ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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13,657 posts

This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
4,375 posts

Hrm....cen if by "tired of" You mean wanting to hug you intill you either pass out from lack of oxygen, promise to stay on AG, or hug back......then yes.

And crimson, I'm not sure someone else "other then cen, zophia, or strop" Could ever run this contest. The three of them share practically all of there ideas, and seem to think in a similar way. Anyone else In my opinon would not be nearly as good as our cen.

13,657 posts

> >... I feel embaressed....

4,375 posts

...did i over due it a bit there?

13,657 posts

Just a little.
Hmm, well, to explain. After the alt round, there will be Destruction, which is two fights, the winers of the Conflict round against each other. Then Enemy which is the two winners of Destruction.

5,420 posts

hm well then it seems to have all been set up now.So then half of the people shall be removed from the contest this time it seems then that will leave four competitors and after that is cut in half there will be left two.I like this,for some reason.Just a couple more contests after the alt round.

1,463 posts

What happens if Xzeno and KR do nothing? Is there gonna be a period where one person/group of persons walks around aimlessly and fights no one. I think it would be cool to "spectate" and choose who you wanted to win, to win. It could just be taken into consideration if this happens.

2,301 posts

We will never find out because I will probably post my entree later tonight, or tomorrow.

1,463 posts

Ooooh good!

It is 9:38 PM here. Your night is probably different than my night. Looking forward to it whenever I see it? We all know you are a great thinker. Pity, I was really looking forward to KR's entry. KR, if you see this post: I have given up on you. hah. jk.

2,301 posts

We all know you are a great thinker.
Thanks, that means a lot.

Your night is probably different than my night.

I was looking forward to KR's entree as well. It's a shame I have to eliminate him, but I will have to eliminate you all if I am getting to the end. (Or at least to the epic duel with Strop.)
1,463 posts

Or at least to the epic duel with Strop.

Lol. I agree that you and Strop will be fighting out out in the end.
You two are kind of out of our league. Oh well, I'm just in it for fun. Personally, I would like to write about Xzeno, for Phil has never seen an alien before and also needs a serious butt whuppin. Time to prepare for breaking out of the evil tower. *Prepares for breaking out of evil tower*
2,301 posts

Lol. I agree that you and Strop will be fighting out out in the end.

Yeah, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself and thinking of how to beat him.

Personally, I would like to write about Xzeno
I would love to see what you would write about him.

Without further ado: Conflict

As the contestants exit the mansion, the mask slips off and disappears as well as the illusion loosing their hold in their shape. Sasquatch is met with Yeti's annoyed gaze and complaining about the time, Phil is suddenly the one in the bottom of the pile of Jack and Bob. Nerg just looks at his brother, no one really missed each other. Dingsley looks at the horizon, welcoming the light of the approaching dawn. All of them the place they left, even though they exited the same door, there is no sign of any of the other contestants. As the last contestant steps out of the door, the mansion begins to flicker and fade, and screams erupts from it. High pitched, filled with fear, pain, despair. The mansion curls up, and explodes in a burst of dust. What is left is a terrifying sight. Some of the dancers, screaming, their faces distorted in pain, their bodies slowly withering. They are unable to reach, the essence of the mansion still there, separating life and death. A vixen with a white dress and flames from her back and hair crashes against the wall near the contestants, staring emptily out, her eyes almost popping out of their sockets, her skin dripping from the jaw bone. She screams, until her throat explodes against the transparent wall. Sadly this does not kill her. She claws at the wall. Phil recognizes her at one of the people he stole a key from. Actually all those melting, burning, screaming people are all victims of the contestants' hunt for keys. Males and females slowly dissolving, painfully slow. None of the contestants are able to look away.
Among the people children appear, little fluffy children, their screams louder, different than the screams of the adults. This is screams of innocents being punished for the crimes of adults. Slowly everything settle, and the essence of the walls disappear, letting the ashes fly away in the light breeze that came with dawn.

