Ahhh yes, the IPCC! You are right, no scientist would dare refute global warming. The evidence is plain, clear, and unbiased. From the scientific records it is simple: Earth is getting warmer, CO2 levels are rising. That is just a fact. Whether you believe in global warming or not, these records are a fact.
BTW, I personnaly never heard about Earth swapping with Venus and it's foolish to think tht it could do so
Think about it: venus' average temperature is of 465°C, and if Earth took Venus place, it would mean that our temperature would increase by...well... at least 50°C (and this is the minimum) The difference between venus average temperature and ours is 450°C!!!
So I hope earth will never swap with venus
Also, we can't actually buid an antigravity satellite, because we just know too few about antigravity
Well, there are one Kind of Scientist who tell around that Global warning is a Myth: Those who are under control of the Goverment and the bis Componies.
And I bet that 99% of the Studies that say global warming is a myth are paid by big Componies or the U.S. Goverment.
Im realising myself that here in Austria it hardly snowed in Jeahrs.Except in Winter 04, where there were tons of snow. We need to stop it now, and heres how we gonna do it:
1.We get rid of Bush, and any other Politician, thats controled by the big Componies
2.In the EU theres a plan for charging some Componies for their Co2 emissions. We need to do this now for everyone, and on the entire world.
3.We close all Cole, Gas, and Oil powerstations in 20 Jeahrs, and replace them with Sun, Wind and Waterpower.This will do far less Damage to the Industrie, than the Global Warming.
4.We develope Hydrogen Cars further, and use more Cars, that drive with electricity.
5.We dump some of the CO2 in the ground. No, im serios theres acctualy an EU-Project running about this.We could pay it from the selling of CO2-Certifikates(see point 2), and from higher taxes, from much CO2 emmiting cars
And for those who disagree with me: ERRARE HUMANUM EST!
there is another theory that its just a carbon peak that happens every x thousand years which causes the world to warm up and the caps to melt... but most people disregard that
Global warming is natural. It happens every few ten thousand years. What we're doing is just speeding it up. George Bush turned down the kyoto protocal which stated that industrialized nations would lower their greenhouse gas emmisions by 5.2% below their 1990 emmisions. Countries that ratified the kyoto treaty agreed to reduce emmissions of six greenhouse gasses including: carbon dioxide, nitrus oxide, methane, sulfur hexaflouride, HFC's and PFC's. George Bush declared in March 2001, that the u.s. would never sign it. Most of the WORLD has signed this treaty but we unfortunatley have not yet and maybe never will. But if we ever do, it will lower greenhouse gas emmissions by a lot because we (U.S.) are the world's biggest poluter. I hope my country can come to some sort of agreement or else we're gonna die.
Oh and the venus swapping with earth idea is a stupid idea.
oh wow, why do people keep bringing this back to the top? Weird. But I might as well put my opinion, of course...
Global Warming is a natural process. However due to the increasing use of vehicles, deforestation, water wastage, and more. The process has been provoked and is moving at a faster pace than it would near naturally. As humans are going to cause pollution, it is inevitably going to speed GW, the concern is not the fact that it is happening, but how fast it is happening. Mankind is reducing the forest lines every day, without trees, the Carbon Dioxide is becoming an overflowing surplus, one we do not need. The balance between CO2 and Anti CO2 Agents is upset. As for my opinion and how it fits into this speech is another thing, while I do not exactly agree that we must stop global warming, which I believe is highly improbable anyways, we can at least keep it slowed close to it's natural pace.
thechosengecko, car emissions are not the #1 cause of hastened Global Warming, it is actually Deforestation, as I have explained why above.
This treaty to reduce Greenhouse Gases, even if signed, is nearly impossible to fulfill. The laws we have now are broken, only 1 out of 10 people average are aware of Global Warming. Most don't care about it if they do know. A law say forbbiding a certain car that uses a certain amount of gas will obviously be broken, cars are tuned for illegal races, they will certainly be tuned for more gas usage to go longer distances and still to race illegaly. Houses might be lawed as well, people are not going to listen if they can only have their heater to a certain amount, or can only watch a certain amount of T.V. It will make a small differance, but people who disagree with, purposly break, and don't ccare about the laws and requirments for this reduced amount. Along with the car note, many people don't believe in electrical cars, as they believe they can short circut and die on the road and therefore would never use one, same goes for water, the all famous trash fuel, and the 'flying' driven cars.
lol, that was a lot and I hope this all makes sense, and I don't care if anyone really agrees, I just thought i'd state my opinions like everyone else!
Carbon cycles are natural in the environment. But they have never reached above about 280ppm. We have pushed it up to 380ppm. If we keep using fossil fuels the way we do, before we know it we will be up to 600ppm. That isn't natural.
I read a few posts from people saying that there are scientists denying global warming. I never heard a real scientist deny global warming, it would be foolish of them as the evidence is plain. What they deny is MAN's RESPONSABILITY: they say that it's natural and that we should'nt do anything to prevent it.
also, to add upon what carlie said, I would suggest you read this (or at least look at the graphs): http://www.manicore.com/anglais/documentation_a/greenhouse/anthropic.html
they are taken from a fiable source, the (once again^^) Giec reports.
It is going to be more than a few penguins. Humans will feel great effects too. Also, global warming is mostly the fault of humans. Why should an animal have to take the heat (no pun intended). When the polar ice caps melt, or the earth starts getting hotter, humans will feel it.
MutantOnion, how can you say this! Even if it were only them, it would be terrible!
You're a selfish and stupid person. When you have this few to say, and such useless speech, I would advise you not to talk at all!
And anyways, human will soon be affected. In South America, the glaciers of Cile and perou are melting. As there's not much rain there, the local polulation depend on the water provided by the glaciers to survive. If the glaciers disappear, they will have to leave. This is only a case and there are many others I could quotate to show you your stupidity.