ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMWT - FAQ

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13,657 posts

Okay: Do not post here, unless there is a real reason for it!

To make it easier for people to get the information about the Tournament.

-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. .This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different.. -But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.

Mixed World Tournament.
This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.
The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


The first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

After writing your introductions, and you have gotten your character into place, the rounds will go like this:
I write a small introduction to the next round, containing a little information about your surroundings, and what else to be mentioned, and then post a single challenge in your messenger. Let it be a creature you meet (I wil do pictures of such things), a trap you encounter or any clues you might find.
This should be includes in your entry.
Then you should draw or write the actions of your character. Comics and longer stories should be the goal.
Each round will probably last for two weeks, to give you and myself the time to make the story, but if it is requested, the rounds will be shortened.

*Remember, there are other ways of winning, than fighting and ripping off limbs. Being sneaky and creative is rather important too.
*Out of Character knowledge will result in a penality in the next round. (OOC being when your character knows stuff he or she should not.)
*Not all you encounter will be enemies. Some might give you a clue to what the reason for your arrival might be, or give you advice. Once again, OOC is not allowed (knowing stuff other characters than you know.)

There will be penalities to overpowered characters, and you will probably not like the things I will make you do to your characters, if they have too much power. No, not at all.
Bragging is fine, sure, but being overpowered is something completely different...
So, take a look at your character sheet, and alter it, if you find faults. Or, of course, do not, and take the consequences. It is up to you.

I pick the winner by choosing which story is the best/most creative/makes me lol. Each contestant draw their character battleing the opponent, or running from the action, or whatever, and their tricky/somewhat stupid/random/lucky way of getting the opponent eliminated. It might be totally random, and not even them doing the battle, which is one of the main reasons I tried to keep all the characters in the avarage field of strength. Doing the hulk would not help much with the judging.Whenever a character is - eliminated, there will be threads of darkness somehow pulling them into the earth. What I do to them you migth find out.
Oh, and of course the contestants are welcome to become "friends" in the battle... I just still need one of them to be eliminated.
Draw your version of the battle. Mainly you would try to make your character win, right? If you do not, then the opponent will win, and I will be sad.
You should not talk to your opponent about how the battle will be, it is up to your own creativity. And that challenge I give you, of course.

Is it allowed to have more than one contestant?
Yes. Two contestants/teams are the limit. The number of team members should be no more than three.

what are the consent rules for roleplay and story writing?
I start every round with a little part of story, like I did with the thread itself. You are welcome to draw that part too (I would love that), but you do not need to. Beside the story, I will post a challenge or two to incorperate in the comic/writing, but that is up to you.
When the elimination rounds start, I do the story, and put each of the charas up againt an opponent, and the most creative solution wins. I could be Strop against Hallow, and the best story wins. Then the winner is up against another opponent, while I have fun with the loser.
The stories are made like the one in the beginning of the thread, but it has a little pasrt of it whach contains information about your character. In the first round, Arrival, I write down how your character is captured and transported to the world, and in which enviorment they end up.
When somebody have entered, they have given permission for everyone else to draw/write about their character.

.It is time.. Her many eyes looked at the horizon, where the last of the light disappeared, leaving the city with only the electricity to save it from the thick darkness. She turned, smiling sweetly at the lad. Her smile were for some a normal, innocent smile, but to him it screamed 'danger'. .Go start the progress, little Sururrian.. He nodded, backing off slowly before turning around, leaving the room. She smiled after him, her face, her entire surface beginning to dissolve, melt and form into a black multieyed pit. It glided out from the white clothes, and stood again, disfigured as it was. .Suffer, my children. Suffer..
The boy wandered through the many dark halls and corridors, hearing the howls and snarls from the rooms on the other side of the wall. There were no door to these rooms, not windows, no exit. Sharp claws scratched the walls, and now and then a bump were heard, as the creatures on the other side tried to enter the corridors were he walked. Funnily enough he felt himself being more safe here than with the multieyed female in the upper room.
The sounds got worse with every step he took, with every stair case he walked down.
The summoning had just started as he walking in. The mages did not even look up, but concentrated on catching each of the contestants.


1 Phill, Bob & a Jango
Suddent darkness fills the room, and all three feel something tugging in them, physically or maybe psychically. Moments later they all stand in a dark alley in what seems to be a big modern city. Out of nowhere a blue light appears, only to disappear once again seconds later. A flicker...

2 Orlestat
A slow whispers can be heard. "Get ready, child". Strings of a dark material wraps around his scaly legs, consuming his wings, and rendering him blind of a moment. When he can see again, the bird stands in a dark alley, with dirt on the walls around him. Far up, the sky seems to be the limit. A flicker...

