i believe in it and i say pollute mor drive more cars and build more industry we have so much destroyed on this earth since now so lets destroy it all and us and reset it so the earth gets a new chance to get really healthy again without humans aand theircrap the've done
Oyger6, we try to keep the debates in this forum clean, respectful, and also intelligent. Thus far your posts in here have had no support for their conclusions. If you have nothing to seriously contribute to this topic then please stop posting in it. Until then, I will filter your posts that are like the one above.
Ralph Nader! He will solve global warming. Kinda. Or atleast give us a look with his slightly odd, kinda creepy, really old dog eyes and convince us he can.
In my opinion, most of what is happening is due to a planetary cycle. But I am sure we are not helping at all, so hydrogen powered cars are in like flin. And other helpful stuff.
Thanks Asherlee Obviousliy, he didn't even read what we responded to his previous post. How sad to see that there are still people who refuse debate and discussion They don't even understand the concept of these kind of threads: to share and express different points of views and to bring forth evidence of what you say
That is right. 90% of us can calmly and respectfully display our views, and even come to realize that someone might show you a different aspect of something. I have learned a lot from posting here. It is those bad seeds that get me worked up.
oyger if your gonna say something untrue and just stupid please do the following: 1. support ur ideas with facts 2. give an example for what ur trying to say 3. or just not post at all
Oyger, my point is that please post something with substance. We all try to get our vierws across, but with support. Please try to explain why you think gloabal warming is fake.
oh global warming is real alright but dam polluters keep on f***ing up the f***ing place > i would place an energy conversation act or something. dam global warming. think of all the polar bears and artic foxes and not to mention it penguins
I think it is a bit late for countries to act now. It is individuals that will have to make the difference by living more "ecologically" many countries will refuse to diminish CO2 emissions, because they fear it would cause a recess in their economy, and I think that those who are ready to pass such laws won't find it fair if the others don't don the same. I fear that no country will act...
It is our duty to act, so TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTERS NOW cause the production of electricity pollutes (lol)
BTW, I won't turn off my CPU because I live in france and we produce electricity via atomic power^^(no greenhouse gases)