Well to start out i dont beleive in evoltuion so the fact that other things cant be taught really ticks me off but i just want to see what people think and why.
Because of this total lack of evidence, creationists are forced to spend all their efforts looking for ways to undermine evolution and to encourage the continued ignorance of science as a whole, as a means of promoting their unsubstantiated and unprovable claims. All because people are afraid of facing life without an imaginary friend. It's sad.
lack of evidence?hmm and you call me ignorant again your automaticaly ruling out the fact creationism has no proof just because it's based on religion. As I've said before and always been ignored or ridiculed for both have proof. Also people like you spend their whole lives continuing the ignorance of religion as a whole and acting like you KNOW there is no god, I beleive there is but i dont KNOW 100%. And facing life without an imaginary friend?I'm just as afraid of facing life either way becuase when i say i believe in god people like you spend so long telling me im wrong
Also I recently read a book and I'll proably get ignored or called ignorant again...but it was about how people need to understand both sides of the argument obviously you wont see anything I say is fact unless you realize I'm saying all of this happened because of God and some what Noah's flood. I don't care if you think this is true but u need to when reading my posts and others who agree with me think that if this WAS true it'd make sense. Just like we need to think well if there is no God then we realize you as well have a strong argument. Again all i want you to do is think well if he is right about these things than yes this would be a fact , and I'mn trying to do the same for your posts. I dont care you disagree still but you need to see as well as i do that if were right about God and other things than this would make sense .
Also I recently read a book and I'll proably get ignored or called ignorant again...but it was about how people need to understand both sides of the argument
Equal Discussion. You have to dicuss both sides like they have equal potential of being right, and like your - opponent is equal to you. This is what actual scientists do, when they discuss a theory, so I agree with Samy. All sides should be seen as equal, when you cannot actually prove something is wrong. You should not prove something is right, but prove something is wrong, like people are innocent, until proven guilty.
and this is just as much for people on the creationism side of the argument including myself after re-reading a few of my posts im sorry if i came across ignorant
You specifically said: "true i dont know anything about this"
Because of this total lack of evidence, creationists are forced to spend all their efforts looking for ways to undermine evolution and to encourage the continued ignorance of science as a whole, as a means of promoting their unsubstantiated and unprovable claims.
I agree. The only way they can get people to believe them is through trying to attack evolution with false accusations. Despicable!
Its been said over 9000 times, but it needs to be said once more... CREATIONISM IS NOT SCIENCE, IT IS RELIGION, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO.
Creationism is a scientific theory, which means that it has scientific evidence that suggests the possibility that that theory is true. Evolution is also a scientific theory.
In this light. I would say that both views should definitely be taught as they both have a scientific basis from which they were founded.
An invisible, omnipotent, omniscient man creating something out of nothing is not science.
Fact: When in uniform circular motion, an object is constantly accelerating because it is changing vectors. Formulas such as Ac=m(v^2/r) can be used to prove this.
Fact: God exists because we said so.
Which is the odd one out, kids?
If Creationism were science, we wouldn't have this issue in the first place. Creationism involves religion. Don't try to say otherwise, because you'll just make an idiot of yourself.
Then is the spontaneous creation of something out of nothing science now?
If you are referring to the Big Bang theory, what you're saying is incorrect. The Big Bang theory doesn't cover how all the matter in the universe was created, just how the universe got to be where it was today.
No. I believe in the Big Bang theory. The question is, what catalyzed it? How was the matter created? How did it lead to the universe as we know it today? That is science, the why of what. But what answers these questions most satisfactorily?
But what answers these questions most satisfactorily?
Religions, of course. In my personal opinion, that's part of the reason why people believe: they need to have a way to understand. Yet, just because creationism and Intelligent Design explain how life was created doesn't mean that they should be taught alongside evolution in public schools.
I have a serious question. Is evolution taught at private schools? I'm just wondering. There aren't any private schools in my area, so I don't have a chance to ask anyone else.