well no because when fresh water enters the ocean it disrupts the natural order of the oceanic currents. And it would increase the oceans water size so many areas would be flooded along the coast or river lines. and for the guy who started this topic why would we just wait till the next ice age. so we could all wait for 100s of years and maybe live through.
I belive in global warming, but peolpe are to greedy and selfish to stop polluting and become more nature efficeint.(im talking about major comapnies worldwide not a single person)
notataco is right. The ocean circulation relies on a delicate balance of salinity and temperature. If the salinity changes, then the temperatures will not be as constant. They have geographical evidence of what happened the last time that so much fresh water was released into the oceans: it completely shut down what we call the Great Ocean Conveyor belt and ocean circulation ceased. Atmospheric conditions rely heavily on the ocean, so when the ocean shuts down, the atmosphere is driven all out of whack.
Have you seen The Day After Tomorrow? It is basically that, except it will obviously take longer than a day too happen. But as far as the effects on weather and climate, it is a pretty accurate representation of what we can expect if the ocean is inundated with too much fresh water.
Let's just hope Al Gore uses his superpowers of internet-inventing and saves us all :P I don't really care if global warming is happening or not. I won't be alive to see the effects. We just haven't been recording data like this for long enough to really understand macro-climatology. Yeah, I just made that word up.
Global warming will happen, even if humans die out. We just came from an ice age, and it is obvious that our climate will slowly heat. BUT, we should not speed it up. That is what humans are doing. People need to keep global warming down as much as possible until the next ice age. We can already see the effects of El Nino on our environment. It is happening more often.
I think it would happen in 50 or a 100 years but it would happen slowly and it would be a serious dissaster to California and other states or countries that are next to the oceans.
I know this stuff..... in every 10,000 years the earth is swiching with venus which is the cause of hotness, good thing that it might last for 6 years plus watch out the ice age is coming 78 years from now.
I would suggest you all read the latest GIEC report, made by 2500 scientifics and experts of the climate
I found it here//www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/index.htm
i'm currently doing studies on climate changes in correlation with man's activity, and during my courses i got to read this very long report. The evidence is there, plain: our planet is getting warmer and warmer every year. They have three schemes for the next 30 years: the worst one says that the average temperatures will increase by 6°C, and the most optimistic statuate that Earth's will increase by only (which is still a lot) 1.5°C. Nobody in the scientific world dares to deny global warming.