why does this need to be related to religion? this is a WORLD EVENTS section not a religion section also global warming is what is supposed to cause the next ice age which should be in late 2030's plus the temperature is actually going up insane amounts if you think about it. if the earth continues to heat up as it is (which it won't its actually going to get MUCH worse) and say it goes up a degree per year that will start to accumulate and will probably kill most life eventually because most life cannot addapt this heat quickly. Not much is going to live through the insane heat we are putting it through and if another ice age does come then that will shock every living thing and surely kill it.
I don't think there's any debate about greenhouse gases or global warming. The debate comes in when we consider whether or not it's human presence that is causing the global warming. There are many other explanations with just as much evidence, so I'm not sure that the CO2 has that kind of impact. Besides, the most effective greenhouse gas is plain ol' water vapor - the presence of which humans had nothing to do with. Oddly enough, car companies are trying to make cars that only emit water vapor, which does seem to be a bit silly since it is more effective than CO2.
How about this? If you don't believe that human activity is causing global warming can you at least agree that we should be doing everything we can to reduce pollution? We do kinda of need this place so we have somewhere to live, air to breathe, and food to eat. Need a moment to decide? Ok, you sleep on it.
Armed_Blade, 2 degrees Celcius is a very big deal. Granted, the sea level won't rise 30 ft. just because of that. But the temperatures do keep rising, and there WILL be a sea level rise as a consequence.
Also, 2 degrees can have a pretty drastic effect on the distribution of the natural habitat of different species. I have looked at some studies recently looking at the distribution of organisms on the coastline where I am living right now, and they have found that colder water species keep moving northward. This is because the waters down here are getting warmer, and to stay alive at their optimal temperature they have to move north, or die. There are many species that are contrained to a very limited temperature range. 2 degrees Celcius can be a HUGE shift for those animals.
Dunno, I mean, it just seems akward that any species is so limited to enviorment. With such a small range, I'd figure a little warm summer for no reason should kill them off. :P
The internet is the death of everyone. The games keep you alive. XP
Anyway, I'm sure it'll keep going up, but I'm highly doubtful that it'll effect HUMAN lifestyle very often. I'm pretty sure the animals will have trouble, and I would rejoice at the fact that the world is going non-coal and non-gas. But... I don't think thats happening. I hate pollution and I'd love for people to lower the amount of crap we throw into our world. I just dont' believe sea levels will rise 30 feet, and I'm sure if animals were adapted for survival 2 degrees north may be hard for their area, but moving isn't that bad. Right? o.O I dont' get it, its like they're designed for extinction, not survival.
Either way, I just don't think that in the next 30 years or so we'll have cracked Earth into half.
"According to the 2004 Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, climate models project that local warming in Greenland will exceed 3° Celsius during this century. Also, ice sheet models project that such a warming would initiate the long-term melting of the ice sheet, leading to a complete melting of the Greenland ice sheet over several millennia, resulting in a global sea level rise of about seven meters."
global warming will cause the ice age dumb ass! we'll all freeze to death, in 50 years a glacier will push new york into the middle of the ocean, its proven!
I think we will go into the next ice age but possibly when the Earth heats up again humans will die. So when the Earth goes into the ice age only stupid rats will be left!
Don't worry about Artic Ice caps melting, it won't effect sea levels. The Antartic is worse, but "global warming" will cause an ice age. "Global warming" is fake.
More people fear thah North pole more than Antartica. You can see mapped sattelite descriptions, the North pole each summer loses a large quantity of its ice, and then regains it back in the winter. Each winter [I saw this super cool speedy movie] Its gaining back less. I dunno, I think its just natural cycles of the earth, After all, Back in Science class when we were learning about the Dino's and those old continents they never said anything about Ice Caps on the north and south. >.>
Obviously, the artic is an ice cap, and has no land. When it melts, the water will not change. The antartic has land under it, so it would raise the level of the water. That is freshman Earth Science.