ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
5,642 posts

hey kingryan, I think the digitally remastered one isn't quite as good as the other. lol.

5,642 posts

*looks at skater and thoad* *has very very wrong thoughts, all because of skater* Righhht...

13,657 posts

Fuzzy deadline, right?

As he opened the doors to the great room, he noticed a slight, odd movement, but when he looked again, there was nothing. He looked at the female, her back turned at him, little movements of her gown catching his gaze. .You are late.. He nodded, thought he knew she could not see it. -But I did what you wanted from me.-
She turned, her shadow flickering, though there were no light. He frowned behind the mask, but walked closer, his commitment to her and the Government stating he was her servant through this. .We need to test them. Cut open your wrists..
He stared at her. .Cut them open.. -Ma'am, blood magic is not legal...- The boy slowly shook his head, taking a step back. .You are not the one to tell what I can and cannot, little boy. Now, do it. We have not got much time.. A knife rose slowly from a nearby table, floating through the air, stopping before him. He lowered his head, shivers running down his back as he took it.
Rolling up his sleeves he closed his eyes. The knife was sharp, cold... The blood warm.
His head felt lighter, and even though all the mechanisms kicked in, he felt rapidly more dizzy. In a moment of panic he flickered and disappeared from the room, interrupting the creation of another being, leaving the last on the row only half finished. The multieyed female yelled out, but the child were gone. As she finished and sent the beings away, she looked out the giant window. .Stupid child..

1 Phill, Bob & a Jango

While the three friends wander around in the eerie streets, the alleys and streets seem to broaden, making the feeling of a maze lessen. It seem more like an actual city, and to both sides empty stores can be seen. It is less dark, but the heavy sky above them is still like a lid over the city.
Still it seem less dangerous. Of course this is not true. A darkness similar to the one that took them here, appears a few yards away, and a blood red creature walks out, red slime dripping from its jaw, and a hungry look in its eyes. And it have seen them.

Challenge: Defeat the blood monster.

2 Orlestat

The damned city seems to never end, but after some time the narrow alleys change to broader, more comfortable streets similar to those of a bigger city. Stores filled with stuff, dirt and a lone newspaper. Still no other than him, but at least there seem to be no enemies either. Except the feeling of being watched by someone far away, and the luring dangers hidden in this unknown universe. A slight snapping sound is heard behind him, and something big and red flies over him, its beak making a sound much like bones breaking. It looks hungry and wicked.

Challenge: Defeat the blood monster. Orlestat should be able to use the sky as arena, at least for now.

3 Dingsly

After another failed attempt to find a way out of the maze like streets, the buildings seem to part, and a fresh gust of wind lifts his cape. Empty but broader streets lay before him, so different from the claustrophobic darkness behind him. Dingsly's stern gaze examine the stores and streets before him, then chooses to wander down the broadest one. "Arhh..." That sound behind him. He spin around, staring into the wide mouth of a monster. The space inside the mouth seem empty, like a black hole...

Challenge: Defeat the mouther.

4 Sasquatch, the summon Overgrowth & Yeti

Still trapped in the darkness (you should have moved:P), the lamp posts around them begin to flicker, before dying out. Even after Sasquatch summon his flaming bell pepper, the darkness was heavy, almost pressing. The flames never made it easy for them to see the surroundings. Even worse, a gurgling sound cut through the darkness. In the edge of the light, a massive figure can be seen, its skin shinning like fresh blood.

Challenge: Defeat the blood monster in the narrow streets.

5 Xzeno

After a long time walking, Xzeno finally enters a more spaceful street. And there sre stores. From a hi-fi store the melody he had been humming is played loudly, but this is the only indication of life. No humans, no other creatures, actually. Just emptiness and that tune. Curious, he walk closer. Maybe there is someone inside the store?
There is. The monster turn to look at him, then the door bell sounds, and even though he slams the door shut, it is still after him. It crashed through the window head first, but without actually breaking the glass. The window simply disappeared when confrronted with its huge, empty mouth. It smiles at him, and walks closer.

