I know alot of people avoid thees posts about GOD and Heaven but I just want to know peoples oppions about heaven.Do you belive there is a heaven and if you do what do you think its like?
the only way to prove either side is to test it scientifically.
I would call that a phylosically fail. You cannot prove/disprove the after life throught science. Thats like trying to prove/disprove your/someone elses imagination.
I personally don't believe in it. Even if I did and would create my own religion and god. Then the after life would look more like...grand theft auto..but with like the world XD
If the "soul detectors" were real and souls were real, then we would have done it by now. However, I'm pretty sure ghost-o-meters aren't the greatest machines.
If souls are real, we'll have a way of testing such scientifically within most of the people here's lifetime.
As for souls going to heaven, that's a pure belief that will never be upheld nor disproved.... maybe.
sorry buddy, God wont ever be proven scienctifcally. He doesnt need to be, everything He's done is to help us get to heaven and to be good people and make the world a better place
bash me all you want, i used to many cliches, sorry guys lol
I believe there to be heaven and it is different for everyone because it is filled with all your hopes and dreams, the things you really want in life not what some other dude wants.
If the church wants people back.... it needs proof that their deity exists.
Exactly. Now, science is proving lots of things we couldn't prove when Judaism and Christianity became religions, and it is disproving many things that religions explain differently.
Hard to argue with that. If religion doesn't explain everything correctly, how can we trust it's explanation or beliefs of anything?
I don't think the most scientific proof of God would get many believing.
Nurvana you seem to be under the impression that most atheists take a hard immutable stance that God does not exist. This isn't so. An atheist doesn't believe in the Abrahamic God in the same way a Christian wouldn't believe magic pixies exist. There is no real evidence for either. So if sufficient evidence was provided then you would find many atheists believing in God's existence.
I don't think the most scientific proof of God would get many believing.
You know, here's the thing, if god WANTED us to believe in him, all he has to do is announce it. But no, he hasn't, just a few select people SAY they've been spoken to by him. If you showed me something that proved the existance of god, i'd believe it, unless it was some picture of a hand coming out of the clouds or something...
magic pixies exist
OMG, MAGIC PIXIES EXIST (Tells all friends/family that pixies exist and starts a cult)