There's a reason sex offenders are made to register and have a sign in their yard that they're sex offenders... like I dunno... they're statistically highly likely to be repeat offenders maybe? Do you think that people who receive a slap on the wrist for what they've done will stop doing it? ...rapists, serial killers, pedophiles, etc? Funny thing about those kinds of people is that they can have lots of victims and then get caught... let them go and they'll revert back to it. ...or maybe the crap I hear about in the news is just crap... I mean they do lie about a lot of stuff.
Lol... what was that earlier... no punishment.. just rehabilitation? What is punishment? I'd think that punishment is anything you subject a person to b/c they did a crime in order to deter/keep them from doing that crime again. Rehabilitation is part of the "unishment."
Because they're people, and people are normally granted nice things. Why should their past wrongdoings change that? Why does committing a crime make anyone deserve to suffer where it hurts no one?
and for the being granted things like tv's and sofas bit. pffft. I've never been given a free tv or sofa. I've never even seen people giving them out. I've witnessed natural disaster relief where people would help out their friends, family, and random people... but those things aren't "rights." You earn them. Granted? a communist society where everyone is given the same thing by the gov't, maybe. What you are allotted during your prison sentence is a privilege, not a right.
A child molester/rapist who found his victims on the internet should totally have internet access... b/c people are are "granted" internet access. He should only have a small sentence too. During this "rehabilitation time" he should be allowed to chat wherever he wants to chat on the internet. ...and he should have complete privacy. I mean other people are granted privacy would be a grave injustice to him if we didn't allow that. That's totally a cruel and unusual punishment.
There's something about luxuries that I'm not sure you understand... they're not necessities. People have happily lived for thousands of years without these "luxuries." Lets outfit these jail cells with the same stuff you'd find in a luxury hotel honeymoon suite. ...b/c that's not a step up in life for the vast majority of them (and most people) or anything...
Do you remember that thread about the riots in England? Well... I'm going to use those little children from some of the sources used in that thread as examples. The bleeding heart liberals, like you Xzeno, said they needed to be "rehabilitated" and the punishments were basically free food and field trips in hopes of rehabilitating them. The sources I read said it was completely ineffective and solved absolutely nothing with those child criminals. What would you do then? Brainwash them somehow? ...cuz that's what it's going to take to rehab these individuals. But I would think you'd be vehemently opposed to that. Unless you're going to constantly fork out the money to buy them free stuff and pay people to observe them 24/7, then they'll just leave your field trip and go steal something else.
What are you going to do about the individuals that get their jollies off of the fact that what they're doing is illegal and hurts people? It's exhilarating to them because people say it's bad and/or the sight/actions of torturing their victims is why they do it... yea... wag your finger at him and tell him to just be better.
The death penalty doesn't deter future related episodes
probably b/c we kill like 20-30 people a year in the US... and even then I might hear about 1 or 2 of them every other 5th blue moon. If you don't publicize it then it isn't going to deter hardly anyone. ...but public displays of punishment of that nature is bad right? ...then again, I don't care to use it as a deterrent for other people. I think it should be reserved for the most dangerous of people b/c they are legitimately dangerous and liable to do whatever they've done before again.
If people wanted to make it so that child molesters had to have a giant scarlet M tattooed on their face, then I'd be all for it. D: "but they have the right to be normal people!!!" ...yea... totally.. and by that I mean no, not at all. I also agree with the signs they have to keep in their yards and the ability of everyone to look up the addresses of those people so that they know where they live. They should've thought about wanting their privacy before they did what they did and proved that they were a threat to the people around them... "what if they've really changed D:!!!???!?" What if they haven't? You aren't just risking you and yours' healths/lives. You're putting everyone else's children at risk. You say that they have a right to "liberty"... doesn't the very same document that gives them that "right" give the surrounding people a right to "life" as well? I mean... it is one man's liberty or the lives of those his liberty threatens... That document did say "life" first in the list(this is a USA exclusive argument). It's funny how their not caring about other people's lives still should ensure their full liberties, lives, and pursuits of happiness. Apparently its just as much an atrocity as killing them to subject them to anything as punishment for having destroyed the life or quality of life of another person(s).
Lol... I can't help but restate it. It's funny how the action of taking away some perpetrator's liberties and luxuries is worse than them actually having killed/hurt someone to begin with... or even the very real chance they could do it again.
"Why should a murderer be made to suffer?" ...<--- cause that's such a travesty and all. If and when they've committed certain actions they have forfeited their rights to certain things in my eyes. If you take into consideration that there might just be no afterlife, then they've destroyed one or more peoples' one and only chance at life. Incarceration without in cell flat screen tv's and sofas (which the tv's and stuff would basically be a reward (a plus) for killing people) is still better than what they deserve.... You're telling me that tax dollars need to be used to outfit jail cells with luxuries that normal people don't even have all of...? In the extreme cases, I think that torturing/incarcerating these people affords them the one luxury they don't deserve to have... life. I don't care if all of the jail space in the world is free... If someone has done something terrible enough, then hang their rights and hang them too while you're at it.