Hmm, though this might be a blend of natural courses and human being human, I still think that humanity should take responsibility for everything it does. We have the brain and the curiousity, but do not want the responsibility coming with intelligence.
Why do people think it's a myth though? Why can't people see what's right in front of them? Because they don' want to take responsibility? If so what babies you people are.
Global warming is just a nice way for politicians to line their pockets with taxes. A few years ago we were apparently exposed to be heading towards an ice age. The planet's temperature and climate will change over time, it has for millions of years and it will continue. It got warmer since the last ice age and I highly doubt that cave men and sabertooth tigers were driving big ol' SUVs and polluting the air.
We realize that the Earth goes through it's natural courses of heating up and warming down; it's the fact that humans don't have a way to handle it now that we're an established civilization and not hunter-gatherers. It's not easy to change an entire global infrastructure when the environment changes.
Not to mention that if global warming were happening at a normal pace, it should have taken hundreds of years for the environment to get to the point where it currently is. Instead of taking centuries, it's taken decades due to carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect.
well even to you people who cant see the info thats right infront of you, is it rlly that hard to try and help the environment. Or are you just so lazy that you'd rather sit in front of your tv, and eating nachos until your the size of your sofa??? Im sry but I honestly beleive that global warming is coming faster than you think. Just wait till 2 summers from now, when your standing on your porch sweltering in the +55 degree weather...
Well, I'm all for trying to help the environment, but the idea that we're causing the earth to burn up is just a farce. The average temperature in the US peaked in 2001, and it has been decreasing ever since...
Why do people think it's a myth though? Why can't people see what's right in front of them? Because they don' want to take responsibility?
There are a number of reasons, it is pretty much the failure and lack of interest in taking up the responsibility, because if we ever do admit that we're helping Global Warming along faster, then the Eco-Friendly signs/laws/processes/ect. will flash up in an instant and we will be required to change our ways, the ways we've been doing for a long time, which is why it's so hard to get people to wake up and smell the roses when they've been getting up and turning on the T.V. their entire live, metaphorically speaking, but like all my metaphors, I cannot translate it, that magic is beyond even my own power.
Okay, I have a site dedicated to this issue so I might as well educate you all.
For all you unbelievers:
1. It is more than 90% sure that humans cause global warming. The skeptics used to say that global warming was not even real. Then, evidence came out and it showed that global warming was real. Of course, the skeptics then said humans have no effect on the global climate.
2. Eleven of the last twelve years were the hottest ever recorded since the 19th century. Don't you think that is some pretty good evidence humans do have an effect on the global climate? I mean CO2 in the atmosphere has risen 35% since the pre-industrial era.
3. No doubt, the Arctic is getting hit hard right now. Montana's Glacier National Park only has 27 glaciers versus 150 they had in 1910. People don't seem to care about the environment because it is not affecting them.
4. The global average temperature could rise 3-11 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. It will most likely be at the higher end since all scientific models have underestimated so far. People in cool areas may like the change but imagine the elderly and homeless in already warm areas.
I have many more facts on my site along with some great tips. We may be the generation that won't see the worst effects but we are the generation that must change so our children and grandchildren can live healthy lives.