My opinion on global warming is that it could in fact be a bad thing and that we might need to cut down on all this pollution BUT i think the famous people we got supporting have no right to talk i mean these famous people get to these talks via there private gets and limos that are extremely polluting and they come all this way to lecture us. that just really ticks me off
GameStealer, this is the 3rd time that you post a comment that has nothing to support your point of view in it. Please, bring some arguments to support your thesis. Why do you think that global warming is fake?
Based on the Nat Geo article not too long ago, it seems to me that our efforts will probably never be enough to return us to our natural state of warming. The kinds of sacrifices it would require JUST in the U.S., not to mention worldwide in places like China and India (which produce a lot of the pollution that accelerates warming) would go against economic progress, which we all know is everyone's (read: gov't, world bank) top priority.
Which is why I suggest we make solar panels for everyone!! :P
All of you: Go watch "An Inconvenient Truth". I don't care if you don't like Al Gore, do it now. If you really can't stand him, pretend it's George Bush. Because when this hits (and it will hit hard) no Bible will protect you, no government can save you. If the average global temperature rises 2 degrees fahrenheit, then the sea level will rise 20-30 feet.
I refuse to listen to any argument anyone has on this subject unless they back up what they say with proof. Watch AIT and still have an argument against global warming and I will, as an added bonus, actually respect your view. That graph is from AIT. The red line is CO2, the blue is average world temperature. See how the blue line follows the red line? Now look at the red line on the far right. The first dot is where we are now. The second one is where we will be in 45 years. Allow for the time delay between CO2 levels and temp levels, and imagine where we will be soon.
You say that the temperature and CO2 levels fluctuate normally, over the millenia? Let me tell you how far back that graph goes:
Six hundred thousand years is the far left of the graph. That's 600,000 years. Homo Sapiens didn't even exist then, according to evolutionary timelines. Thanks to the wonders of ice cores, like tree rings except longer lasting (about 600,000 years of retrievable data in those), we can tell the CO2 content, temperature, etc. of the last 600 CENTURIES. True, these things fluctuate, but we've already broken a record that lasted longer than we did. And it's going to happen in our time, but even if it didn't, are you so heartless to push this on to you children's generation.
Your Bible/Torah/Koran will not work as a flotation device. Neither will Bush or Cheney.
Global warming is indeed happening, though it is most definately NOT totally created by humans. Erupting volcanoes produce an equal to or greater amount of Co2 than every man-made industry. Not to mention the OUTRAGEOUS amount of co2 giving off by rotting animals, and every dying vegetation.
Furthermore, the ocean is so massive and deep, it lags behind global warming by 500 years, basically meaning if it increased somehow 1 degree tomorrow, 500 or so years from now, the ocean would be 1 degree warming. This means only things poking out of the water will be melted, etc. And since, usually, a large portion of icebergs are submerged, the whole thing would not melt meaning sea levels would not rise SO much.
Finally, there was a time period about 200 years ago called the 'little ice age'. It was basically the exact opposite of what's happening today. And 500(ish) years ago was the Medieval Warm Period. It just proves that the Earth's temperature is ever changing, atleast, now.
The temperature flux is already greater now than the medieval warm period, and that other ice age you were talking about. Plus, we are already past any natural flux in the last 600,000 years, as I said in my last post. So a good deal of it is due to us.
I was just about to type then I saw the first post ad read it and realized that was basically what I was gonna say soooo......I agree with the dude that started this thread.
*whips out shotgun and blasts everybody who disagrees*
Sorry, I just need to vent.
All these posts that say, for instance "Global warming isn't a big deal because it's gradual." are completely wrong, and the only reason these people haven't figured that out yet is because they've done no research of their own to figure it out.
I AM SO ------!!!!! You people make me want to ------- scream!!!
I want to know where you got the drastic fact that sea level is rising 30 FT because of 2 degrees. Because, Buddy, Some days it does hit over 2 degrees, antarticas "Warmest" night has been recorded. So, by far, 2 degrees is no drastic measure, just a bit of heat and freeze on the main tip. If it started being 66 Degrees Average instead of 64, who'd care? I'm saying this isn't drastic, it doesn't seem drastic, people were meant to change the world, we already have. A mini natural flux won't kill it.