ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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13,657 posts

This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
10,816 posts

Abscess? Not cool >: Will that require surgery?

At this rate it seems like a good idea to cull the member list down to would also make the game much much more manageable.

8 members make the cut? This way those who aren't sure they can make the commitment will be able to bow out somewhat gracefully.

13,657 posts

Yeah... So this round, and the next round for adjustments...

Oh, and the date for last entry is moved to ... Sometimes... Sorry Thoad, but people seem to hate this thing atm..

9,434 posts

W00tsicals, I finally finished the writing off... Now for the drawing...
But anyway. Enjoy, and sorry for being so late with this, Cenere.

____________________ Arrival; Ezale ____________________

Shimmering lights. Starshine. The pleasant fragrant smell of spring blooms, and the comforting feeling of resting next to her love.
Ezale was dreaming of peaceful things, soothed by the purring snores of her beloved mate, who she was curled up next to. They lay sleeping under the flap of their master's tent, not a worry in sight.

The grass whispered softly, gently touched by a night breeze. Wafting into her dreams like the lullabies her mom had hummed. But suddenly, all the peaceful things that wove her sleep was disrupted - they stopped, her subconscious vision blurred out by darkness.
Her eyes flew open, only revealing more blackness, and - a blue flicker?

She stared at the blue light while it slowly took the shape of a humanoid.
What was this? Where was she, what kind of a creature was in front of her?
Getting to her feet, she stared at the blue light being as it fell into the form of a humanoid - a slim one, faceless, or the face obscured by a mask.
It raised its head, looking in her direction, but seemingly not at her. She took a little step backwards, raising her ears.
The figure sighed, then started talking with a tired male voice.
-I greet you;- The light form flickered slightly.
-Welcome to this test of - abilities. This world will most probably make you cry for your mother, no offence, but if this not make you go crazy or make you cry, then... You have no humanity. No sense.-
She blinked at the figure, unable to see how it spoke. It - he turned his head to the side, the sound of a deep breath coming from him.
-The first to enter the tower is the winner. Before you can do that, you will have to take care of your opponents, in one way or another.-
Opponents... There must be other creatures dragged to this place, like me; she thought. But why...
The apparition turned his head in her direction again, this time seeming to look straight at her, making her take another cautious step backwards into the foreign darkness.
-If you want to live, then do not enter...- The voice was cut off. The hologram flickered, then he disappeared completely, leaving her in thick darkness.

She noticed she was shivering and fluffed her soft green fur to keep her temperature and feeling of safety more stabile, turning her head to get a better view of the blackened out surroundings. High above her a dark stream of deep blackish blue appeared to be some sort of sky. She couldn't see far along the street, but decided to just start walking. Could not be any worse than just staying in the eery darkness...
A few minutes later the alleyway she had been following led out into another, slightly broader, but very similar one. It had dim lampposts every so often, giving just enough light to give it the look of a city, but not chasing all the shadows small creatures could hide in away.
It was right about this place... I will go crazy if I have to be in this environment for too long... Why am I even here, I should be with my mate...
She began running down the street, hidden in the shadows. Hoping nothing else was hiding in front of her, watchful, ever watchful... If there were creatures who wanted to fight her, she would be ready...
But this is about getting out of here. Getting home.

5,642 posts

Oh, and the date for last entry is moved to ... Sometimes... Sorry Thoad, but people seem to hate this thing atm..

yeah I know, oh well, maybe I can juice you two so that I'll have a headstart >:3. Lol.
@zophia, cruel, cruel irony.
9,434 posts

What, that I finish one off right after Cenere states the deadline has been made fuzzy? I still have my drawn entry to worry about, so whatever suits Cenere is fine. I'll still try to get it finished tonight, though.

5,642 posts

lolk, I thought it was somewhat Ironic though, lol.

13,657 posts

You know, Thoad, I am thinking to kill off the ones missing. I know Klaus and Kingryan is working on theirs, and Zophia is too. But the weekend is busy for me, and if the entries have not been submitted before Sunday, or more likely, Saturdar evening.
Hopefully you can wait a little.

I like it, Zophia~

Okay, general question: is two weeks too long time for this? I know some have not submitted yet, but that might be because of the lazyness?

2,301 posts

Personally, I would like a one week deadline, and it might help people get it done on time.

9,434 posts

I actually agree with Xzeno... Two weeks means time to forget the deadline. On the other hand, I really needed the time here...

Nah, I agree. Only once have I not been able to keep a deadline here on AG. I think.

2,301 posts

I actually agree with Xzeno...
You say that like it was a bad thing...

But yes, I find if I am given two weeks for anything, I will ignore it until the last moment. One week gives people enough time.
13,657 posts

The two week thing was because I did not want it to interfere with many of the other contests here, thus giving people more time. But as you have seen, most throw something up here after a day or two, and then wait.
This way, the Tournament will not take too long either. Hopefully we can be done by the time Strop is leaving.

4,196 posts

I also agree...I have more time now that most of my schooling is finished for the holidays...(I still have to go...but no real work...)..

I'm almost done my Charlie entry...


4,375 posts

Yeah, course I am scary like that...

*Pops out of no were giving cen a big bear hug trying to avoid her fist of startelment*

heheh. Anyway's, i just through like the last five pages.......hell, i was soooo sicked for tommorow! o well, I can wait...AGAIN!
10,816 posts

A one-week deadline?

Hm. That's actually not good for me. I won't have enough time as it is and I was planning on drawing 20-page chapters for each round (in the style of what I'm posting on my own thread atm), though I could possibly compress that slightly...either way I'll be disrupted as I travel on the 13th, Christmas stuff will come up and after that I just won't be on, meaning at most I have about 3 working weeks left in me.

That doesn't quite seem to be enough time to finish the MWT, assuming I stay to the very end. But it very well could be...

If I draw 3 pages a day and put my current project on hold, I might be able to make it.

13,657 posts

*cough*her*cough**evil stare*

Hm... Hard choice then... I need sleep.

Good you are finishing up, Kingryan.
And since I know nothing about Esuna, I will probably make the charas... disappear.

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