I know alot of people avoid thees posts about GOD and Heaven but I just want to know peoples oppions about heaven.Do you belive there is a heaven and if you do what do you think its like?
Know, they fought for Constantinople which at that point is a very strategic place to have control of. Since it is on a strait, sea trade is perfect, and the sea can also serve as protection. And if you can't go through there, you have to go WAY out of the way to get around by going north and then west. while that maybe true, they still used heaven as an exuse to go to war, and it spured up much hatred with in social ranks. Its was hard for a Christian to attend the funeral of a deceased muslim simply because it is a muslim funeral.Who knows what would happen to that guy who decided to attend? They could kill him.
No people who are athiest or jewish or buddist do not go to hell if they are good people...They would be termed misguided and when upon death when they are asked to finally believe in God...Then thats when if they say no I wont..Thats when they go to hell
Trust me its said so in christian bibles...You dont go to hell for not believing in God..You go to hell for evil.
And after just clarifying that I just wanna say I really dont like God..I may think hes real but I think he must be some twit to cause so much misery to good people >.>
No people who are athiest or jewish or buddist do not go to hell if they are good people
Just correction, at random: Jews go to Heaven. They believe in God just as much as any Christian or Muslim or Katholic. Buddhists would, if they are good buddhists stop reincarnate, or if they did not live exactly like they should, they will be given another life as a lesser/higher being. Since an Atheist does not believe in God, they do not believe in a Heaven nor a Hell. Therefore they will be - dead after dying.
Since religion is a matter of believes, so is the definition and way to Heaven.
Well, when people talk in here about heaven good for you (I personally don't believe in such a place but that's besides the point) Then we have those people talking about hell, I know it is related to heaven but if I remember correctly I thought this thread was named "Let's talk about heaven" Anyway... does anyone know the levels of hell, If we are to talk about it?
Flag No people who are athiest or jewish or buddist do not go to hell if they are good people...They would be termed misguided and when upon death when they are asked to finally believe in God...Then thats when if they say no I wont..Thats when they go to hell
First off, I'd like to say that even good people do bad things.
Trust me its said so in christian bibles...You dont go to hell for not believing in God..You go to hell for evil.
In context to the first quote (highlighted the parts I'm reffering to.), Are you saying that non believers, and believers of other religions are evil because they refuse to believe in God? Self contradiction does not make good arguements.
It is not misery HE caused its people who put misery on themselves.God gives them a choice.
So why does God not stop it before it happens? Show them their errors and bring them happiness.
Hes a bit of an idiot to even make people evil..-.-
I guess God himself isn't as perfect as most thought him to be. Or perhaps that he has/had absolutely nothing to do with us. And to interject my personal opinion, that he simply does not exist.
To believe in Heaven is to also believe in Hell. Honestly, I don't think it's worth living in a place where there is even the slightest chance of ending up in Hell.
Well, the God known to most weatern people gave human free will, so He is not making human evil, just giving them the traids to either be good or evil (or most commonly, since we are human, something in between).
I think it is wrong to say that a person not believing in God, or believing in another religion like Hinduism, would go to Hell, or would be "asked" by - God to repent. Believing is the major part in this. If you belive in something, then it will probably be the thing happening (at least in your mind). Since we do not know how it will be, there is no reason to think that God/Allah is the one true god, or even the only god. That is why there is no true Heaven or Hell. It all depends on the believer.
pedsdog about the thing about god being perfect, it says in the bible God is the alpha and omega the begining and the end.God is perfect, God has never sinned= perfect.
pedsdog about the thing about god being perfect, it says in the bible God is the alpha and omega the begining and the end.God is perfect, God has never sinned= perfect.
Perhaps, but I must point out that I posted that in context to the post I quoted. Also, that bit in the bible about God being perfect, well,it is simply a belief, just like the religion of which he derives.
there is no God get over yourselves, it is all the illusion of your forefathers
I couldn't help but laugh at this for a bit. I posted in another thread about how almost everything is turning or has turned into a 'religion.' The non-believers being called Atheists and that non-belief reffered to as Atheism. (Christians;Christianity, Buddhists;Buddhism, etc.)
Communist, I'm assuming that you are Atheist. Correct me if I'm wrong. But the reason I laughed is because some religions (mainly Christianity) try and convert others to their religion. By posting what you posted, Communist, you are effectively trying to convert the believers into not believing.