I know alot of people avoid thees posts about GOD and Heaven but I just want to know peoples oppions about heaven.Do you belive there is a heaven and if you do what do you think its like?
Even though, that website is EXTREMELY biased. First of all, creationism and intelligent design are NOT based off of religion. Neither of them mention anything at all about God or Allah or what have you. Second, while theories may be generally accepted by the scientific community, that doesn't make them fact or law. It's easy for them to say a theory is true if they all believe the same thing. By the way, here's a little anecdote you'll probably find interesting. Anthony Flew was a philosopher who taught at Oxford. He was an atheist for over 50 years before becoming a deist. The most compelling argument that directed his decision was intelligent design theory, and that "the most impressive arguments for Godâs existence are those that are supported by recent scientific discoveries." This is an incredibly smart person that changed his almost life-long beliefs because of a theory. No one should say a theory is true or not, because there is no possible way to prove them.
However, it is a VERY heavily supported theory. Every single scientific study (millions, perhaps even tens of millions) about evolution have supported evolution. Not a single scientific study has gone against it. Most scientists (99.99%) accept the Theory of Evolution as a fact, just as if it were a law.
The Theory of Evolution has been proven by every scientific study about it, at least a 7-digit number.
No one should say a theory is true or not, because there is no possible way to prove them.
So when the Theory of Gravity was being proposed, there was no way of proving that?
Theories become Laws because they are proven my millions of scientific studies. ----------------------------
Also, I have a college-level book on Evolution which notes that the Law of Succession is "directly defined by the Theory of Evolution".
I'll take a picture of it sometime soon if you want.
The most compelling argument that directed his decision was intelligent design theory, and that "the most impressive arguments for God�s existence are those that are supported by recent scientific discoveries." This is an incredibly smart person that changed his almost life-long beliefs because of a theory.
The largest difference in this case is that the theory of intelligent design has not passed any measure of real scientific rigor in peer reviewed journals, unlike say, the theories of gravity, relativity, or evolution to name a handful. That's why it hasn't been accepted by the scientific community as a real theory; it's more comedy then it is science.
PPL PPL I alrdy said that but Heaven doesnt exist...when u die u die and thats it. Nothing exist until that is proven...get me some evidences that heaven (and reborn lol) is a reality...good luck rofl
He was an atheist for over 50 years before becoming a deist. The most compelling argument that directed his decision was intelligent design theory, and that "the most impressive arguments for God�s existence are those that are supported by recent scientific discoveries." This is an incredibly smart person that changed his almost life-long beliefs because of a theory. No one should say a theory is true or not, because there is no possible way to prove them.
I've heard a number of stories similar to this. It's nothing more then an urban myth.
You will also not find one credible scientist who actually who even considers Intelligent design as a possibility. The evidence and facts simply don't support it.
That doesn't make any sense. If a prove heaven exists "oof" there it starts existing. And then, you bring a counterargument and "flupp" it disappears. Aha, but I will bring a rebuttal "oof" there it starts existing again.
No, it either exists, or it doesn't and no amount of proving we do is going to change a thing about that. The interesting question is though, can we KNOW if heaven exists or not? And if we can KNOW if it exists, does it exist? I would say yes and yes to both questions, but that is on a background of believing Christian Theism to be true. Just remember, even if we cannot know, that does not automatically mean it does not exist
I've heard a number of stories similar to this. It's nothing more then an urban myth.
Lol. How about instead instead of talking out of your arse you actually do a little research.
Um , excuse me creationism is all about how God created the earth smart one ...
Um, excuse me "smart one," like I told the guy before this, do some research before talking out of your arse.
The largest difference in this case is that the theory of intelligent design has not passed any measure of real scientific rigor in peer reviewed journals, unlike say, the theories of gravity, relativity, or evolution to name a handful.
Show me one study that proves evolution. Really, I want to see it. Or the theory of relativity, or gravity for that matter. None of these can be proven, only supported. Same with intelligent design.
You people seriously are not getting the point. It literally disgusts me how many people in one place can be so single-minded. I have not once said any theory is right or wrong, just evidence. Because that is the point. Theories are NOT proven fact, law, w/e. Everyone so far has been so busy just trying to argue against me without even trying to back up their own statements, save a couple, and I commend you for that. And I do realize that most people here are 13 and just arguing from their parents' point of view, but still.
Show me one study that proves evolution. Really, I want to see it. Or the theory of relativity, or gravity for that matter. None of these can be proven, only supported. Same with intelligent design.
Are you serious? Do you really think that there is no evidence for gravity, evolution, or relativity?
Why don't you "instead of talking out of your arse you actually do a little research."
Oh. My. Goodness. I never ever ever said there was no evidence for any of those things. I just said there is not, nor will there ever be, enough evidence to prove them.
Oh. My. Goodness. I never ever ever said there was no evidence for any of those things. I just said there is not, nor will there ever be, enough evidence to prove them.
Gravity has been proven almost everywhere, on Earth, in Space, on the moon etc. After continuous evidence, gravity will never be proven?
Lol. How about instead instead of talking out of your arse you actually do a little research.
That seemed unnecessarily rube. If you think I'm wrong about it being a fake story then provide me with the name of this guy and I will look into it.
Oh. My. Goodness. I never ever ever said there was no evidence for any of those things. I just said there is not, nor will there ever be, enough evidence to prove them.
No amount of evidence will ever prove evolution, or intelligent design, or any other theory of how the earth was formed. There is evidence of all of it, but none of them can ever be proven. If you can't accept that, then I'm sorry for you.