I know alot of people avoid thees posts about GOD and Heaven but I just want to know peoples oppions about heaven.Do you belive there is a heaven and if you do what do you think its like?
Kris if somone does good deeds there WHOLE life but does not repent then sadly he will perish in the lake of fire
But a nun and baby murderer makes it in if he repents on his deathbed? So Hitler could be floating around on a cloud playing a harp but Gandhi is burning in hell? That seems mightily messed up.
It actually sounds like hell has nicer people and heaven is full of assholes.
Well, if Gandhi had been a christian, then he would. Christians, Muslims, Jews and the rest of the People of the Book would have to repent on Judgement Day, and be Judge by no other than God. Hitler commited suicide which is a really stupid sin, if you want to go to Heaven, and his sins towards God would not help either. Repenting or not.
i have no idea where you got that from. i am a muslim and we believe in heaven and hell. so do jews.
I think that is what is called misinformation. If they do not know Jews ans Muslims go to Heaven, and even think they go to the Christian Heaven "because it is the only/real one", then they do not know of other religions, and do not care to respect them. I have heard a lot of Boible verses, but what do the other religions have to say about Heaven? Please, Arkaninerenegade, would you tell us(me)?
I just don't understand how the fact that as long as you repent and love god you will make it into heaven. What if you went on like a killing spree killing random people, or a serial rapist or animal abuser. So no matter what kind of horrible things you do, as long as you repent you are still considered right for heaven? Sure I guess it depends on your views on whether or not those things are evil, but to most it would be. So basically you can just live your lives as horrible as you want, repent and go to heaven. It makes no sense whatsoever.
Heaven is nothing more than a gimmick which has been used only for violence and power. It has lead to the pointless deaths of millions of people who commited no crimes. It has been used as a pointless exuse for war and casting as well and has done much to blunt the progress of science.
Germany,1941: 6 million minoritys, mostly jews, were slaughterd simply becuase the die-hard Aryan, Hitler commanded it. Roman Empire: Jesus Christ was tortured and killed by the Hebrews and the Romans for his new beleifs Cruesader wars: Christian Knights and generals are sent in to the middle east to conquer and convert the arabs into chrisians. Spain, shortly after the fall of Rome: The Moores, a muslum people, tried to conquer Europe in a quest to convert all christians and jews to muslum. Mexico, unkown: Azetecs offer human sacrifices to the Gods to appease them. All of North and South America: European Conquerers come with a bible in one hand and a rifle in another and kill countless natives.
The beleaf in a Heaven has done nothing but start hatred and cause fear among the masses. And no matter what, it has always demanded more and more blood. Even today, Arabic Terrorists fight to rid the persian gulf of non-muslum people. So long as there is a heaven, there is blood.
Heaven hasn't created this. It's our free will, and stupid thoughts that total domination of a religion is the right, is what causes this.
The Crusades occured because Constantinople was in danger. Back then, your armies were of all one religion, so they say, the "Christian army," and Muslim army."
Know, they fought for Constantinople which at that point is a very strategic place to have control of. Since it is on a strait, sea trade is perfect, and the sea can also serve as protection. And if you can't go through there, you have to go WAY out of the way to get around by going north and then west.
mmhmmhmhmhmhm. . .bahahahahahahaha! I personally think that heaven is a normal place, only we must still pay for the sin that we have already commited. Until our sins are torn to pieces, the heaven for us is a red paradise filled with your worst horrors and certain types of punishment from which sins we did. We would think that death did not come, and we would want it so very desperatly. We would be in hell incarnate, knowing all truths and going temporarily insane. My motto in life, my ultimate motto in life, "Peace does not exist."