ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
1,463 posts

I'm looking forward to seeing your entry skater.
Lord knows that your one of the best writers on AG.

Part 2..... coming soon to a computer near you!

4,375 posts

'Hey there, lets dance shall we?" Dingsly was pulled onto the floor befor ehe had a chances to refuse. "'am or...sir....or whoever you are, you don't understand, I'm not much of a dancer..." dingsly mumered under his breath. "Don't be a simpiltin, let us dance!" They dogged and weaved around the floor, past diffrent creatures. Dingsly seemed to be one of the strongest physicaly there, but without his sword, he would be finished rather quickly. "O how you remind me of my former mate. How tall he was, and so strong like you." The women signed in a far off voice. "Ma'am, what happened to him? Well......i mean I f you feel comfortable telling me..." Dingsly wispered. he wasn't much of a people person, or one for manars. "He had an odd scar on his chest...I came here searching for him. Would you happen to posses this scar? He lost his memory and ran from my house one day, i nver saw him again. Only if I could lift your mask..." He couldn;t see her face, but he knew her eyes were burning with hope, and that she would soon toake of his mask if he didn't act. "Um.....Ma'a......hunny! I have been searching for you! It is true that I forgot about you but now i remember! i am on a quest however and I need these keys." Ding said, trying to act as enthousisasticaly as he possibly could. 'Dear, if you promise to come home...i can get you some of these keys. See I have frineds at this dance, who have frineds who have friends. I can get you at least 25 keys garenteed, but you keep dancing and try and get more...But first I need to see the scar."

Suddenly the music stoped, and ding quickly sliped out with his "hunny". Heunbuttoned the front of his shirt, to were part of his stomach and the groteque scar was on his chest.

"See hunny, it is me! i told you I would never....lie to you...yes!" Dingsly said, rather unconfinsingy. "I will go and get the keys, met me by the wine table by the time the hour hand reaches the 5. That is in 45 miuntes. Go and dance as many more times as you can, and lie to them as you have me." They said i was to dance with an anolope, and that he would have the scar of my husband...and your father. How is your brother, is he here as well?" Dingsly was taken back by these words, wanting to belive but not quite trusting her words. "he......He died at my hand...the scars i have are from him...." Ding wisper looking at the floor. "I should have guessed matter, I wil be going to get your keys as promissed."

With that she ran back out onto the florr were she pulled a seres of figures from there partners and hurded them all into the corner. Ding poured him self a glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp. he had never been a heavy drinker, but he may need the pick me up to get through the night. He then saw a group of men standing in a corner with 2 keys each, there were 5 men. That was ten more keys, and they all seemed to be drinking rather heavily. Dingsly slowly approched them. "Hello gentelmen, can I get you something more to drink? Have another wine, I insist!" The men sloshed down the wine, and stumbled off in the direction of the bathroom. Dingsly followed not makeing any sound. When he entered the bathroom, he quickly pulled the bracelets off the men, who put up to fight, as they were to drubk to understand what he was doing.

he then went back to the floor, there was no way he was going out onto the floor, or so he thought. He then spooted a small figure. She was wearing a mask, that of a polar bear, with a slim elegent white dress. Her blonde hair flowed half way down her back, and she turned to dingsly, and held out a hand invitig him to the floor. She had an arm full of keys, at least 20. he now knew why she wanted him to dance with her, she wanted his ten keys.

"Hello fair antellope. I have never seen you in this side of the country before. Who are you?" She asked in a soft angelic tone. She was trying to win him over with charm, catch him off guard and take the keys. At least he thought. "Why do you speak of names? I am the antelope, and you the bear. That is all we were ment to know of each other yes?" Ding was trying not to fall for something he was sure to come, but i ntruth never would. "My name is ditstru. But you can just call me dit, every one does. I am often looked over due to my size. I am a pick pocket, hence the many keys. I can see you hunt them as well." She said softly. "You are be over looked. Your quite....beautifull." Dingsly stammered. he wasn't one with the ladys, and was finding it hrd to say this now. "You are very kind. For most would shun me for being a theive, killing and stealing for money." She said i nthe smae level soft tone. "I am a mercany, and also fight for the money i need. I am here by chance, and wish to be able to leave it." Ding said more confidently now then before. "You shall have my keys then. This palace is my home...though but one person knows of it. I wish not to leave. These keys are yours, as long as you stay humble, dear antelope." With that she slid the keys off her arm to dingsly, and she slipped away. He now had 30 keys.

"There you are dingsly!" He turned to see the women who clammed to be his mother behind him. "Here, 30 more keys. The dance is allmost over, and you only have 60. A rather small amount for the large amount of people here. But it will have to do. Farewell." And with that she turned and left. Dinsly tryed to find another dance partner, or the blonde girl again, but never did. he finally setteled into a chair in the cornor were he ended up spending the rest of his evening. 60...that was what he had gotten. They had to have some meaning, ecen though he didn't know about it. The rest of the guests seemed to thnk they were important as well. Had the women truely been his mother? If she had he had been foolish to let her elave, he could have learned alot, but what was done was done, and he inally feel asleep in the chair.