3 Dingsly
The door makes a cracking noise, but there is nothing there. "Hello." A whisper says, just seconds before he he is hurled into darkness. When he once again can open his eyes, he stands in a alley. The air is filled with smoke. Before him a light is shown. A flicker...

4 Sasquatch, the summon Overgrowth & Yeti
The flames gets hotter, much hotter than they should be. And darker.... Their sight is blurring, the rim blackening. A sudden flash of darkness and a nice coolness is what happens next. Overgrowth have not followed the siblings, but they have each other in this unknown city. What was that?! A flicker...

5 Fredithy P. Paddle-Waddle (Xzeno)
(will be submitted later)

6 the Nergyl Child
Sudden darkness disrupts the conversation. When the Child can see again he is alone. All alone. This is not a place he has ever seen before. A flicker...

7 Dervysh & Vixen
Through the forest it went. But something is wrong, like the vines seemingly following them. Dervysh is suddenly picked up, and both of them disappear into a blackness. A black sky is the next they see, lying on the pavement. As they rise, they see something. A flicker...

8 Ezale
The grass whispers softly, like a lullaby. Next to her her mate is making a phrrrrring sound. All these familiar things stop at once, and she finds herself in front of a blue light. A flicker...

9 Delairi
The world was nothing than greys in greys. And a black line. She slowly steps on it, but as she touches it, it sucks her in. In the next moment she stands in an alley, stepping on a line in the pavement. A flicker...

10 Billy
The calling fades a little, then gets stronger, then once again it fades. Seemingly it lures him into a trap. To late he notices the thin black strings here in empty space. They tighten around his body, taking him somewhere through a darkness. The next thing he sees is a distant light growing stronger and stronger. A flicker...

11 Azu
When the bear finally wakes, he is no longer where he lost consciousness. He feels captured, the walls too high, the street all dark. All alone...

12 Charlie
What the.... Uhm... A flicker.........

13 Pazx and Garrow
When the two of them wake up (at the same time... Weird...), they lay under a black sky, with tall building towering around them. Pazx sits up, while Garrow roll over. Uh, a shining blue light... A flicker...

14 Strop
When the ninja wakes up, he is staring into a wall. There is dirt on it, and something that seems to be either blood or slime. He gets to his feet as fast as any ninja can, but the silence is disrupted by a buzz. He stares at where the sound came from. A flicker...

15 The Fallen Child
Sudden darkness disrupts the conversation. When the Fallen can see again he is alone. All alone. This is not a place he has ever seen before. A flicker...

16 Hallow
The disruption climaxes for a second, when black tentacles grab hold of him, dragging him into another world through a gap in reality. This is a city, a grand city like that of humanoids with too much money and too little time. Before him a small lightening appears. A flicker...


A flicker appeared before each of the contestants. It slowly formed the figure of a masked person, a male. The blue image raised his head, seemingly looking at the contestants before him. He began talking with a deep tired sigh. -I greet you.- He twitched a little. -Welcome to this test of - abilities. This world will most probably make you cry for your mother, no offence, but if this not make you go crazy or make you cry, then... You have no humanity. No sense.- He looked to the side, taking a deep breath. -The first one to enter the tower is the winner. Before you can do that, you will have to take care of your opponents, in one way or another.- He turned his head at the contestants again, looking directly at them. -If you want to live, then do not enter...- He was cut off. Then the flicker began once again, and he disappeared.
*The streets are narrow and like a maze in nature. There are not many straight streets here.
*No matter how high the character fly or climb, they would not be able to reach the sky. The walls seem to keep stretching towards the freedom.

People start out alone. That is why you all have an individual introduction.
It is not a maze, but it have the nature of one, like really big cities have.
The time the round takes is around half an hour.

This first round, we pretty much just portray them traveling through the maze? There is nothing except for the walls, the unreachable sky, the darkness and the occasional lights?
No, not really. It is not a real maze, it is just impossible to go straight for more than 20 meters, really.
But portrait the arrival/the first half'n'hour in the city. There might be animals watching, but you cannot be sure.

* How much of it is visible at any one time? Are structures like the tower even visible?
In the next round the walls shopuld part more, and let you see the windows and doors, all the empty buildings... The tower too will be seen in when you get out of there.

* Is the town organised and is there a way to even reach rooftops? Especially for non-flying creatures.
Since the boundary for this round is the sky, no. Later it should not be hard to find a open door and take the stairs up, not should it be hard for a trained ninja to move up the walls.

* Are there any open spaces at all?
There will be.

