I was not trying to burn you. I just don't like people who view the world as opinionated. Also, more of the respected members on here would follow what I am saying.
Yes, I am not sure if I am one of the "respected" members, but I do follow what you are saying and agree with you on most things. There isn't two sides to this topic. Global warming, or 'global climate change' for those of us in denial, is a noun. It's a thing, a proven series of environmental changes. One, or a small series, of things cause it. We can all get on board with what those things are and try to reduce them, or we can sit back and say, "well screw it I will be dead in a few years anyways and I don't care if my kids have kids because they will die in the ice age anyways."
There is no doubt that our planet will run out of the nonrenewable resources like coal, oil, and gas. It will happen. But if EVERYONE did their part like recycling, using less energy, ect. we can delay that from happening and develop suitable alternatives. Check out these sites for some interesting recycling facts.
We need to do more than just buying high- end lightbulbs. recycle, walk to your destination if it is close, and watch your water usage.
I know that but think about all the energy we would save if everyone switched. This needs to be a world-wide change though. We need everyone to take part but that is impossible since there are too many lazy people that don't care about the future.
I've seen numbers stating that 75% of Americans recycle. I don't believe this for one second. I then found out that it was a phone questionaire asking somwhere around 2000 people if they recycle "something" in their households. i bet most of them don't recycle at all but to keep their conscience clean they lied about it. i would guess that 40% people recycle "something" and about .02% of people recycle everything (not everything but glass, plastic, paper).
I personally do not believe in global warming but I do believe that we should do things to help mother Earth. Al Gore did everything we could to help out and we should follow in his footsteps!
Lol hah. Lets get to it. First we gotta get richer and then become corrupt all the other rich folks. Then we can drive our 100 Jets over the sky. And well pain them green and put green neon lights to spread the word!
And I'm talking about all our jets!
Oh dont forget the green neon lights on our awesome big mansion that cost $10 billion which we should of just donated so they advanced our technology and find new alternative resources.
I've seen numbers stating that 75% of Americans recycle. I don't believe this for one second. I then found out that it was a phone questionaire asking somwhere around 2000 people if they recycle "something" in their households. i bet most of them don't recycle at all but to keep their conscience clean they lied about it. i would guess that 40% people recycle "something" and about .02% of people recycle everything (not everything but glass, plastic, paper).
Well, most people recycle cans and bottles because they get money for them. My family recycles all of those. We also recycle water bottles even though they are not worth money. They may make water bottles worth 10 cents for each deposit in Michigan!
Drace, no no no! All we have to do is just recycle and use less things that cause pollution. That is how we can stop this "global warming" crisis. Then we can start doing other things.
global warming is a myth to scam people out of money all gore is an idoit that thinks he can rule the world, he has a bigger enery footprit than 3 houses combined