I know the cartoon of Pokemon is pretty bad but the games are great but you have to admit, a world where Pokemon existed would be pretty cool. Comments people? I'm not saying it should be like that, just that it'd be cool if it were. Also, feel free to talk about the games and asking for trades here.
Zoph, I know it's possible. . ..but I was speaking in terms of the games (they can't die in the games, but there's still a pokemon cemetery. WTF!?) and so it would be very dangerous, especially since there would be wild legendaries X_X
Existed? Existed! And the Pokemon universe was combined with our own?! Noooo!
*glare* No, not combined. If you were born and raised in the pokemon world. *glare*
it would be totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!1111
WHY?!!?1one - -
especially since there would be wild legendaries X_X
Now, there is a reason why they are called "Legendaries", aka people think they are myths. Yes, I am ignoring the "look, I have an Articuno as my friend, isn't it cute" from the series, because either the def of it all would have to change (legendaries are legendary versions of normal pokemon), or else there is legends, and then there is legends. There are regular pokemon in legends, but when it come to the "Beast of the Sea" I highly doubt there would be more than one. Because it is a destruction legend.
Wonder if Cen will take up his habit of bashing people posting here without thinking again...
i would grab a ak and shoot everything that moves,has cute japanese eyes and is nerdy,LOL!
Why would you act crazy? Do you just grab a gun and shoot at every animal you see??!
If pokemon actually existed, I would have everyone and I would sell them for millions.
Highly doubting that.
IF pokemon actually existed. There would be poke-snacks, poffins, pokeblocks ect. I wold eat them. Delicious and Nutritious.
Yes, there is various items named after pokemon in the pokemon world. It is a little scary, I think, but still rather cool. It is logic with the interaction between pokemon and humans, I guess.
If pokemon existed people who had very strong ones would go power hungry and wars would be even mor destructive.
Probably, but would the pokemon allow that? Pokemon are fairly intelligent (well, besides magikarp, I doubt it is anything but fail), and if their trainers act crazy, they will probably protest. The utopic portrait in the series is probably unlikely to be real, though. Humans are greedy, but hopefully the way to having strong pokemon also means you are a reasonable person.
If pokemon existed, I will get flying pokemons, water pokemons to produce water, fire pokemons to start a camping fire or something else and a really strong pokemon. I bet with those, my mom will let me go where ever i would want to!
The world would probably stop spinning, the planets o-zone and gravity would both vanish, and we would all float off into space while getting burned to a cinder.
I always thought of pokemon as somekind of freakish cartoon version of animals. So if pokemon existed, wudn't they just be some wierd mutated animals that you train to fight like fighting dogs and feed genetically modified 'okeblocks' to enhance their skills on somekind of dogshow?