also due to the warming of the earth, the methane pockets trapped in the melting icecaps are being released which caused a spike in the API (air pollution index) in 2007. many of you may argue that "there is no global warming, because its been freaken freezing and snowing in april" that maybe true, but the cause of the intense change weather is global warming/air pollution/ holes in the ozone
actually a Serbian Geogropher said that if the earths axis is more than i think ....15.5 deegrees that its global warming and if under 15.5 deegrees ice age.. (im not sure for the deegrees(im not sure how to write it neither...))
Grr. I hate the term "global warming." It's climate change, not global warming. If you think about it, the term doesn't even make sense all the time. It's not just getting warmer, it's also getting colder in the winters. It's temperature extremities.
Anywho, climate change is happening, though like it's probably been said before, it's a natural occurence in the Earth's cycle. I'm pretty sure it's because of the axes of Earth leveling out. Eventually, they will regulate and go back to normal and we'll be able to get on with this.
@ dragonball05: global warming just happens to be the from of climate change everyone is most worried about, so naturally it gets the limelight! it's effects include melting of the icecaps, damage to various habitats etc, so maybe that really is what people are talking about when they say global warming.
@ pixie, i agree that CFCs are horribly harmful to the planet's protective ozone layer, but it isn't ejected to cool the gasses, it is kept inside pipes as a cooling agent, like in a fridge (they used to be used there too, until we realised the harm it does when releeased) the main issue with them was use in aerosol cans which quite obviously release the gasses all over the place!
also, did you know that water vapour is a much stronger 'greenhouse gas' than CO2? interesting fact! back on topic, i agree that the claims of humanity's impact on this process is greatly exaggerated! there are definately areas where we have messed up, but i think this is indeed a natural cycle...personal opinion, not stating as fact
There's an entire industry based off of global warming right now. Fuel efficient cars, energy-saving light bulbs, and really any research into efficiency or environmental protection is generating a large audience. I think global warming exists, but it is exaggerated by the media. Facts like "If we keep up our rate of greenhouse gases, then all polar bears will be dead by 2050" seem to be made for the sole purpose of scaring people into feeding the green industry. I'm not saying that efficient things are bad, though; they have numerous other benefits.
err yea that water vapour!! as well as the less concentrated invisible water vapour we're breathing in and out all the time, which is pretty much a constant in the environment, based on your area's humidity ;D
Global warming is a gradual change in temperature over time that has really nothing to do with humans. It can be due to many reasons, but one that's coming off the top of my head is a theory that heating up and cooling off can be due to the increase and decrease in solar spots.(there's many others) Not to say that humans don't have ANYthing to do with a decreasingly healthy environment. The way the media and people like Al Gore(which he makes money off of scaring people with Global Warming) makes Global warming sound is way off base of what is really happening. Hybrid cars? Psh, how do we as the consumer really know that those cars truly help the environment, governments and car companies lie for a profit.
...I actually have nothing to say to this. irockownage, if you really believe this is a myth to make money, then you must be ignoring the insurmountable amount of evidence for Global warming.
is a little bit uninformed, i do agree that there is a possibility that we have nothing to do with it, and there are alot of people makin money from it :P though i do not think that was the purpose of this 'myth's' invention!
@orion732 what evidence? have you actually looked at any satellite temperature charts? Did you know that some of the temperature reading are incorrectly placed and don't get accurate readings? And also that the satelittle reading companies adjusts those charts also? Anyone ever heard of nucleur winter?
Global warming is a gradual change in temperature over time that has really nothing to do with humans. It can be due to many reasons, but one that's coming off the top of my head is a theory that heating up and cooling off can be due to the increase and decrease in solar spots.(there's many others) Not to say that humans don't have ANYthing to do with a decreasingly healthy environment.
The temperature of the earth has remained relatively steady for about 1800 years. Then we get the industrial revolution, start emitting vast amounts of C02 and other gases into the atmosphere and it jumps up like never seen before in earth's history.
Of course humans have a negative impact on the environment. Global warming aside, overpopulation causes vast numbers of problems, desertification, over-fishing etc. At the current rate of consumption of resources, humans as a species live unsustainable lifestyles.