ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
13,657 posts

The line of colours twisted even more, trying to keep in order as well as getting free, it seemed. A struggle.

"Oh, whatever. Let's attack!" Pazx shouted in a very unninjaly way. He and Garrow drew their swords, looked determined at each other and charged at the Golem. "You can't attack... a golem... Darn.." Dingsley looked eyerolling after them. "Actually it seems like a good idea!" Phil exclaimed, and he and Jack both rose and ran as well, leaving Bob with his sandwich. "I wanna come, I wanna come!" Charlie shouted, racing after, followed by Delairi who tried to stop him, unsuccessfully.
"Armatures..." The alien looked after them with an annoyed look.
In the meantime both Bob and Dingsley had followed the attackers, one because he did not want to be left alone, the other to try and not get them killed. Azu rose from the sand and trotted after, simply because he wanted to see the breaking of bones better.

Pazx chopped at the sandy limb of the monster to no avail. It did not even flinch. Did not react on the attackers, did not blink with its empty eyes. The Lady paid no attention to the beings attacking her soldier. They could do nothing.

Sasquatch yelled out as the last slip of colour disappeared into the monster. Yeti just felt.. sad. Very sad.

"Is that Orlestat..." The ninja stared at the piece of blue entering the whirl.

4,196 posts

Noooooo....they are all done forrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!

*sends cookie*

Well Done Cenere...

13,657 posts

*looks slightly nauseous* At least it got done before my incredible evil headache got worse... Yes, I am having a headache again. Yes, I have taken my meds...

706 posts

So, Cenere, What is going to happen to Strop in this? I mean he will have to die, right? But anyway, good writings. I find myself always anticipating the next part. I like how the story is coming to an end. I just hope they beat the golem somehow.

10,816 posts

Azu rose from the sand and trotted after, simply because he wanted to see the breaking of bones better.

Uh, not that it's particularly important at this point, but I feel the burning need to point out that Azu is blind xD

Also I just remembered, I have no idea what I had in mind for Orlestat o.o I thought he was running away or just lying low or something...but who knows!
13,657 posts

I just hope they beat the golem somehow.

You cannot beat a golem.

Azu is blind

Weeee.... Another fail to my list of "Cenere sucks".... Yeeahhh....... *sits in corner and waves little black flag*
10,816 posts

You cannot beat a golem.

Well, since you're writing the story, we'll leave dealing with the golem up to you :P

Seriously though, the Azu being blind isn't a big deal- it's not OOC to want to be closer to the action (just not seeing), and besides Klaushouse didn't even make it to the MWT, so there are no real details on him.
13,657 posts

Well, since you're writing the story, we'll leave dealing with the golem up to you :P

Aw, come on... Don't you know anything about golems?!! *realizes the degree of nerdyness, drops topic*

Seriously though, the Azu being blind isn't a big deal- it's not OOC to want to be closer to the action (just not seeing), and besides Klaushouse didn't even make it to the MWT, so there are no real details on him.

I never got a refsheet either, did I...
Oh well, better use today on something else than sitting in front of the computer, as the weather is fine and... *yawns, curls up in bed again, with the curtains drawn*
4,196 posts

I say then we make the Golem destroy itself...hmm...Make it eat Strop...

706 posts

You cannot beat a golem.

Or can you? It depends on the type of golem. In many golem representations, killing the controlling entity will stop it. As will breaking the link connecting them. Of course, you may have golems that are not like the ones I am thinking of, and then I am probably wrong. Of course, golems themselves are only as strong as their material and/or master (sometimes), and you can definitely easily destroy a wood golem by lighting it on fire. A stronger, metal golem can still be thwarted by immense heat. Of course, then you have magic golems. And adimantium golems. You can't kill one of those. Of course, just to piss you off some more, I am going to use a quote here:
the golem's clay hide.
(from page 165)
A clay golem? Pah! Any mage of decent skill could either blow it to bits or snap the link on as weak a golem as that. Of course, seeing the other entries again,

The Lady laughed out loud as she felt the grab around the soldier tighten, making her able to lift it by its own force.
Get it up! The cold voice ordered, and she did so, giving the soldier the strength to rise from the sand where it had been forever.
The name is the strength. The voice told her. She knew it very well, knowing what the control through a name felt like. And by naming this reality after the reality that once were, she had created the reality again. And by calling for the soldier, using its name to control it, she made it rise, could give it life.

The group stared at the monster rising from the sand. It had the same colour as clay and sand, the only colour different from this was its eyes, eyes a dead grey colour, empty of life. Cold.

I can see where your golem draws its strength from. And why you can't defeat it.

Drawing from all my experience, I have figured out how the golem might possibly die. I have several theories.
1. Someone finds out its name, and its power crumbles (unlikely)
2. Sasquatch steals the power of the bell peeper back (unlikely)
3. They kill the Lady (somewhat likely. A bit too orthodox for the epic ending I am expecting)
4. Some sort of power that is greater than the lady gives the warriors hope and strength to fight more, and they crush the golem with their new power (No. Just no. Please, don't do this)
5. They destroy the entire universe somehow (very unlikely)
6. They manage to convert the Lady to their side (unlikely)
7. A new character appears, and totally own the golem. (unlikely)
8. The fighters make another golem to fight the Lady's golem, and the "good" golem wins (likely-ish)
9. The fighters manage to suppress the power of the golem long enough to escape. (likely)
10. The fighters escape, but not without a few losses/casualties/people left behind. (most likely)

Well, that's all I have to say. Of course, now at the end of typing this I see the title &quotossession" again, and get really angry because I hadn't considered that. Oh well.
13,657 posts

Or can you? It depends on the type of golem. In many golem representations, killing the controlling entity will stop it.