Xzeno looked back at the mansion with mild disgust. He had seen worse. Heck, he had caused worse. He felt mildly bad that they had to go in such an awful manner and manor, but the only good feline was a dead feline. Xzeno looked forward. He did not like the tower before him, but he was glad at the return of the sun. Xzeno disliked night, especially when he would be fighting felines. His thoughts were soon interrupted:

The contestants finally stand before the Tower, this bright blue, glass like building. It doesn't seem to have a door or any other place they can enter. The sun rises, its light making the surface of the Tower glitter like gold. Then something erupts at the top of the Tower, and an object begin to fall towards the ground. They watch mesmerized as the object continue its downfall, suddenly followed by a black dot, shooting towards the human looking thing. It reaches the human, merging with it all too close to the ground. An almost silent thud is heard, when the ground stops the fall.
.Good morning, children.. The voice of the Lady is heard all around them, probably coming from thousands of speakers on the various buildings. You have come this far, and now it is time for the tournament to begin. You will have to fight against these beings by your sides, and win.. A giant screen erupts from the surface of the tower, portraying Strop, Sasquatch and team, Xzeno, Dingsley, Phil and his team, Nergyl and Fallen, Charlie and Orlestat, all on a line. .Your opponent will be shown in a moment. The winner will go on to the next battle, the loser will be... My guest.. Her voice seems so sweet and yet so cold. .Have a nice day..
The lineup spreads out on the screen, showing each contestant with their opponent.
Strop and Orlestat.
Nergyl and Sasquatch.
Charlie and Xzeno.
Phil and Dingsley.

Xzeno was mildly offended by the whole deal. "Villains." he said to himself. He looked at the weird 2-D hologram and noticed that he was to fight the odd doodle creature. He decided that this creature was likely fictional, and started off to give the Lady a nice hello in the form of a grenade to the face. His plans were interrupted however, by the advent of Charlie. Xzeno saw him walking towards him, so he called to him in an effort to learn his intentions. "Hiya!" shouted Xzeno stupidly. He liked to think he did this because he wanted to hide his brilliance, but he didn't have any other plan. Charlie stopped in his tracks as he saw Xzeno. It appeared the other contestants had seen the 2D hologram showing their opponents as well. "You're the first friendly face I've seen in a long time!" shouted Xzeno, beckoning Charlie closer. The stick man fell for the ploy. "What's your name?" Charlie said at last. âFredithy P. Paddle-Waddle.â Xzeno said, extending his hand towards Charlie, "What's yours?"
"Ch-Charlie." he replied hesitantly, shaking Xzeno's hand.
"What do you reckon is going on around here?" asked Xzeno, honestly curious as to Charlie's findings.
"I have no ide-" he began, but Xzeno picked him up with telekinesis. The plan had been to lift Charlie five meters strait up an hold him facing Xzeno, but he ended up holding Charlie barely a meter off the ground by his left ankle. Telekinesis was pretty hit and miss with Xzeno. "How does this work?" asked Charlie.
"My intelligence is so vastly superior to yours that I can use it to lift things." Xzeno replied.
"That's kind of ironic, now isn't it?" said Charlie.
Xzeno thought about this. Charlie was right. He lost his concentration and dropped Charlie, who took the opportunity to make tracks. Xzeno pulled out his pistol and fired a shot at him. Charlie ran even faster now, probably looking for cover to formulate a plan. "To hell with it!" declared Xzeno, reaching for his hand-held radio. He knew no one would pick up on the other end, but he didn't need some one to hear him. He just needed to call in an air-strike, which a ranger didn't even need air support for. He rattled off a bunch of numbers and listened for the sound of phantom Federation air support. The auditory illusion of howling engines sounded from behind the tower. He had called for a small payload of high-explosives, along with a light dusting of napalm for dramatic effect. Xzeno had to give this Charlie guy some credit: He ran faster then he thought he could. It was a shame he was going to die though. And napalm was such an awful way to go. When the explosion hit, Charlie was thrown through the air by the shock wave of the blast. It would hurt, but he would live. Until the napalm hit.
Just Xzeno's luck! The napalm completely missed. Charlie escaped pretty much unscathed. Xzeno swore. âHow do you make this stuff?â shouted Charlie.
"Class secret!" responded Xzeno, formulating a new battle plan.
"I mean these explosives. They aren't like anything I've seen before!" shouted Charlie, becoming desperate.
"How do you know?" said Xzeno at length. "Can you tell what's in them?"
"Yeah, how do you make them?" asked Charlie, now more confident.
Xzeno thought for a while. "I might need to make a chart for you." he said, "Come here." Charlie warily obeyed. Xzeno set about creating a chart that covered many of the basics of high-school chemistry. He didn't know how much this creature knew of science, so he'd stay basic. Charlie then said: "Well this appears to be the elements, plus a few I have no knowledge of, but from where I stand I think I can understand the theory..."