Challenge: Defeat the mouther without getting eaten.

6 the Nergyl Child and the Fallen Child

Flames and barking. The twins end up in a flaming part of the city. Fire licks the empty buildings, melts the cars to useless metal, cracks the windows open from heat. And then this annoying barking coming from everywhere, and coming closer for each moment past. Snarling, barking, growling. A dog emerges from the flames, its skin pit black, its eyes empty. It opens it mouth in a snarl. Inside there are flames, white hot flames. From the other side another appears from the flames, then another and another. Before long the whole pack growls at the twins.

Challenge: Defeat the pack of Hell Hounds. (17)

7 Dervysh & Vixen

-no info-

8 Ezale

Sudden light, and she stands in the open. No place to hide, no place... The streets are clean, and every little corner is lit up, no shadow is left. At least there is no way someone can sneak in on her. Still there is a feeling of being watched. No one to be seen. Watched. No one... Darkness uncoils in the middle of the street and a grotesque looking monster crawls out. It stares at her, bloody slime dripping from its muzzle...

Challenge: Defeat the blood monster in the lit up scenery.

9 Delairi

Finally light. The walls parts for a field inside the city. To all sides there is buildings, but here in the middle, there is grass, green, soft grass. Even a artificial sun hanging from nowhere. As she moves through the grass, she find it similar to something, but what it could be, she can't recall. At elast not before she looks down. Her surface have become 2dimensional, and rather badly drawn. It occurs to her... This scene is no more than the drawing of a child.
Before she can get actually shocked, a monster rises from the grass. It is as badly drawn as herself, but its jaw is filled with sharp teeth nontheless.

Challenge: Defeat the blood monster in the 2D field.

10 Billy

The shinning light of him is suddently turned off. A creature with bloody scales and evil eyes stares at him, all too close, all too..
Life is wasted, and it because even more powerful. Now it need another meal...

11 Azu

-no info-

12 Charlie

When he ends the dance of victory (it lasted several minutes), Charlie finally realize where he is. Still in the city, but on a much broader street. He takes a step forward, which almost brings him out of balance. The pavement is rather flexible, like a trampoline. He laughs a little from this discovery, and bounces off into the city.
A sharp cry is heard, and a blood red creature charges at him from a window.

Challenge: Defeat the blood monster in the rubber scenery.

13 Pazx and Garrow

When the two of them reach the end of the mazelike streets they find more evidence on this city being deserted. Things have been left on the street, cars just standing there, the motor still running. Every store is open, but there is no one there.
So easy it is to just walk in and take food or money, everything they might need.
Barking, loud and agressive. A pack of black dogs surround them, their jaws filled with fire.

Challenge: Defeat the pack of Hell Hounds. (13)

14 Strop

Poor little horse being lost... It seems more like pure luck that the rule applying that he escapes the narrow streets, and step into the more open space. He sighs with relief, seeing human beings at this medival fair. No one have noticed him, and he take some time to observe them, before he walks closer. Something in his mind tells him that the way they move, the way they are, are wrong, but the relief of having found other beings surpresses the angst. It seem like a regular, old time fair, things being sold, and haggles done.
"Hello?" He calls out, but once again, no one notices him. He walk through the streams of beings, frowning from being ignored. Little do he know that these creatures have seen him, turning when he have his back at them.
Then a small, but important word is heard: "Brain?"

Challenge: Survive the fair of zombies.

15 Akuma

Where there should have been white walls, white floors, white angry people... There was only thin air. He fell, trying desperately to stop it, grasping for a window frame. Instead the attempt made to save him, rendered his arm numb as he got hold of the inner frame of the open window, but the rest of his body continued downwards, snapping the arm when it hit the outer edge of the window. Tumbling down, landing awkwardly in an open dumpster...

16 Hallow

Running through the empty streets, seeing, feeling no one. And they only seem to get more and more narrow, filled with dumpsters, making it so much harder to run. He stop for a moment, suddently filled with the feeling of another being, another being filled with fear and sudden pain. Confussion. All those strong feelings of a human. Silly beings. He walks closer, using the feelings of power and pain to guide him. Turning a corner he notices a dumpster like any other, but this is where the feeling come from...


