I heard lots of talk about AOW3 coming out a few months ago but Still know game. Does anyone have any info about this?
I don't think there's gonna' be a third age of war. Sorry.
AOW 2 is way beter than the 1st. there is a third coming out, i hope it's beter than the 2nd! ^_^
hey guys age of war 2 is already out just go to maxgames.com and play it
number 2 is out on max games
no age of war 2 just came out give them time befroe they make another one....age of war 2 is on a different gaming website though
did anyone upgraded the turet in the caveman base?i didwhat does it look like when its fully bulit?i only made it to the second level.its like this:____\\ / \\/ /\\/__\\(made of wood)
I didn't really see much of a difference between 1 and 2...
Number 2 is out, so i wonder when number 3 is coming out too.
where can i get games like that but for pc...like download??
for yodadude53 age of war 2 is only on max games you probably played a japanese version of age of war 1 called age of war 2
wait dude... age of war 3, already wow.
Age of war was beastly, I must have played it a hundred times.
ummm im pretty sure age of war 2 isn't even out yet so how are you talking about age of war 3 already
I never heard about a third one but the first two are awesome. BTW, I finished age of war 2 on highest difficulty.
I love how this thread is '08 and still no progress.
Thread is locked!