Not classified as beating the golem. I am well aware about all that, just like taking out the command from the master would stop it, or removing a letter (Jewish golems, anyone?)

A clay golem?

Slash sand. I am not quite sure what it is made of, but it do look earthish.

1. Someone finds out its name, and its power crumbles (unlikely)

Kai know it!! Oh, wait, Strop almost killed him...
2. Sasquatch steals the power of the bell peeper back (unlikely)

Bah, it is just a matter of a paradox going right. Or something.
3. They kill the Lady (somewhat likely. A bit too orthodox for the epic ending I am expecting)

Good luck klling the godesslike being > >
4. Some sort of power that is greater than the lady gives the warriors hope and strength to fight more, and they crush the golem with their new power (No. Just no. Please, don't do this)

Don't worry, I'm not trusting the contestants to have that much power.
5. They destroy the entire universe somehow (very unlikely)

Would say impossible.
6. They manage to convert the Lady to their side (unlikely)

Corrupted by death...
7. A new character appears, and totally own the golem. (unlikely)

8. The fighters make another golem to fight the Lady's golem, and the "good" golem wins (likely-ish)

Problem here is that the golem was not made by the Lady but was there in the first place, in the memory of a world. And those people are not likely to do something like that.
9. The fighters manage to suppress the power of the golem long enough to escape. (likely)

But where to escape to.
10. The fighters escape, but not without a few losses/casualties/people left behind. (most likely)


Let me see, last chapter said Laws of... refering to the laws of reality.
Like "You cannot take magic" (The Lady did that, so f the universe) "it has to be given" (Hello mister golem)
"The power/control lies in the name" (Kai know this all too well)
and so on.

Nice post, though. Knowing you know little about the universe this is happening in.
Facts: The Golem is alive due to two things 1) it's name, 2) the death magic.
And it does have its own power.

And so on, but I am tired, and I might spoil something.
706 posts

Jewish golems, anyone?


Slash sand. I am not quite sure what it is made of, but it do look earthish.

Well, The classic clay/sand/earth element golem would be the weakest type of golem. Except wood, which is horribly lame for a golem. But anyway, this earth golem would be destroyed easily by a large explosion from inside of it, or by a large force of water, or merely over time it would lost too much of its structure to maintain its shape, if it was locked in a prison of some sort (that could actually contain it).

Nice post, though. Knowing you know little about the universe this is happening in.
Facts: The Golem is alive due to two things 1) it's name, 2) the death magic.
And it does have its own power.

And so on, but I am tired, and I might spoil something.

No! Please! Spoiling something is good!

So, anyway, therefore there are a few things I can see now. For the sake of everyone else, I won't mention them. At least, not here. And one last thing. When I said escape (working from my limited knowledge here. I don't know what happened to the characters' respective worlds) I meant go back to where they came from, by finding some sort of artifact/magic that lets them go back to where they came from, but it takes time. So some of them die defending the artifact/magic user.
13,657 posts

Well, The classic clay/sand/earth element golem would be the weakest type of golem. Except wood, which is horribly lame for a golem. But anyway, this earth golem would be destroyed easily by a large explosion from inside of it, or by a large force of water, or merely over time it would lost too much of its structure to maintain its shape, if it was locked in a prison of some sort (that could actually contain it).

Good luck trying to make it explode. I think it was done once, when it just got back together, and stared at the poor guy.
There is a whole lot of sand, the only one controling water lost her magic.
Time, well, again, it is a memory...
But yeah, spoiling is not good.
706 posts

Good luck trying to make it explode. I think it was done once, when it just got back together, and stared at the poor guy.

So this golem has been used before. It probably has much history, and is probably reputable. It obviously serves a wizard other than the Lady, but (s)he is probably long gone now and the Lady stole his/er golem. So then, the golem is going to have a lot of enemies from the past. Probably all strong wizards.
Damn, but those guys need a necromancer.
There is a whole lot of sand, the only one controlling water lost her magic.

But that would work? Interesting...
So one person knows its name, but is incapacitated (dead? I can't remember.) They could wash it away if they had water, but they are in the middle of a wasteland. The golem has been used before, and is currently not being controlled by its original maker. Therefore, they must find the golems maker and kill him/er! I've got it! But of course, what if it was made by a golem? That seems impossible, due to the nature of golems, but it could happen.

I swear, with every one of your posts (part or not) this gets more interesting. Good job!
13,657 posts

It probably has much history, and is probably reputable

Nah, mostly old books about the world itself. It has been used three times. The last time to stop (or try to stop) the madmen that ruined the city.

So one person knows its name, but is incapacitated

Dying, it seems. Unconscious and breathing shallowly. He knows his history, though.
They could wash it away if they had water, but they are in the middle of a wasteland.

Yes. And there is no natural source of water other than themselved. No water underground, no lakes, almost no humidity.
The golem has been used before, and is currently not being controlled by its original maker. Therefore, they must find the golems maker and kill him/er!

Impossible. Unless they find a way to do the same as the Lady did. I doubt they have the knowledge to do so, since again, the only one familiar with the universe itself is half dead.
But of course, what if it was made by a golem? That seems impossible, due to the nature of golems, but it could happen.

Would be scary. Very scary.

Probably all strong wizards.

Hmm, the original world was not a magic one, though there was magic related rituals, making it semi magic. The persons making the golem where known as craftmen, if anything.
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