ForumsWEPREvolution, creationism and the school cirriculum

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Well to start out i dont beleive in evoltuion so the fact that other things cant be taught really ticks me off but i just want to see what people think and why.

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well i wont deny ID has a strategy but so does evolution also i did start this thread and getting back to the basic why can't the teach creationism in bio?

That is what I have been talking about if you read my earlier posts... Creationism should not be taught in science classes because it is simply not science.

Also, public schools are funded by taxpayers. You can't use publicly funded money to teach something that is inherently religious.

AND because of the Establishment Clause to the First Amendment, creationism cannot legally be taught in public schools. Teaching creationism over other religious beliefs is preferential treatment. Our constitution prohibits this.

Another thing to think about:
Not everything is known about physics. There are still certain principles of gravity that we are not familiar with. And yet no one seems to care that we teach it in physics classes. No one insists that we talk about other theories. Why? Because people don't care about it that much, it has nothing to do with religious or any other sort of belief system. For the very same reason that people are attacking evolution, they should be attacking the other sciences as well.
6,823 posts

My theory does so how isnt that more valid?

Just because it deals with a different part of the picture doesn't make it valid. And I am not saying you don't have valid points. I am just saying that I don't agree with them, and that I think they are wrong. But I fully respect your option to have those beliefs.

The origin of life could easily be explained by extraterrestrials planting the original cells on Earth. Do you consider that to be as valid as your theory?
4,871 posts

AND because of the Establishment Clause to the First Amendment, creationism cannot legally be taught in public schools. Teaching creationism over other religious beliefs is preferential treatment. Our constitution prohibits this.

Considering the fact this teaches for most major religions not really..also what about everyone who has a problem with evolution its a huge number isnt that puting one religion(yes evolutions a religion) above another?

For the very same reason that people are attacking evolution, they should be attacking the other sciences as well.

People attack evolution because it disagrees with their beliefs..the same reason you attack creationism
4,871 posts

The origin of life could easily be explained by extraterrestrials planting the original cells on Earth. Do you consider that to be as valid as your theory?

Valid yes..correct no
1,523 posts

People attack evolution because it disagrees with their beliefs..the same reason you attack creationism

The fact that scientists say the universe is infinite and expanding doesn't bother you, when in Genesis, it says that God created only the Earth?
1,523 posts

Considering the fact this teaches for most major religions not really..also what about everyone who has a problem with evolution its a huge number isnt that puting one religion(yes evolutions a religion) above another?

Also, I'm proud to say that I attend the Church of Evolution. Please join the congregation when possible.
4,871 posts

when in Genesis, it says that God created only the Earth?

where?god created the heavens and the earth heavens =celestial bodies and actual heavens
5,420 posts

Not everything is known about physics. There are still certain principles of gravity that we are not familiar with. And yet no one seems to care that we teach it in physics classes. No one insists that we talk about other theories. Why? Because people don't care about it that much, it has nothing to do with religious or any other sort of belief system. For the very same reason that people are attacking evolution, they should be attacking the other sciences as well.

Do you remember all of those things I said about earth science.The thing is that a majority of things in physics have been proven true from what I know.In fact I just watched the news and they made a quick announcement that scientists have officially proven the theory/hypothesis of E=MC2(the 2 represents the symbol squared of course)Of course I never really even knew it was simply a theory.(Of course according to Carlie that must make me ignorant though right?)Either way,the reason why theories that go against religious beliefs are the most argued about, is the fact that there are large groups of people who believe differently on the matter and believe in another theory.Yes it is true that they don't care about other theories concerning physics and such,but why should they have to?
6,823 posts

Considering the fact this teaches for most major religions not really..also what about everyone who has a problem with evolution its a huge number isnt that puting one religion(yes evolutions a religion) above another?

No, evolution is not a religion. People try to claim that it is 'quasi-religious' in order to try and put it on the same playing field as religious theories. But evolution is NOT a religion.

And it doesn't matter if creationism doesn't specify one religion. The fact is, it is teaching religion in a publicly funded educational institution. What about people that are not religious at all? It still violates their rights.

People attack evolution because it disagrees with their beliefs..the same reason you attack creationism

You do not know what my beliefs are. There are many religious people, including Christians who are scientist and support evolution. Evolution does not inherently assume that there is no God.

Valid yes..correct no

Well, it is pretty much the same thing. Just a different being behind it. So if we should teach children about creationism, shouldn't we also teach them about aliens through that logic?
6,823 posts

(Of course according to Carlie that must make me ignorant though right?)

Noooo no no. Don't try to turn my words around. I am ignorant on certain matters yes. Your friend was ignorant when it comes to evolution. That does not make him ignorant as a person. Which not knowing something about a subject does not make you ignorant as a person either. Just perhaps ignorant on that particular topic.
1,523 posts

@ Samy:

You left out the other part of my question. The universe is expanding; this implies that some sort of immeasurable force existed at one point in time to put it into motion.

5,420 posts

Well, it is pretty much the same thing. Just a different being behind it. So if we should teach children about creationism, shouldn't we also teach them about aliens through that logic?

Well if you were to teach them about Intelligent Design than that would pretty much be the idea.Still while evolution may not be a religion.What about the big bang theory?If you say people who are religious could believe in evolution,then what about the Big Bang Theory?I know this isn't what we were originally discussing,but it directly goes against religion and also the big bang theory I don't really think can be called something that a true christian would believe in.Although atheism in itself is a true religion.Proof you ask?Well I think this should be enough to tell you something.

Apparently they already have a church

Anyways I always like a good debate.Carlie I do know that you are a Marine Biologist(or at least you are majoring in it) so for some reason it makes a bit of sense that you would support evolution.This is getting to be quite an interesting debate for me.
1,523 posts

Crimson, are you trying to say that because evolution is supported by people who tend to be agnostic and/or atheist, that it in itself is a religion?

6,823 posts

but it directly goes against religion and also the big bang theory I don't really think can be called something that a true christian would believe in.

Not necessarily. You can believe in God and believe in the Big Bang. I mean, what caused the big bang in the first place? Can you really get something out of nothing? Something had to be there and cause it. As to whether it was just natural processes, or if it was a being, that is not necessarily defined. I do know people who are Christian, and who believe in the big bang. They just believe that God is behind it. Science and God only conflict if you want them to.

Although atheism in itself is a true religion.Proof you ask?Well I think this should be enough to tell you something.

What I mean was not that it did not have a religion. I should have explained myself better. By that I meant that they do not believe in a religion that follows a god. And therefore the teaching of creationism would infringe upon their rights, and their religion.

Carlie I do know that you are a Marine Biologist(or at least you are majoring in it) so for some reason it makes a bit of sense that you would support evolution.This is getting to be quite an interesting debate for me.

Yep, I love science =) And I am currently taking a seminar with a professor who has been very involved in the intelligent design debate as it has been developing in culture. So we have been learning a lot about both sides of the argument.
5,420 posts

Crimson, are you trying to say that because evolution is supported by people who tend to be agnostic and/or atheist, that it in itself is a religion?

Well not really,but the big bang theory could be argued as a religious belief of atheists.I don't think a belief can be called a religion in itself,but a religious belief of a particular religion.Although seeing as how agnostics could also believe in this theory.I am not so sure how far I could really stretch that arguement.Really my main point of that was to say that atheism was a religion.It was to further the arguement concerning the fact that they are the main activists for legal issues that go against other religions,including tons of things that they have needlessly used the church and state part of the constitution to implement.One example is when an atheist had a city monument demolished,because it was religious.If you want I can supply a link if I can find it,but its old news so it may be a bit of a pain to find.
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