* Are the walls breakable?
They are, but they seem to heal themselves afterwards, reveiling the odd nature of this city.

How wide is the space between the walls?/How narrow are these streets?
The narrow streets are two meters (6'7&quot wide, the more open alleys are 5-7 meters (16.4' - 23' wide.

What kind of lighting is there? If any?
Streets have street lights, but above them there is pretty dark. The alleys have more sparingly light, though anyone should be able to see there.
In the next round, there should be better light, and more open spaces.

Refs will be submitted later.

  • 41 Replies
13,657 posts

Player responsibilities:
* You have committed to being a part of the tournament. Backing out will cause severe headaches and is considered poor form.
* You are obliged to read all the information as provided. Failure to do so will cause misunderstandings and therefore more severe headaches.
* The GM (and whomever she grants power of attorney) is the game's god. What she says, goes. Argument causes severe headaches and is actually quite rude!
* You must strive to meet deadlines; if not possible, flag difficulties well in advance, or asap. Like I've already notified Cenere I will be away for three weeks after Christmas. That's more than a month. This is acceptable.

Strop summed it up.
625 posts

You have committed to being a part of the tournament. Backing out will cause severe headaches and is considered poor form.

Delete this if you want... But oh dear.. Dervysh does have a tendency to black out >.>
10,816 posts

lol, that's black out, not back out.

Anyway, last note from me for now: I will sticky this in place of the MWT, as the other thread will be frequently updated but this is the thread absolutely everybody must read.

625 posts

Whoops, my bad =D thx for pointing that out strop... Lawl now i feel like a total douche....


Oh thx for this thread btw (to cenere)

13,657 posts

Oh yeah:
Contestants with their numbers:
1 Phill, Bob & a Jango

2 Orlestat

3 Dingsly

4 Sasquatch, the summon Overgrowth & Yeti

5 Xzeno

6 the Nergyl Child and the Fallen Child

7 Dervysh & Vixen

8 Ezale

9 Delairi

10 Billy

11 Azu

12 Charlie

13 Pazx and Garrow

14 Strop

15 Akuma

16 Hallow

9,434 posts

And the totally unofficial contestant, better known as the nontestant, that is just there. Or maybe it isn't. I hope it is, but it's still interesting to write about even if it is not...


?? Vap

2,770 posts


Could azu be #8 instead? Cause that's my favorite number! :>

If its a hassle then it don't matter haha just thought it would be more fun for me. But that's just me being picky! ;D 11 would be my second choice! :P

5,845 posts

Okay: Do not post here, unless there is a real reason for it!

We reeeeaaaalllllly follow the rules don't we now?

And the totally unofficial contestant, better known as the nontestant, that is just there. Or maybe it isn't. I hope it is, but it's still interesting to write about even if it is not...

Yay!... And btw, I already had my proluge before the comp started and there is actually a third character in my story... I've decided not to bother writing about her unless I'm bored... And even then I wouldn't submit it here... yah...


10,816 posts

We reeeeaaaalllllly follow the rules don't we now?

In all seriousness, it's important that you do here. This thread is meant to be only for important information to be readily available.

If it starts becoming too difficult, I'll be deleting the unnecessary posts.
13,657 posts

Template for the characters.

Image reference (only if the character has been drawn):
Build (body structure):
Skin/fur/scale/feather/leaf/stick description (colour and such):
Items and/or natural weapons:
Preferred combat tactic/technique:
Allies (if any):
Abilities or other traits that are either neither or both strength/weaknesses:

13,657 posts

Name: Dingsly
Build (body structure):Tall and muscualr
Size:Um...see above?
Skin/fur/scale/feather/leaf/stick description):Tan skin
Clothes:Boots, slacks, blu shirt with black coat and cape.
Items and/or natural weapons:A sword with small teeth in the side of it
Personality:Very quiet and laid back, dosn't trust many
Preferred combat tactic/technique: combat tactic, rather quick on his feet and likes to keep his left arm to the far side of his opponent
Allies (if any): None as of now
Strengths: close quarter comabat, good at takeing more then one man at a time
Weaknesses:left arm is allmost unusable, and very weak
Abilities or other traits that are either neither or both strength/weaknesses: Um.....none i suppose?