Will this entry wrok for now? 1,000 some words...I hope i did it right. XD

4,375 posts

Ok, sorry for triple posting, but zophia or strop, could yo udelete one of my posts... i mean it posted my story twice...

Any way, sllim that was pretty funny. I am no were near the best writer on AG! i mean we got strop, and cen, and zoph, and, and, and........well alot of toher people! i am pretty amature. O well, glad to know you like my style.

1,463 posts

Part II

I walked toward the Jessica Alba princess. She was beautiful in every possible way and had keys.Lots and lots of keys.
She would be my next target.
I poured 2 glasses of red wine and walked right up next to her.
"Would you like a drink Miss...?"
"Berelli, and yes, I would like a drink." she said.
I handed her the wine and bowed slightly while doing so. The princess....she was starting to look somewhat different than she had before, less like Jessica Alba and more like another familiar face...
She took a sip of the wine.
"Thank you for the drink young feline." she spoke,"I never caught your name. What was it?"
"Phil, I am on a quest for the keys." I said slyly.
"What keys would they be?" she asked, playing dumb.
".....Ok, so maybe I'm not the smoothest, but could you give me one if I gave you something?"I questioned stupidly.
She chuckeled. "I knew you couldn't keep it up for that long. For getting me wine and for mildly entertaining me..." She threw me two keys.
"Thank you madam." I said shyly.
3 keys.
I realized that this was going to be a long night.

10,816 posts

*goes cross-eyed collapses*

There is SO MUCH reading to do here...poor Cenere.

For my part at this rate I'm not even going to have the bloody part 2 finished by the time round 3 finishes so I may have to simply cut to the chase and storyboard! opposed to do it written, which would probably give Cenere an aneurysm. As an entire chapter, I'd probably take about 4000 words all up, which is similar to what most of you appear to be heading for if you complete writing the full account of events.

At least I can find a way to intertwine both Orlestat's and Strop's stories. That's a plus.

4,196 posts

OK, here is the first half of my Charlie entry, I don't have time to animate it, so I just wrote it.

Charlie Dance Part 1

Cen can you tell me if there are any problems with it, or problems which may result from it, so then I can fix it...


5,420 posts

There is SO MUCH reading to do here...poor Cenere.

For my part at this rate I'm not even going to have the bloody part 2 finished by the time round 3 finishes so I may have to simply cut to the chase and storyboard! opposed to do it written, which would probably give Cenere an aneurysm. As an entire chapter, I'd probably take about 4000 words all up, which is similar to what most of you appear to be heading for if you complete writing the full account of events.

Things like that are why I spent around 4 days in making a full comic strip,instead of just writing it out.I kind of wish more people would too,so I didn't have to read their whole stories.For the last one it was so much reading I didn't even bother with reading any of the other entries,but I'm trying to read them all this time around.Although seriously skater_kid 60 key!?Oh well I have plans of my own to make the biggest heist of them all.Just wait...
1,463 posts

Yeah skater, your style is pretty rad when you are at your best.

Sone enough part 3 will be coming on through.

10,816 posts

Uh guys.

I thought there were a total of 17 keys. Five on each wrist of the princess, and one tied to each of the other NPCs.

There are seven other NPC dancers (and nine PCs in the hall), so yeah...

I don't know how you could make up 60 keys but my guess is that those extras would be illusions of illusions xD

13,657 posts

*ignores texts*

Strop, I would say there is at least a hundred dancers. It is a big ball, once again making the chance of actual interacting between the contestants rather small compared to what you might think. All these dancers, and the princess have keys. There should be reason to think that each of you would be able to steal a decent number of keys.
Oh, I will love to hear what you looked like, when you get to know what exactly you have done.
Oh, and Strop: All but the contestants are illusions of a kind, beig so very close to the tower, it all seem real. Orlestat might notice these creatures have life, but no energy and no chi. (I am not going to describe how the hell elements work in the Governverse, but let's just say that they alive.)

Crims: *maniacally evil laughter* I know~ Moles are like "what the hell are you thinking, you idiot of a writer!?!!" Just to oppose all his fur. Why else do you think Yeti wanted her brother to wear the mask instead of her?

5,642 posts

alright, pt. 3 of ???

