ForumsGamesIf Pokemon actually existed...

495 87918
1,053 posts

I know the cartoon of Pokemon is pretty bad but the games are great but you have to admit, a world where Pokemon existed would be pretty cool. Comments people? I'm not saying it should be like that, just that it'd be cool if it were. Also, feel free to talk about the games and asking for trades here.

  • 495 Replies
309 posts

I herd you like mudkipz...

13,657 posts

"Go Mewtwo! Let's kill people!"

I herd you like mudkipz...

Spam and annoying.

And once again telling:
NOT if pokemon magically appeared in our world, but if YOU had grown up in the pokemon world, where you a) cannot find legendaries easily, b) will go to jail for killing pokemon, or letting pokemon kill for you.
3 posts

If pokemon existed in real life and you and all living people were born with it, many new things could happen

I have a special view on this:

Realisticly, a few pokemon would not exist, including all fire tipes (withstanding and creating self-combustion or basically making fire and not killing yourself with out wood, gas, etc) and all electric type pokemon that arent manmade (electricity cannot hold itself inside something unless it is fed on, only possible by human creation).Water pokemon's water power would only be traveling speedily in water. Psycic pokemon would be impossible in every way able to see their abilities.A handfull of others wouldnt exist either, but i dont want to take the whole page. The pokemon left would make life take steroids, making the danger, fun, and serious buisness all the more intense. Life would be changed dramaticly, although pokemon wouldn't control society, they would stand as an important pet and tool. Guns would still be used, but pokemon would join the ranks of other policemen and army members. Legendary types are all that is said: Legend. Many parts of the legend would be myth and religeon, rather than reality. Legendary pokemon that aren't of pure mythology would have many on their numbers, being the top dog of their areas.
Pokemon would be used as food.
Your good morning song would possibly be from something about the size of yourself.

Things would be different.

589 posts

we would all go to hell for pokemon abuse

9 posts

I would run around in New York screaming "Banana Slippers" while eating a corndog with a chicken hat on backwards.

This has nothing to do with pokemon...
I just like chickens.

BTW pickachu is cute...

11 posts

i would love my giratina

1,053 posts

NOT if pokemon magically appeared in our world, but if YOU had grown up in the pokemon world, where you a) cannot find legendaries easily, b) will go to jail for killing pokemon, or letting pokemon kill for you.

Claps enthusiastically. Yeah-what Cenere said.

Realisticly, a few pokemon would not exist, including all fire tipes (withstanding and creating self-combustion or basically making fire and not killing yourself with out wood, gas, etc) and all electric type pokemon that arent manmade (electricity cannot hold itself inside something unless it is fed on, only possible by human creation).Water pokemon's water power would only be traveling speedily in water. Psycic pokemon would be impossible in every way able to see their abilities.

Things would be different.

Contradiction. Duh things would be different. Also note that "If Pokemon existed" meaning that all pokemon would exist and like the second quote things would be different and not how they are, therefore, allowing such pokemon to exist and allowing us to be a far superior race to the one we are now since we have access to free renewable energy (whoop Pikachu!) and increased techonological advances due to the help and co-operation of Pokemon. Ninja'd! (I think)
130 posts

I don't think that co-operation among pokemon and humans would be so easily found, and that sooner or later they would be enslaved and/or involved in our wars.

5,875 posts

it would be awkward and crazyness

938 posts

this is my opinion:
A. If the pokemon world were as Cenere describes it, then I would be so happy!!! No wars, no massive homicides or killings, and fellow intelligent creatures!!! That would be absolutely fantastic!!! I'd choose this a million times over what I'm about to talk about!!!
B. Pokemon were suddenly introduced into our world. In the first week, people would be facinated by them, want to see them, and take pictures and video whenever possible. During the first few months, people try to catch them, and some prevail. Most go to zoos, but some are sold on the black market and other underground illegal trade organizations. People flock to see them, and the Pokemon are very scared and confused. During the first few years(maybe a decade, we'll say...)the Pokemon are exploited. They are tortured and people are very cruel towards them. The richest people buy them as pets, for it is now legal for them. The governments of Earth put forth millions if not billions of dollars for research on these fascinating beasts. Some radical groups even dissect them, to see "what makes them tick" as some people here say on the forum. In the second to last stage, the first 50 years, the Governments have found out enough about pokemon to make them war machines. They even genetically breed them to be angry and fierce towards a certain group. Their genes are built into that of an average human, making a supersoldier. The armies of good and evil make their way to every corner of the world, from New York to Cairo, from London to Tokyo, from Sydney to Los Angelos. In their paths are completely devistated innocents, both people and pokemon. The war rages on for eternity, and the humans and pokemon nearly die out completely. After that point, lets say maybe 200 years after, the population of Homo Sapiens has gone down to the lowest since 1000 B.C. The survivors try to rebuild their world, knowing of what could happen again. The Pokemon, being an intelligent group, realize that these humans are not as the others were. They help in the rebuilding of this new world of co-existance. The world is born over again, and humans and Pokemon are the parents(this brings us to section A.)
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Do you think I've made my point?

938 posts

also I think that my favorite pokemon to make and raise would be that cat that could turn into like 9 different things...I forget what it's called but it's BEAST. It can be all the elements and then the 9th thing is like PWNCAT or something like that...Not just for violence, but I am a cat person and I'd love a cat like that, any element I want it to be.

281 posts

ty, whimsyboy, for your incredibly insightful (and long) comment. agree completely in that pokemon in this world would be apocolyptic. however i think that it would cause religious problems as well. creatures running around with powers could be seen as demons.

4 posts

While the existence of pokémon would bring about the end of the world, I still want a Pikachu or Chamander.

210 posts

Then the army would declare war and kill them all.
Seriously, it won't be like in the cartoon. I mean, how would the police feel if a gyarados rampaged through a city? And remember, pokemon aren't invincible

Right like the world would allow the execution and extinction of over 500 species.
210 posts

Also my first/ favorite pokemon would be
A. If I got the ones from my game my espeon lvl 100
B. If suddenly introduced I would prob catch a pidgy first, and
C. If it was like that when I was born and prof.s gave rare ones I prob choose, chimchar, cause it sucks but infernape PWNS!

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