ForumsWEPREvolution, creationism and the school cirriculum

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Well to start out i dont beleive in evoltuion so the fact that other things cant be taught really ticks me off but i just want to see what people think and why.

  • 697 Replies
1,353 posts

Huh... not another evolution tpoic.

Well first of all I do not believe in evolution at ALL.
I belive God created heaven and earth,but about the only teach evolution in schools question.

I say NO,teachers should teach about all religion not just this foolishness about evolution. (I know im gonna get hammered for this lol)

254 posts

Well, unless Evolution makes a jump from Scientific THEORY to scientific LAW, then they should definitely mention other theories as to how the Earth began and all life in it.

It's like going to a horse derby and putting all your money on one horse because you have faith that that horse will win; but there is still the possibility that on of the other 19 or so horses will win also.

33 posts

... Evolution isn't a theory about the origin of life.

750 posts

heres a little stroy-- in grade school during the holidays/winter, we would sing the Haunaka song ALL the way through, but we wouldnt sing Away in a Manger, or otehr songs, but we would sing jewish, muslim songs

That is strug. I remember singing* Jewish songs in elementary school too. Within the public school system they should only teach the basic tenets of the religions that shaped world history.

*I've never actually sang in school, I just say "watermelon" repeatedly and it looks like I am singing

The thing is Darwinism is what scientists think is the absolute truth

Please don't call it "Darwinism," Charles Darwin came up with the mechanism, natural selection, and outlined evolution; however, many of his original conjectures have been replaced by modern evolutionary biology. For example, Darwin supported the gradualist framework for evolution while modern framework is punctuated equilibrium.

they have no absolute theory of how life began

No scientific theory is absolute, they are all subject to change; this is instead a flaw in the unyielding mindset of Intelligent Design (ID).

If you ever watched the new documentary from Ben Stein(known as Expelled:No intelligence allowed).It tells about how people are being fired from their jobs for believing in intelligent design

1) Fact: "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" is the most unbiased and definitive source for understanding the ID - Evolution controversy.

2) If I were heading a biology research team, I probably wouldn't want any ID proponents as evolution is integral to our modern understanding of biology and ecological systems.

Then America will end up looking like a theocracy against religion instead of for it.

1) Slippery slope fallacy.

2) America shouldn't be "for" religion - Amendment tnhe First.

3) It isn't against religion if it doesn't teach ID, in fact it better supports it, Ask a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Jain, a spiritualistic animist, a Taoist, a Shinto believer, a Nordic "Paganist," Pastafarian, etc. They all have different beliefs, to teach one and not the other is to attack a religion, only the secular and universally justifiable evolutionary theory should be taught.

Then they are pretty much brainwashing children of today with the biases,and beliefs of atheism.

1) Evolution does not equate with atheism, I know many Christian supporters of evolution. Also you should read Kenneth Miller's Finding Darwin's God

2) Education is not brainwashing, if we read Shakespeare in Literature, we aren't brainwashing you with Shakespeare. Brainwashing implies manipulation if the mind.

Both of which have no where near enough proof to be called a fact.

1) If observing the mechanisms of evolution thousands of times isn't enough to consider it factual enough to teach than what is? With the Big Bang, we have observed much evidence too, such as background radiation. Light that is billions of years old showing the earliest galaxies, etc.

2) There is no quality evidence for ID, therefore under your own criteria, it should not be taught.

Actually ive read books on creationsism and well evolution has millions of holes and actualy more scientists beleive in ID or creationism or creationsim than evolution its the teachers and media the people who really dont know who r projecting this is true also thing like discovery channel and national geographic r completley biased about this

1) Fact: Books on creationism show no evident bias against evolution.

2) Point out some holes, most of the so-called holes are just a lack of fossils, but with the rareness of fossils this "hole isn't saying much (i.e. Velociraptors lived on Earth for millions of years, millions of their individuals have lived. They are considered well-preserved considering the number of fossil skeletons found. How many fossil skeletons is that? Thirteen. Compare that to transitional species, who would only have existed for a few thousand years and had a comparatively small number of individuals, is it likely we would find many transitional skeletons? No, by the very nature of fossils they should be exceedingly rare; however, we have found some.)

3) Most scientists, especially biologists support evolution.
"the fact that organisms evolve is uncontested in the scientific literature and the modern evolutionary synthesis is widely accepted by scientists. However, evolution remains a contentious concept for some religious groups.[187]" Also, ad populem is a logical fallacy.

to teach other THEORIES none of which has been proven

There is a difference between theory and scientific theory, this argument is unresponsive to evolution.

So it had to be created by something that is of intelligence.Whether that be aliens,a higher power, or whatever else.Either way it is a scientific theory.

