I know the cartoon of Pokemon is pretty bad but the games are great but you have to admit, a world where Pokemon existed would be pretty cool. Comments people? I'm not saying it should be like that, just that it'd be cool if it were. Also, feel free to talk about the games and asking for trades here.
Aaah I haven't seen my thread in ages! It's grown loads never expected this much! Any establishments been made like someone added something new to say here?
If Pokemon existed, they would rule over us. Their super intelligent pokemon will become the leaders and the human race will cease to exist quite swiftly.
If Pokemon existed, they would rule over us. Their super intelligent pokemon will become the leaders and the human race will cease to exist quite swiftly.
True, but also because they have awsome powers :S Mmmm Pokemon Civil War
If pokemon was real, it would be animal cruelty! Forcing wild animals to fight against each other until one faints. Do you know how much pain you have to be in to faint? How can they show that on a kids channel!?!?
as any respectable person with a brain i'd cope with it and try not to make it a bad thing or invent lies about it or try to kill them off by going insane with a gun on them trying to make them go extinct and just live with it..but i would definitely get my favorite pokemon of each type (but only one of each) and train them well and have them till the day i die and as i'm on my deathbed thinking and and my life flashing before me knowing that they love me and that they'll mourn for me and hoping that the'll be able to live with it and as i've died i pray that the person that cares for them like i did and treats them with respect and i'll be happy watching over them and protecting them as they would have done for me.