Multiplayer, air units, super awesome things, what do you think the developer is, god? I loved AOW 1 and 2, and I hope that AOW 3 will come out, but I'm sure it won't be like that. He'd have to work with many people that made nice multiplayer games, probably, as I never saw him make any. And he shouldn't even make another at all-He has a life to live. He already made 2 great games, don't get mad if there's not a third. Let the man live. Maybe make a game he wants to make, also, not just the same type of thing.
AOW 3 wont be coming out ever. Thanks to, they threatened to sue the creator if he made another AOW game for anybody but maxgames. If you don't believe me, go to his web site.
Louissi signed a contract with Maxgames that gave them rights to Age of War for a few years, when the years were up, Louissi wanted to make one for the phones but Max Games said they had complete ownershio of age of war becuase the contract was permanent, Louissi ended up with no more Age of War so instead, he remade the series into Army of Ages
Hopefully Armor games isn't as corrupt as Max Games, I'd hate to have Army of Ages end up just like Age of War.
Can't you read? That's Army of Ages, not Age of war. Age of war got Legal issues and can't be made anymore all thanks to Max Games. Did you even bother to read the post right above yours or any of the other posts here?
Army Of War just came i out i played it today and it was very fun..but your guys come out on there own...its a little bit differant than the other ones but its still fun. The only downfall is there isnt to man ages...there is..the caveman age..mideval...umm another i forget the name lol & present day then the future..then its just kinda free play until you finally get to the alien base and destory them..but its boring to wait