ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
5,420 posts

OK, so 26th or 27th is the deadline got it.I shall try to begin tomorrow.Till then I have other things to do.

10,816 posts

@ Crimson:

I myself was very tempted to do "illustrated children's book" type presentation except with all the eventual debauched drunkeness (between skwp, slliM and thoad heh), I think we could scratch the "children's" bit!

However I'm going to attempt to keep it all comic as I intend to portray the entire MWT in the same format.

Concept for Strop's alt has been posted in my thread.

4,375 posts

between skwp, slliM and thoad

What are you trying to say here strop? And please, call me skater, every one does.

And sllim, is it really that hard to use your own imagination? There are around 300 guests there, make one for your self next time. And didn't you say me 60 keys (now reduced to a much lesser number) was to many> You have about as many as I did....
13,657 posts

slliM, Skater, stop fighting. Really. There is no reason to fight, just because slliM found one of your npcs interesting, there is no reason to start a fight over it. I think slliM might be in a bad mood with this entry, as he is not much of a writer (after what I could get out of the comments), and being inspired to use a npc of yours is just his way of saying "good idea".
slliM: I am the only one being depressed here. I have tons of pages to go through to read the entries, though I have a feeling of me skipping that part, as it does not relate to the story in any other way, than making the characters suffer a bit, and make them conscious of the dangers in that city.

About the keys: 650-700 npcs in the entire mansion. There should be enough keys to everybody. Just grab them all, I am fine with that. You might not be in the next round, but I will be fine.

Strop: The conceptart looks great, s/he looks really good. I hope you will get done in time, stressing out or not. ... Oh, and Kai wears pants > >


Little chance of me getting online the next couple of days, somehow I hope you keep from the internet too, mainly because you should celebrate the holidays with family and friends. (That is why I threw this insanely annoying and hard test in the middle of it all).
If I am asked, I will try and do an entry myself, just randomly, but that will be after Christmas.

I am not even mean this round, I think that everybody will do fine in one way or another. I will find a way to do the elimination (already have a victim), but it will not be based on this round.
Just look forward to the next round when you will get to fight, and the story reaches near climax.

Happy holidays, everybody. Enjoy them while they are here.

10,816 posts

What are you trying to say here strop? And please, call me skater, every one does

Not that much- just that the thought of inebriation at this ball never crossed my mind until you guys started writing, hehe. I seriously was going to make this all children's book. Heck, I was gonna make it all so innocent, oh wait...

*just remembers what he had planned* Nevermind >..>
9,434 posts

Teeeeeeeell us Strop.........

