ForumsWEPREvolution, creationism and the school cirriculum

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Well to start out i dont beleive in evoltuion so the fact that other things cant be taught really ticks me off but i just want to see what people think and why.

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6,823 posts

The thing is a fellow student in a science class of mine once told me he didn't even know there were any other theories,and that also he didn't even know that the idea that life had been around for millions of years wasn't proven.

But that is ignorance. No, we can't expect all people to go out there and research all of these things on their own. But evolution has always been presented to me as a theory of how life came to evolve. Evolution was presented as a fact, and natural selection the theory supporting the process. Evolutionary evidence is pretty strong. The reason that other theories aren't presented is that other theories have not been scientifically proven or tested. What you do in the scientific community is you have a hypothesis, you test it, get data, interpret it, etc. This has been done with evolution. This has not been done with other theories. Other theories have not proven themselves as science.
4,871 posts

ya not science...and evolution has been proven and tested?
4,871 posts

Models of science are subject to change for both creationists and evolutionists. But, the beliefs that these models are built on are not. The problem is that most scientists do not realize that it is the belief (or religion) of evolution that is the basis for the scientific models (the interpretations, or stories) used to attempt an explanation of the present. Evolutionists are not prepared to change their actual belief that all life can be explained by natural processes and that no God is involved (or even needed). Evolution is the religion to which they are committed.
quote from
6,823 posts

actaualy yes and its not that god made us because..are u ready for this?thats creationism!whoa revelation

Intelligent design theorists can try to separate the two things all they want, but intelligent design is just a front for creationism. The only reason that hard core creationists don't like it, is because it doesn't define God as the designer. Once of the reasons why ID has not been allowed to be taught in schools is because of the links between it and creationism.

If you look at the funding behind the Discovery Institute, one of the biggest proponents of the promotion of intelligent design theory and its so called 'researchers', you will see that all of their funding comes from Christian sources.

Also, you might want to do a little background on the book called "Of Pandas and People." It was the first big textbook that promoted intelligent design. The thing is though, it was written about creationism originally. When they realized that creationism wasn't going to be accepted into schools, they just changed the name. Literally. If you look at some of the original transcripts of the textbook, everywhere it says 'intelligent design', it used to say 'creationism'. They literally just went through and copied and pasted over. They are trying to make people believe that intelligent design is different, but its not. The motives are way off.
4,871 posts

Also, you might want to do a little background on the book called "Of Pandas and People." It was the first big textbook that promoted intelligent design. The thing is though, it was written about creationism originally. When they realized that creationism wasn't going to be accepted into schools, they just changed the name. Literally. If you look at some of the original transcripts of the textbook, everywhere it says 'intelligent design', it used to say 'creationism'. They literally just went through and copied and pasted over. They are trying to make people believe that intelligent design is different, but its not. The motives are way off.

I know that...ive seen shows on just that and yes its the same theories BUT different or unknown creators ID says that everything we see was created by something
6,823 posts

quote from

LOL, that is a Bible-proclaiming ministry. That is not impartial in the SLIGHTEST. This is also what that site has to say about dinosaurs:

"Representatives of all the kinds of air-breathing land animals, including the dinosaur kinds, went aboard Noahâs Ark. All those left outside the Ark died in the cataclysmic circumstances of the Flood, and many of their remains became fossils. After the Flood, around 4,300 years ago, the remnant of the land animals, including dinosaurs, came off the Ark and lived in the present world, along with people. Because of sin, the judgments of the Curse and the Flood have greatly changed earth. Post-Flood climatic change, lack of food, disease, and manâs activities caused many types of animals to become extinct. The dinosaurs, like many other creatures, died out."

That website is full of some of the biggest load of bull I have ever seen.
5,420 posts

actually yes and its not that god made us because..are u ready for this?that's creationism!whoa revelation

Well that's actually the main arguement against ID right now.It has been said many times before that ID is not creationism and it is not the belief in god,but that something of intelligence created life.That could mean that aliens made life for all we know,but all scientific theories concerning this try to argue that life was created as a mistake,and again there is really no defining theory on how it happened,although there is also no theory on how the big bang really happened for that matter.(At least not to my knowledge there isn't)Either way the arguement that ID is recycled creationism will not cease and I have a feeling that someone will respond saying "Well Duh! that's because it is" or something similar to that.
6,823 posts

I know that...ive seen shows on just that and yes its the same theories BUT different or unknown creators ID says that everything we see was created by something

My point is yes, they SAY that it is just a designer. But that is not the intention. They have quotes from Philip Johnson, one of the forerunners in the intelligent design movement, telling creationists that it was only a matter of time before they can get the Christian God into science with this theory. Of course they are going to tell the general media it isn't the Christian God. That is where creationism failed in getting into public education. It is a new name for the same old thing, the same old theory.
4,871 posts

Not really?ive mainly done research on crationsim but ive seen things on ID read a few articles its not the same old thing it a new theory.

4,871 posts

[quote]"Representatives of all the kinds of air-breathing land animals, including the dinosaur kinds, went aboard Noah�s Ark. All those left outside the Ark died in the cataclysmic circumstances of the Flood, and many of their remains became fossils. After the Flood, around 4,300 years ago, the remnant of the land animals, including dinosaurs, came off the Ark and lived in the present world, along with people. Because of sin, the judgments of the Curse and the Flood have greatly changed earth. Post-Flood climatic change, lack of food, disease, and man�s activities caused many types of animals to become extinct. The dinosaurs, like many other creatures, died out."

That website is full of some of the biggest load of bull I have ever seen.

O and evolution isn't the fact that from nothing(btw good explination on how the universe got here before the big bang?)
came everything isnt bull? and Noah's Ark an account of something that happened atleat 4000 years ago explains a lot of things that have been proven is just a coinsidence?i think no[/quote]
6,823 posts

Not really?ive mainly done research on crationsim but ive seen things on ID read a few articles its not the same old thing it a new theory.

Its 'new' in that it has a new name... yes. It is not a new idea though. It is creationism, repackaged.

Be sure to look at both sides of the argument. I really recommend a book called Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design. It is pretty biased, but it has a lot of good information and evidence in there about intelligent design, how it works, the marketing behind it, who the key players are, etc.
6,823 posts

O and evolution isn't the fact that from nothing(btw good explination on how the universe got here before the big bang?)
came everything isnt bull?

Evolution specifically does NOT deal with the origin of life. It explains the evolution of life after it was created. Even the Catholic church has said that evolutionary theory is fine by them, as long as it does not try to explain the origin of the soul. And it doesn't.
4,871 posts

Evolution specifically does NOT deal with the origin of life. It explains the evolution of life after it was created. Even the Catholic church has said that evolutionary theory is fine by them, as long as it does not try to explain the origin of the soul. And it doesn't.

Honestly i dont care im not catholic and still most christians still beleive it was creationism ...the day im an evolutionist the day im an athiest to me the two dont fit togther
4,871 posts

well i wont deny ID has a strategy but so does evolution also i did start this thread and getting back to the basic why can't the teach creationism in bio?

4,871 posts

Evolution specifically does NOT deal with the origin of life. It explains the evolution of life after it was created.

My theory does so how isnt that more valid?
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