To be a scientific theory you need a mechanism or in this case an agent.

evolution is a religion

Under your own definition - "and purpose of the universe," evolution is not a religion because it does not answer this question.

teachers should teach about all religion

This would create an infinite education burden, we would have to teach about literally millions of religions.

Well, unless Evolution makes a jump from Scientific THEORY to scientific LAW, then they should definitely mention other theories as to how the Earth began and all life in it.

Gravity isn't even truly a law, our understanding of it is changing, such as why it is so vastly weaker than the other fundamental forces. Also, scientific theory means there is amss of evidence that hasn't been adequately refuted.

@ Topic- Public schools should only teach evolution, but I think we should switch to a free-market education program with government aid payments; this would allow parents to send students to send their children to schools that teach what they want. Also, this would be cheaper than the current system (with all of its government inconsistencies) and would benefit people more because with government aid, competitive schools could make just as much money in the inner-cities as the suburbs. If you press me, I'll provide more justifications...
Anyways, evolution has significant amounts of proof so it is ideal to teach it.
79 posts

no because there is more proof for intelligent design than evolution. and anyway evolution has risen to the lvl of a religion were ppl will believe even if they dont hav any proof, etc... so y favor 1 religion over another in public schools???

750 posts

there is more proof for intelligent design than evolution

Show some evidence then.

anyway evolution has risen to the lvl of a religion were ppl will believe even if they dont hav any proof

The vast majority of evolution supporters use facts to support their arguments, otherwise they would turn to faith based ideas of life. Also, evolution cannot be a religion because it doesn't answer the questions that religion is founded on, such as "What is the purpose of the universe?" and "What happens when I die?"

y favor 1 religion over another in public schools???

Which is exactly why we can't teach the very religious pseudo-theory of Intelligent Design. Also, this is a forum to allow effective discourse over controversial ideas, don't use "texting type", doing so makes your arguments look weaker on face and makes it harder to read them.
10,816 posts

As I was looking at this topic I was suddenly struck with an idea.

There is a lot of fear of brainwashing and indoctrination, and manipulating the political tides in order to best manage the social outcomes to ones liking.

And sometimes there isn't much of a difference between indoctrination and education.

This considered, just how effective is it to teach one and not the other? Why should one model be perceived as a threat to education itself?

Here's my thought process on this:

* Regardless of what one teaches in school, what you get taught in the family setting normally takes precedence.

* Schools should aim to give a broad education but shouldn't be obliged to raise children. Like I said, place of education moreso than indoctrination (of behaviors, values etc.)

Therefore as a purportedly neutral construct of society (public system anyway), schools ought to aim to give a representation of the current debate by listing the principles, only detailing them further depending on the subject choices in later school. That this is a significant debate seems to me a failure of parenthood moreso than anything else. Ultimately one hopes that a child's autonomy is fostered properly by adulthood, and this is the best anybody could hope for.

588 posts

Religion is a way to gap the holes science has yet to fill

Evolution should be the only thing taught, any other theories shouldn't be given more than 5 minutes in class

4,871 posts

MY GOD ok first of all both therioes have the SAME facts thier interpreted differently

Evolution should be the only thing taught, any other theories shouldn't be given more than 5 minutes in class

ur blind u dont understand anything come on! i hate evolution i know soo many major flaws and i still want it to be taught in schools come on

The vast majority of evolution supporters use facts to support their arguments, otherwise they would turn to faith based ideas of life.

Its religion religion isnt faith its a beleif adhered to with full life and really?ID is more believed by actual biologists evolution is beleived by people who just listen to it in schools which is why its so widely beleived because most of our generation doesnt look it up on there own
4,871 posts

Evolution does not equate with atheism, I know many Christian supporters of evolution. Also you should read Kenneth Miller's Finding Darwin's God

Christians who belive it take genisis as just a story the bibles an absolute this makes there belief wrong which means there not christians. I have other arguments if ud like 2 hear them as well
4,871 posts

Point out some holes, most of the so-called holes are just a lack of fossils

Want to hear a big hole?we havnt found anything that can't be carbon 14 dated under our curent system that only can trace back 80,000 years and what about the law of thermodynamics???
13,657 posts

Back to topic: Should it be taught in school, not "is it right"...
As stated before, yes, it should, but no more than an introduction to creationism in biology, I think. A project about it should be enough, and then back to Religion.

588 posts

it should, but no more than an introduction to creationism in biology, I think. A project about it should be enough, and then back to Religion.

???? Religion isn't taught in schools
4,871 posts

just to clear something up im talking about the science aspect of cretionsim(or ID) not the religion of it and yes there is a difference

495 posts

I think they should both be taught it only makes sense to see both points of view in an argument even if you dont agree at least you can understand where there coming from. I also think it's a form of propaganda teaching only what they want us to believe which doesnt seem right to me

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