->After several semi-unintentional butt-grabbing and b-slaps, I had only gotten about 4 more keys. This isn't good, it's already been 30 minutes and all I have is 4. I gotta do this, and quick. I thought to myself. That fellow, he's sleeping by the wine table, now this just has to be easy! I thought.
->Looking at the knocked out fellow, I grabbed a wafer cookie, and snapped it behind his ear. He's completely wasted! God, how much luck in the world I could have right now! I commented within the confines of my brain. Looking at the keys, I noticed they are mostly brass with silver designs among them. Mine had almost been completely made of silver, with a little bit of brass and gold upon them. Perhaps the quality of the key might open the door . . .? No matter, I had a mission and I am going to fulfill it.
->Very carefully, I slipped off a bracelet from the creature, making sure not to disturb him too much. . .if it was a him. I had gotten the bracelet off, and he didn't make a sound or a move! this was probably one of the most perfect things to happen during this "game".
->Right when I started on the other bracelet, I thought for another moment. Hold on a second, this guys a bit burly, and I don't have my claws. I won't stand a chance against him unless I had the Nergyl in me, and when he wakes up with no keys, he's going to immediately go after whoever HAS the most keys. I reasoned that I shouldn't take the other 25 keys from the burly thing, and I put them in one place no person would dare to go, the inside of my pants.
->Walking away from the wasted creature, I couldn't help but feel accomplished, and a little bit proud. I hadn't tried to heist anyone without bloodshed in years, before I became disgusted with humans really. Dissapearing back into the crowd, I had noticed the wolf I had chatted with earlier, I couldn't count how many keys she had, but I decided I'd have another chat.
->"Hello wolf," I paused for dramatic effect, "how fares the hunt?"
->"Hunt? I've just been dancing," she said in a rather serious tone.
->"Do you not take this seriously, wolf?" I snapped, a little shocked.
->She took a sip of wine, "Yes, I just like to dance."
->I slapped my forehead with an open palm, "Well, I see you have some keys, how did you get them?" I asked.
->"Dancing, seems the men in the ballroom like me," She smirked.
->"Well I'm not one of them, and in order to go about this business, I'd like to know your name" I asked, slurring the -ame in name.
->"and who is it, to ask me of my name?" she said, sassing at me.
->"Do not mock me, for if I had my powers the people in this room would long since be dead," I paused and looked behind my shoulders. "I do not know my name, but call me the Nergyl Child or Nerg, those are the only names I would take from the likes of you," I said, being gruff with my tone.
->"Fine, fine, no need to get all 'I'm royalty your scum' on me," She paused and looked into my no longer Nergyl eyes "I am . . . . eh, Stropina?" she said, seeming rather confused.
->I laughed a bit, "Stropina? That's a laugh!"
->"Hold you tongue Nerg, your talking to someone with. . . ." she paused (thinking about his last mod powers no doubt), "never mind, but just lay off, or the deals off."
->With that, I was silenced, and I said nothing more. I had now 40 keys in my possession, of which was a large amount.

I'm still not quite done, I am done when everyone else is done lol!

4,375 posts

Allright, Allright, so I went a bit over board there, but I pictured the attendance of the ball being close to at least 300. When you put it into perspecitve that way it seems like alot less. So I will give cenere the task of takeing away as many keys as he sees fit. i thought that every one at the ball had keys yeah. But if there is only one key per contestant and a few on the princess, then I can Re-do my entry, though I may cry allitle. I liked that one.

0_o No one even commented on him finding a women who claimed to be his mother? I'm sadened i nside...

5,642 posts

No one even commented on him finding a women who claimed to be his mother?

I'm surprised that no one commented on Nergy being a womanizer at one point, we all get disappointment sometime I guess ><
1,463 posts

I walked to the wine table.
"Hey man...hic...can you help me...hic...up please." scratched a voice.
I turned around. It was just some drunk, sitting there, utterly wasted.....With around 20 keys on his arm.
"Sure dude." I said with a helpful smile. I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the chair he was sitting in."Best be on your way now." I said.
"To...hic....where?" He replied.
"To the restroom! Didn't you hear? They said there was a hidden treasure of one million dollars in there!" I lied.
"Cool." he said, confused, as he walked toward the restroom.
I followed him in quietly. Being in cat form really helped when sneaking around.
When we were in, he ducked to look under a stall. In mid duck, he received several blows to a pressure point. I checked his pulse. He was still alive. Good. I took all the keys off of his arms and slid them into my suit pockets and onto my wrists.
23 keys.
I walked out of the restroom with a big grin on my face.
"What are you smiling for?" asked a blond sounding voice.

5,420 posts

Crims: *maniacally evil laughter* I know~ Moles are like "what the hell are you thinking, you idiot of a writer!?!!" Just to oppose all his fur. Why else do you think Yeti wanted her brother to wear the mask instead of her?

well I've already come up with a plan to get rid of the ugly mask without taking it off.That's all I'm going to hint at on that part,but also before the plan is implemented I expect to have atl east one or two images before that,and I think you will like what my mole mask will look like,although I haven't even drawn it,I have other plans for that.Once I have everything thought out this shall be quite an interesting ball.One last things though...could you list exactly how many and what type of people their are at the ball.Otherwise you can't hold me accountable for anything.
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