Hmm... lets take a guess here.People exist like maybe 2million years or 1/4 a million years ago. But how about many people die?There were wars,sickness kill,murder,accidents,people got drown,burned to death,die of hunger,die of cancer but anyway how much deaths on earth? I say like 50millions people.
Believe it or not, the estimation I heard was that throughout history, only 14 billion people have ever lived on this earth. So with 6 billion alive today, that would mean 8 billion have come before us. Remember that even though there were plagues and wars and such, the world wasn't quite as crowded as it is now.
Believe it or not, the estimation I heard was that throughout history, only 14 billion people have ever lived on this earth. So with 6 billion alive today, that would mean 8 billion have come before us. Remember that even though there were plagues and wars and such, the world wasn't quite as crowded as it is now.
Number who have ever been born: 106,456,367,669 World population in mid-2002: 6,215,000,000 Percent of those ever born who are living in 2002 5.8%
These numbers are based upon calculations of how long humans have been on earth (since about 50,000 BC) and the average life expectancy through that time (which was at some times as low as 10 years old). Here's a link to the article discussing this problem.
Modern humans have only been around for about 200,000 years. But I say that it would definitely be more than 50 million. We already have billions of people on Earth today. And while our population growth has been largely logarithmic, I think we have definitely had enough time over the history of man to accumulate in the billions of death.
Geologic history tells us when modern humans arose, and a simple search in the internet will tell you the current estimated population of people on Earth. I have learned about population growth, evolution, etc. in classes.
It's very hard to give an accurate prediction. It's like trying to estimate the number of blades of grass on the earth; the closest guess might be off by a factor of 10. In the past, humans haven't kept very accurate records, if any, of who was living. (We can assume that anyone who lived, died.) It depends on what you classify as human, too.