I heard lots of talk about AOW3 coming out a few months ago but Still know game. Does anyone have any info about this?
I've played Age of War 2 once. It was a demo though. I'll try to get the link.
Age of War was hard, if you played in impossible mode.I like playing in normal though I really hope it has more ages...
[b]Does any body even know when the second one is coming
I found some pictures and Informations herehttp://images.google.hr/imgres?imgurl=http://www.interactive-pixels.net/images/03.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.interactive-pixels.net/index.php%3F2009/05/22/49-age-of-war-2-back-on-the-table&usg=___0hr7lg9pqibiH5i26DBb5AdfVQ=&h=313&w=470&sz=153&hl=hr&start=14&tbnid=8MluBFpmi6lOAM:&tbnh=86&tbnw=129&rev=/images%3Fq%3Dage%2Bof%2Bwar%2B2%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Dhr%26sa%3DG
Hmm, looks cool. Personally I wasn't a fan of the first or second but... maybe this will surprise me!
I don't get it... The second one has come out?
I know! But people are saying it has!!!
You speak da truth.
Wow looks like a fun game.
I think he deleted picturesso all age of war 3 pictures on google are leading to my topic, very nice
Here are more pictures of Age of War 3, I hope you like my topic
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