Two hours later...

"Oh, ok, so that's the drive system system!" said Charlie after hearing Xzeno's explanation.
"Yeah, but I don't know how it works with airborne vehicles." said Xzeno.
"Who does this thing work?" asked Charlie, picking up Xzeno's beamsword. Xzeno didn't suspect a thing. "Well I was told that it-" began Xzeno, but Charlie seized the moment and struck Xzeno with the blade. Charlie underestimated Xzeno's shield however, and the blow glanced off. Xzeno used telekinesis to push Charlie back clumsily and ran back behind a rock. "Shoulda grabbed my shotgun, kid!" shouted Xzeno, selecting his grenade launcher. He fired blindly over the rock to try to find Charlie's position. He fired two more shots and whipped out his shotgun and went to check on the mess he had most likely made of Carlie. Xzeno sighed. He had to hand it to Charlie, he was resilient. Or Xzeno had just missed, which was more likely. Charlie was getting up when Xzeno pressed the three barrels against the back of his head. "Don't kill me!" Charlie whined.
"Fine." said Xzeno, and he fired a blast into the back of Charlie's left knee. Charlie screamed, of course. "Oh, suck it up! It won't kill you. Take this, in case some of those mouthers finds you!" said Xzeno, dropping his revolver in front of Charlie. With that, Xzeno turned towards the tower.

Not my best effort. I completly re-wrote it, as the first one was worse then this. I tried to incorporate Kr's character's abilities, but the end product is a little... fragmented. I just hope I'm not eliminated.
4,196 posts

he had most likely made of Carlie

What are you doing to our most humble Community Manager?

I will do my entry unfair...not being able to play Sims 2 because I have to do my entry. I go on holidays from school and I still get homework! Even if the homework is making a Pivot. Oh wait...I have to do some IT 1 of my year 10 IT program...hmm...first exercise...'Turning the Computer On.' Ah...I think I'm going to fail! Can anyone help me?


Ok. So I will do my entry tonight...but I will have to read up on Xzeno...I have paid little attention to other characters...oops...

4,196 posts

Well, I did it. Here is my entry, clear as mud!

[url=]Charlie Vs. Xzeno

Ok, some things you need to know:

1. The green thing is Xzena.
2. Luckily, the fight had already ended when the blue screen of death appeared. Charlie had just knocked out Xzeno with the magical 'yellow' punch.
3. I could have done it better....
4. I am surprised it uploaded to Photobucket with the size that it is...
5. I linked it because you probably don't want to download 4mb everytime you load the page.

I hope I'm not eliminated...

Good Luck Xzeno...let the Judge decide...


4,196 posts


Charlie Vs. Xzeno

Annoying Holidays making me forget BBcode...


2,301 posts

Good luck to you as well. I hope I win. I was hoping you wouldn't have time to enter.

[quote] MWT 2 anybody?

I thought people were tired of me > >...[/quote]
I hope there is another one, I think I know who I will enter.
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