I heard lots of talk about AOW3 coming out a few months ago but Still know game. Does anyone have any info about this?
Age of war 2 is a little difficult at first but if you set up a good strategy you can make your way through and beat the cheasy com!
ive play aow2 but never 3
Isn't war of ages practically just AoW3?
i think everyone is confusing army of ages and age of war yes there is an age of war 2 and no there isnt an army of ages 2
sorry no info on age of war 3 i just like the game i dont believe it will be ut anytime soon though
i been waitn 1 and half year for game
Well i hope AOW3 comes out in like a month.-Legend
Seiously, why cant you people look at the page right before you... Age of war 3 wont ever come out because of legal problems with max games.Here is the link to the articly about it.
Age of war 3 wont ever come out because of legal problems with max games.
comon ware iz aow 3 problebly in a few months
Did you bother to read my link? It will tell you why there will never be a age of war 3.
Thanks for the link Tom. Looks like there won't be AoW3. But it is better to not get in legal trouble. He's doing the right thing. So, I guess...R.I.P-Age of War?
he technically made an age of war 3 except it's called Army of Ages.http://armorgames.com/play/11789/army-of-ages
Well that sucks. AOW and AOW2 was awesome. Pity there never will be a sequel.
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