I heard lots of talk about AOW3 coming out a few months ago but Still know game. Does anyone have any info about this?
Ahh. Age of War 2 is still in development so if there is even going to be a three then it's probably a long way off.
Number 2 isn't even out yet..
I love the first one. I spent awhile playing it when I first saw it. If a second were to come out then that would be a great game.
Like sodis said why did you make this thread, number 2 isnt even out yet!If your gonna make a thread like this make it age of war 2.
You guys I think he meant 2, but by mistake hit 3.
Yeah your probily right .
there should definetely be an age of war 3. Even though i haven't of Age of War 3
I think who ever posted this just pressed '3' but meant '2'
well i think aow 2 should hurry up and come out 1 was amazin so i would love to see what #2 would be like
I also think that they should hurry up and pump this game out because yes #1 was amazing and 2 will be better
yeah age of war 2 going to be amazing
was gona say didnt know there was even a second one lol
He didn't accidently hit 3. The title is 'Age of War 3' and he wrote 'Age of War 3' in the topic also. two mistakes? nahhh
I hope it is harder than age 1
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