulations! You just created a time paradox!I wish I could use reverse-reverse psychology.
Granted. People now pirate you.I wish for a spaceship to be under my control.
Granted, but that wish doesn't get granted.I wish I wouldn't be a fish.
granted but you're an ant and i squish youi wish to know what is the last number of pi(i did that wish cause im bored
Granted. You now know that there's a chance of 1 in 10 for it to be 2.I wish for pedobear not to hide under my bed.
granted but he comes backI wish to cxtyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. huh? I wish to stop falling asleep on my key board
Granted, you now fall asleep every time you take a test.I wish for a transforming weapon.
Granted, but the weapon transforms itself into a teddybear.I wish for my computer to be faster.
Granted, it cannot take the sudden burst of fastness and burns out completely.I wish for a wooden staff.
granted but white ants it eat.i wish for cold magma.
Granted, but now you have to dig for 4 months with your trusty old spade to actually get to the magma
sorry i forgot to wish I wish i hade a satelite network !
Granted, but all the satellites are broken.I wish for people to be active when it's afternoon here instead of 22:00-02:00.
Granted, but your only active from 22:00-2:00i wish for an invisible friend
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