The monters: The blood monsters is up to you to design. Be creative, and use the little clues I have given, but the rest is up to you.
They are puppets of the lady, which means they have some kind of intelligence. They can shapeshift if needed, but probably will not.

The mouther is a eerie being, with a empty mouth. If you touch the emptyness, you will probably dissolve. No one know for sure, since no one have ever survived one:

The Hell Hounds are intelligent beings in a pack. Their insides are made of fire, thus making them explode, when they die. Think dobberman.

The zombies are like regular ombies, just less rotten, and seem to be more intelligent too.


There are boundaries here too: if not encountered with a flying beast, it will be impossible for you to reach the sky and fly to the tower. Airborne creatures can fly for some time, but will probably end up near the edge of the free air space. When they reach the edge, it will feel like flying into a wall.

The walls are still annoyingly hard to break, but it is now possible to enter the buildings trough doors or windows. The insdes will be like regular appartments or stores, just empty. May, may not be filled with blood, like the people living there have been slaugthered.


Good luck.

13,657 posts

Just re-posting the last part of the story, as it is not a part of Akuma's story:

Where there should have been white walls, white floors, white angry people... There was only thin air. He fell, trying desperately to stop it, grasping for a window frame. Instead the attempt made to save him, rendered his arm numb as he got hold of the inner frame of the open window, but the rest of his body continued downwards, snapping the arm when it hit the outer edge of the window. Tumbling down, landing awkwardly in an open dumpster...

16 Hallow
Running through the empty streets, seeing, feeling no one. And they only seem to get more and more narrow, filled with dumpsters, making it so much harder to run. He stop for a moment, suddently filled with the feeling of another being, another being filled with fear and sudden pain. Confussion. All those strong feelings of a human. Silly beings. He walks closer, using the feelings of power and pain to guide him. Turning a corner he notices a dumpster like any other, but this is where the feeling come from...

There is nothing after Akuma. He have no story yet.

4,375 posts

Why do you think the worst of me

*inches toward thoad*

He dosn't mind...

Ok, just so you all know, for some odd reason if you all thought something there which would totall be bad, een though i think I got thoads hopes up (KIDING) I'm straight...sorry thoad. lol

1,463 posts

Dang it.

I wish I was fighting zombies...

Oh well...

This one will be good.

I'll start tomorrow.

4,375 posts

Ok, just a question...should we all end this with us winning the fight? i mean none of us are dyeing here, or are we?

13,657 posts

If you want to die, then I cannot do a thing, can I? As the challenge says, defeat monster? I am nt sure if I should eliminate anyone just yet, because it would mean I'd have to write a loooooong entry about the fight....

No deadline just yet.

4,375 posts

i will get working on this, I wan it to be epic and take up like an entire page and have it take you lal like 20 minutes to read it all!

......Or just do a normal know. lol

13,657 posts

Just do as I do. Write a lot, and make giant pictures to follow?

5,420 posts

This will quite a challenge for me to draw,but it shall be done.I have been extremely busy as of late,but I will finish this one as soon as I can.I already have an idea as to how I will defeat the creature though.I just don't know how I'm going to draw all of the darkness and shading and such.Either way I'm not sure how much you will like the way I deal with this creature.I had a few ideas concerning Over Growths different forms,so I guess you will have to find out when I submit it or something.

4,375 posts

and make giant pictures to follow?

I may draw something, but chances i will are slim. The amount of humiliation it would bring....not worth it really. ahah.

P.S. Might wanna ask a mod while they are on to chage the topic name and page number.
1,463 posts

The picture im planning to draw will be epic...

I just love Phil's powers...

13,657 posts

As long as you make it seem natural. If not, there will be consequenses.

1,463 posts

You must remember that he is a samurai ninja who can shoot stuff from his hands...or a gun.

Oh and he can teleport and use telekinesis.

And he has a team...

This will be fun.

Showing 556-570 of 1813