*wonders if I'll drop out of the Tournament*

2,301 posts


Xzeno followed her, dumbfounded. His hands, his whole body, were now feline. He was now convinced that felines had orchestrated this entire ordeal. As he followed his partner to the dance floor, he looked around the room. It was true, felines did have superior vision to his species, though colors were slightly muted. None of the dancers appeared to be packing heat, nor were their any guards. Xzeno noticed that they were packing keys, however. Keys he probably needed for some sick reason. He danced rather clumsily, due to his lack of practice. He did have a slight advantage due to his now more dexterous body. As he tried to figure out what kind of dance they were doing, (fortunately, it was fairly simple) he remembered that felines were supposed to be able to see auras of living beings for a short time, even through walls, like X-ray vision. He squinted. Nothing. It was useless, he didn't even know what muscle to flex. He slowly picked up on the dance, and quickly ran through ideas. He could try to steal keys, but he wasn't really good at that. He could get her to work with him, but how would they get other keys? Besides, she was a feline, the enemy. He figured violence was out of the question, so most of his plans were strait out. Wait, I've got it! I can pretend to fumble with my feet and "accidentally" trip her. Then, I make like I will help her up, then stomp a mud puddle in her chest!* Damn! That won't work! Maybe he could use feline "magic". Why the felines chose to attribute their psychic abilities to some form of arcane art rather then traditional mind-sciences** was beyond him. His partner spun away from him, and he was no closer to getting a key. Xzeno sought out a new partner. He then realized that the creatures at this ball were not just felines, but... all sorts of abominations. He chose a canine female as his next dance partner, simply for the irony, sick as it may be. As he danced, he looked at the back wall. He kept starring in the hopes that she would look to see what he was looking at. This did not work. Xzeno then decided to try convincing her. "Lovely ball, isn't it?" he said. She nodded vaguely. "You are a good dancer." he said.
"You aren't." she replied smugly.
"Err... you have pretty eyes?" he said.
"You're really reaching," she said, "but take this key, I fear it will be the only one you can get." And with that, she went off to find a competent partner. Proof that canines are morally superior to felines! Thought Xzeno, though he was only kidding. He selected an unobservant looking bovine creature as his next partner, with the intent to steal her key. They both danced rather clumsily, and Xzeno had many opportunities to nick her key. He took none of them. He felt a sort of kinship with the cow, as neither could dance very well. He sighed and went to get a drink. He poured himself a glass of wine, and looked for a potential target. He noticed that the princess had five keys on each arm, but as he was about to go for her, she was picked up by some fox thing with goofy ears. He moved on. He finished his punch and moved on to a new partner. A horse, of course. He danced for a while, and then offered to get her some wine. She accepted the offer. He brought her a glass of whatever he happened to pour, he wasn't paying attention, and gave it to her. As she took the wine, he tried to pilfer her key. He sort of missed, but she didn't appear to notice his movement. She thanked him for the wine and handed him her empty glass. To his surprise, a key was at the bottom. How it got there was beyond him. He figured that he seemed to be getting farther through altruism then theft, so he would try being more flirtatious. He began to dance with a new partner, and attempted to flirt with her. At first it went okay, but soon he ran out of things to say. He could have spent hours talking about Dudgeon Quest, but could not think of any polite banter. "Seen any good movies lately?" asked Xzeno, getting desperately. She just looked at him quizzically. He sighed and tried to execute one of the spin-things the other dancers seemed to do every once in a while. Fortunately, his partner was not a bumbling fool. As she spun, Xzeno idlely snatched at her key. He some how knocked it off her wrist, and immediately went after it, leaving the other dancer to wonder why he suddenly vanished. He retrieved the key, feeling rather proud of himself. He would steal another key. Stealing or trying to steal keys appeared to be the only way to success. Xzeno began talking to his next victim, a shifty-looking fox, in the hopes of distracting her. "How shall you be?" he asked, using the aliens future-tense greeting. The present and past tense greetings so popular with other beings were strange to his species. "I've been fine." said the fox, slightly confused.
"Oh, right, well that's good. Do you like to dance?" said Xzeno, remembering that he should just consider all these beings felines for the purposes of customs.
"Clearly." she said.
"Oh. What do you do?" asked Xzeno to distract her.
She laughed. "You're funny!" she said. Xzeno was immediately curious. He said nothing funny. Why did she laugh? Did she change the subject on purpose? What ever her game was, Xzeno would most certainly not play ball. "What do you do for a living?" he asked without hesitation.
"I... make shoes." she said.
"How's that workin' out for ya?" asked Xzeno.
"That was why I was embarrassed to tell you. It is rather bad work. The pay is little and the work is long." she said hesitantly.
"Yet you have a nice dress and are at this ball." said Xzeno. He thought: This is like interrogation. Well, Federation interrogation. If I was really a feline there would be a lot more screaming right about now.
"Yes, I do." she said in a matter a fact way. Xzeno was now so caught up in this little mystery that he nearly forgot the key.
"And how did you come to have this dress?" he said.
"Who are you." she asked.
"The king of my race." said Xzeno.
"Really?" she asked.
"You lie, I lie." he said, shrugging.
"Will you go lie to someone else if I give you what you want?" she said, exasperated.
"Might could happen." said Xzeno, excepting the key and going along his way. The ball seemed to be coming to a close now. No! Xzeno needed more keys! How could he have only gotten four keys? He was doomed. Or maybe he only needed one, and this key thing was just a distraction. He swore and did the only thing he could: wait.
*Alright, 100 life-achievement points if you catch the reference.
**This one is easy. Ten life-achievement points for this reference.

This didn't work out as well as I hoped. It was like, 90% filler.

13,657 posts

I looked through the stories by KR, slliM, Skater and hoad, and realized something:
Who is that drunken guy with the 20+ keys? Did I really write something wrong, when refering to the guards, or...? The princess is the one with the most keys (10).
Another thing, I think it was slliM presuming it. The princess would only be willing to give off one key, as she need to have one left for herself.
The kleptomanic polar bear? I think you might have made a mistake stealing" her from Skater, slliM. As she is a - dancer herself, she would not be willing to steal the keys, only necklaces and other useless crap.
This refers to others that give up their key. It can be done to get them in a fair way, not by charming, but probably like *points at my entry to be*. The princess is the only willing victim there. The idea about a former - lover giving them their key is probably the only one being really good.
But to explain it further I would have to spoil you, and I would not do that:P

No, I will not do anything about it, because. Whatever. No reason to scold eople for being more creative than I would have wanted.

*humms off*

10,816 posts

It can be done to get them in a fair way, not by charming, but probably like *points at my entry to be*

*sweats* That makes me want to know what "charming" here entails, but then again it wouldn't be proper of me to ask for spoilers.

4,375 posts

Ok, well as tommorow is christmas eve, and i will most likely not be on for at least the next to days, i would like to wish every one a very merry, and safe holiday season.

Now then, I really am loking forward to strops entry, as it will probably make me go, "O man, I was i born with no artistic talent." As it allways does.

And zophia, if you drop out, I will get your address from some were some how, and you will have a few mad skater show up on your porch looking very lost and confused, and mad, don't forget mad.

