While the CO2 level is rising, the temperature is not rising as fast as it has in the past. I believe this is simply because it hasn't had time to; geological changes take thousands of years, and we've only been a major contributor to global warming for a little more than a hundred years. We are seriously contributing, but the Earth is slow to change. It takes far longer to change everything than many global warming advocates will say, but the changes WILL occur and we WILL be a major part of it.
Global warming or no, we each have a responsibility to not screw things up for others. Small things can add up.
Convenience store a block away? Walk instead of taking a vehicle. You could use the exercise anyway. Do you really need those lights on? Thinner people don't produce as much heat, so don't need the thermostat set so low. Putting your trash in a waste bin instead of tossing it out the car window won't kill you.
Lol, when I lived in Missouri I had a bunchah shops around me [Lived in Chesterfield] I usually would walk.
Sadly, for the majority of people places that have millions of people need their cars, SERIOUSLY. For example, I live in Houston, TX. In harris county, either its the government or the republican party of whoever who designed this city they did kinda a crappy job. You hasta drive for anything.
Also, I agree were contributing.
In truth, its VERY small in the grand scheme of things, but its getting worse.
But to what Megamickel said I agree with him, There aren't many places you can see natures beauty these days without having to pay loads of cash for a trip to some reserve or place thats very beautiful. Specially in America. I mean, I had a wood near me along time ago, and when I went back to it in the same city 5 years ago, It was all littered and smelly. Really horrible.
I dunno, I just think that the trash and gunk we make isn't disposed of properly, and nature is paying for it. I mean, some places in the world the Air is so bad you lose years of your life. VERY sad.
global warming is being caused by pollution and greenhouse gasses... (duhh) it is causing holes in the atmosphere(duhhh) you can stop it or slow it down by planting more trees and riding you bike(duhhhh.. and im only in grade 7) ~Zarzima~
^I'm not going to ride my bike 30 miles every day to get to work (I live in a small town but drive to a larger town to work... that is, before I quit >_>. That's just too much and it would take far more time than I have, what with school and everything. Riding your bike everywhere just isn't practical. You're not really adding anything to the discussion, just flaming everyone who doesn't agree with the topic. I'll agree that the CO2 we produce DOES have an effect, the massive levels that we have produced still haven't had the massive effect that they're predicted to. Give it time, though. Geological changes take TIME. And that's why people don't notice it - it takes place over such a long period of time that we don't even realize what's happening.
To tell you the truth, the amount of tree we cut down is emence! If everyone on the planet planted one tree THEN MAYBE, just maybe we would be making a diference. I myself have planted over a dozen trees, and i hope to influence more people to do so.
Does anyone think that maybe global warming is just a natural course of the earth? I just thought of this, I don't really have any info to back it up though