ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
5,642 posts

...I'm unimpressed.
That's all I have to say.

5,420 posts

Hmm so I am facing Strop already.Thats a bit unexpected,but still I already know this will most likely be a bit more difficult then just about every other challenge I have done so far.This shall definite,y be fun...Also Strop I shall probably need to ask you a few quick questions on your page so I shall go ahead and post those on there now...

4,375 posts

Hrm...i have the basics on Xzeno, but i am going to continue reading all of his entrys to just get a feel for him. This round(and possibly the next) Are going to be near impossible.

5,642 posts

Hrm...i have the basics on Xzeno, but i am going to continue reading all of his entrys to just get a feel for him. This round(and possibly the next) Are going to be near impossible.

hold on a sec...are you still in the race?
if so, sorry for including you in my thing XD.
5,420 posts

Actually thoad I looked back and saw that he is one of the top 4 as well against Xzeno.Anyways I still need that info from Strop so I shall wait...

4,375 posts

Hrm...thank you for thinking me a failure thoad. It really estem!

*runs away crying*


*hits door frame*


5,420 posts


wow thats probably one of the first things that got me to laugh in awhile.Quite random it is.(No I'm not trying to talk like Yoda)

Still Thoad it would have been quite embarrassing if you thought the same of Sasquatch,and I think you would know why.Still it would have been a good idea to look at it first before typing.A nice quote my Geometry Teacher once taught us...

To Assume is to make a ***|out of U|andme

Yeah I censored the first part of it myself just because I knew it was going to happen anyways,but you should know what it means.Just think about the first part of the word Assume.Anyways it kind of fits here I think.
4,196 posts

Hey Thoad...lets have our own tournament...with blackjack...and strippers....nerr....forget the tournament!

13,657 posts


Well, Thoad, there is no reason to think you ended up in the dungeon, so I guess a cell just spawned around Nerg, so he would still be able to see the other contestants.
Because I have a plot going down there...

13,657 posts

*insert huge amount of cussing here*
Got tired of waiting, so:
After Halo's fight::
[...] Black threads caught his legs, pulling him with them like they had did when he was first taken here. The swamp dragon roared, fought the strings, but nothing helped.
Seconds later he stod in a dungeon, metal bars all around him. "What is this place.." "Well, a prison?" He glared over his wing to see a group of beings in a cell. He pushed against the bars, but they did not move an inch. "We have already tried that, it doesn't help anything.." He looked back at them again, at the ninja guy who spoke. "You cannot hold a dragon captured." Halo replied, blinking his white eyes. He turned his head to the bars, opening his mouth. [insert right colour here] flames licked the bars, and they began to melt rapidly. He stopped for a second to admire his work, but that only coursed the bars to regenerate. He breathes his fire at them again, stepping outside before they got back to normal.
The beings cheered when he walked closer to them. "Stand back unless you want to be grilled." They did, and his flames ruined the bars. He had to use his breath weapon four, five times before all the prisoners were rescued. "Follow me." He ordered. "Uhm, why shou.." "Do you doubt me?" He stared at the vixen, who shook her head. "Good." He turned, shifted to his humanoid shape and began to lead them up the stairs towards freedom.

Ezale curled up a little, the sounds scared her, but she knew by instinct that they could not hurt her. She sat for moments, blinking with her little black pearllike eyes. She had to move on, and so she did. Down corridors, stairs... Miwling a little from hunger, sorrow, and being utterly alone.

9,434 posts

*glares at misspell*
I s'ose that's the revenge for me not being done...

I is fail.

5,642 posts

Well, Thoad, there is no reason to think you ended up in the dungeon, so I guess a cell just spawned around Nerg, so he would still be able to see the other contestants.
Because I have a plot going down there...

oh gee thanks, screw up at least 2 hours worth of planning for me. lol, now I'll have to re-write everything. Screw art, I'm going to Iraq.
*walks out of room*
13,657 posts

oh gee thanks, screw up at least 2 hours worth of planning for me. lol, now I'll have to re-write everything. Screw art, I'm going to Iraq.
*walks out of room*

Have a good trip, then.
But he could of course be located in a random cell somewhere in the now destroyed city, but since you already made mistakes, if he was to be in the dungeon, I really do not care about those two hours of planning compared to my more than three months of planning, so thank you and baibai.
2,301 posts

I didn't mention it before, but this is really bugging me: Why do you use hyphens as quotation marks?

Also, Skater, I said on your profile that Xzeno had a revolver. He doesn't, as he left it with Charlie back in Conflict.

13,657 posts

Why do you use hyphens as quotation marks?

Old habit. I guess I should stop it, if it is bugging you that much, but it is something I usually do when rp'ing Kai. He talk like that > >
Because italics are not allowed in text messages, and Zophia and I used to go -*text*- when it was italic... Oh well. Either think of it as italics, or ignore it. Accent... Something... I just failed there... Stupid headache...
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