13,657 posts

I really liked your entry, Xzeno. I think you have been the one coming closest to the actual solution to this challenge. Wonderfully wonderful, and (sorry people) the one I like the most of the entries. Simple, IC and storytelling.
And you almost grabbed the point, the solution, the thing that will be shown in the next round.
Nicely done.

5,420 posts

OK,since I procrastinated too much in getting this done.I decided to make a few quick drawing that have no back ground and tell the rest of the story.This just gives you a small idea of what they look like around that time.

Sasquatch's Only True Skills at a Masquerade

Well when Sasquatch entered this strange place filled with furry people wearing formal clothing at first he did what he usually does...

"OMFGWTF!?" was the first thing he said,but no one really paid attention except some strange hare

She looked at his mask and the first thing he heard was a child's voice from her.


He couldn't blame her either after he looked into a mirror...

He noticed three things automatically and that was that his mask was ugly,she had a shiny key,and oddly enough a bell pepper earring.He ran to one of the back rooms where no one could see him and summoned a Bell Pepper that he quickly hallowed out using a small flame.He then put it over the mask on his head.Somehow he could see through the Bell Pepper without having to punch any holes in it(he's just that good)and then came back to the hare.By the time he was done he looked quite different...

He was prepared for anything now.The hare looked at him and looked mesmerized,like a small child at a candy store and sounded like one when she said "Can I have a Bell Pepper!!!"

He looked at her key and told her that he would trade her one for a Bell Pepper.She agreed almost immediately.He thought for a second and remembered that hares in his world were quite fast and this could be a useful trait,if he wanted more shiny keys.He didn't know why he needed them,but they looked shiny and important somehow so he decided he wanted to be greedy and get as many as possible.

"Hey kid how about I strike you a deal.How about I give you as many Bell Peppers as you can get me those shiny keys?"

She looked at him confused as to why he wanted the keys so bad,but didn't really care too much and agreed again."What do you have in mind?"

He thought about it for a couple of seconds and looked around.He saw where the music was being played,and noticed that it was quite boring.He then figured out what he could do."OK listen,here's my plan"

Putting her ear up like he was telling her a secret, she listened in.After they figured everything out,they decided to implement it.He went up to the "DJ" and told him that he could take off for a little while.The current person working there was a little suspicious,but too tired to care,and let Sasquatch take over.He looked through all of the music until he found what he needed.A techno rave song.He put it on making sure that the hare was in position.He had Ball Peppers set up all across the wall disguised as decorations(potted plants) and when he played the music,the others took immediate notice,and looked towards where he was.The Bell Peppers then used their vines to swipe the keys, going unnoticed,and then the hare quickly grabbed them up afterwords before anyone even knew what was happening.Once Sasquatch saw that they had grabbed as many keys as they could,he stopped and got off.He went down the stairs to where not as many people could see him and he saw the guards coming after him for taking over the DJ seat.All as planned for him.They took him out to another rooms where things got ugly.Mainly the faces of the guards after Sasquatch was done with them.He grabbed as many keys as he could from them,and hid them away.Everything went exactly as planned,and no one even found out.He got back together with the hare who gave him a total of 20 keys,on top of the 8 he grabbed up from the 4 guards he mugged.He took her to another room and gave her the promised 20 bell peppers.Although they were quite small as to conserve energy,but she didn't mind.In the end he didn't really know what he was going to do with the keys,so he decided to get back to the party,where the Bell Peppers became unsummoned quickly,and the music turned back to normal.By that time not a single one of the dancers even knew they had been robbed.Sasquatch decided to take off his Bell Pepper and have his regular mask on so no one would recognize him.He decided to just wait and enjoy the rest of the party with his 28 keys that he stashed in his bell pepper that he decided to unsummon, so it would be stashed away for later in another dimension that he controlled.If only he could go there himself,so he wouldn't have to be here.All he knew was that when he needed those keys that they could be resummoned,and he needed to remember this for when the time may ever come around.

5,420 posts

wow when I posted that the site had a seizure on me and started loading really slowly.I tried clicking on the submit nutton again and as you can see it double posted the same thing.This is really annoying,but whatever.I thought out everything that could happpen when I made that,and made sure it followed the rules to the best of my ability.I hope you don't give me any flack about it this time around as I'm not going to have time for it for quite awhile.Especially since I'm finally getting Flash CS4 for Christmas.So good luck to evryone else.

1,463 posts

Sasquaches bell pepper mask was A-W-E-M-O-S-B-T-P-E.

I think I know who your already chosen victim is....

Oh well.
I will still post up fanfiction after you kick me off.

Bell pepper mask...

9,434 posts

And zophia, if you drop out, I will get your address from some were some how, and you will have a few mad skater show up on your porch looking very lost and confused, and mad, don't forget mad.
But seriously, I might, if I fail to finish on the deadline again...

Didn't Cenere say something about none of the contestants having their usual non-physical powers?... Never mind...
Showing 961-975 of 1813