found it, page 29. May wanna write that down.
1,463 posts

Image reference (only if the character has been drawn): Can't find one right now...
Build (body structure):Flexible but muscular.
Size:See Height an Weight
Skin/fur/scale/feather/leaf/stick description (colour and such): He can make his skin whatever colour he wants it to be, like a chameleon. Normally he keeps it standard. Stick figure pitch black.
Clothes: His straw hat, skinny jeans, white undershirt, and a country - boy button up.
Items and/or natural weapons: Sometimes a scythe that he summons with a snap. He improvises on the weapons he uses so he could use something as uncomplicated as a stick or something as complicated as a magical fire staff.
Personality: Smart, Humorous, Observant, Selfish, and at times calm.
Preferred combat tactic/technique: Street fighting, He made his own style of fighting called Philjitsu (Cheesy name, Woop As* tactics.), and also does a little military style fighting.
Allies (if any):Bob the Submarine Sandwich maker and the Jangos.
Strengths: Very smart, is a good swimmer, can run for eternity with out tiring, The dark element,and The water element.
Weaknesses:Anime robots, Sunlight, Fire, Corn dogs, and History tests.
Abilities or other traits that are either neither or both strength/weaknesses:

1,463 posts

Image reference (only if the character has been drawn): Found it!
Build (body structure):Flexible but muscular.
Size:See Height an Weight
Skin/fur/scale/feather/leaf/stick description (colour and such): He can make his skin whatever colour he wants it to be, like a chameleon. Normally he keeps it standard. Stick figure pitch black.
Clothes: His straw hat, skinny jeans, white undershirt, and a country - boy button up.
Items and/or natural weapons: Sometimes a scythe that he summons with a snap. He improvises on the weapons he uses so he could use something as uncomplicated as a stick or something as complicated as a magical fire staff.
Personality: Smart, Humorous, Observant, Selfish, and at times calm.
Preferred combat tactic/technique: Street fighting, He made his own style of fighting called Philjitsu (Cheesy name, Woop As* tactics.), and also does a little military style fighting.
Allies (if any):Bob the Submarine Sandwich maker and the Jangos.
Strengths: Very smart, is a good swimmer, can run for eternity with out tiring, The dark element,and The water element.
Weaknesses:Anime robots, Sunlight, Fire, Corn dogs, and History tests.
Abilities or other traits that are either neither or both strength/weaknesses:Can teleport, turn invisible, and shoot beams and stuff from his hands.

I forgot to post the last one and I found a picture of Phil.

5,845 posts

Name: Pazx
Image reference (only if the character has been drawn): Get back to you on that one
Height: um...
Weight: Light.
Build (body structure): Slim, but Strong.
Size: Hasn't that being answered in the last three questions? lol, human size.
Skin/fur/scale/feather/leaf/stick description (colour and such): Light brownish fur. Clawed ear. Looks like he was drawn by a ten year old.
Clothes: Purple ninja dress.
Items and/or natural weapons: Claws, teeth,
Personality: Me-ish. That means get to know me better, idiot. lol, fun and joking mostly but can be very serious.
Preferred combat tactic/technique: ~~
Allies (if any): Garrow, Sérinn (still in other world)
Strengths: Telepathy, Psychic powers, Master of: Taijitsu, ninjitsu, jujitsu, kung fu and karate.
Weaknesses: *thinks* is... Is not human. Is Opposed to modern weaponry.
Abilities or other traits that are either neither or both strength/weaknesses: Is young. Cannot resist rickrolling. Loves to paint. Is furry. Is curious.

Name: Garrow
Image reference (only if the character has been drawn):
Height: Short
Weight: Light
Build (body structure): HE'S A BUNNY GOD D@MN IT!
Size: *facepalm*
Skin/fur/scale/feather/leaf/stick description (colour and such): White fur. Yeah...
Clothes: Will sometimes put on black, otherwise NOPE!
Items and/or natural weapons: Padded littlwe paws and feet.
Personality: Defiant. Quick to learn. Generally happy.
Preferred combat tactic/technique: ...
Allies (if any): Pazx. Sérrin (other world).
Strengths: Is small. Has been taught by the greatest martial artist of them all. Trained in ninjitsu, taijitsu and jujitsu. Is furry. Is an extremely high jumper. Is generally peaceful. Is strong for his size.
Weaknesses: Is young. Is small. Is not the best swimmer.
Abilities or other traits that are either neither or both strength/weaknesses: Is curious. Is young.

Me: Me
Status: HEADACHE! WTH am I doing here?


-Yaysas! It's my birthday! And I'm completely off topic! Yay!-

4,375 posts

Name: Dingsly
Build (body structure):Tall and muscualr
Size:Um...see above?
Skin/fur/scale/feather/leaf/stick description):Tan skin. Short brown spikey hair, with one long peice that comes down over his left eye. He has a weathered face, with very serious eyes, that have seen so many things he would like to forget. He has thin lips which hardly ever smile.
Clothes:Boots, slacks, blue shirt with black coat and cape with a red and blue dragon on the back that look like there fighting.
Items and/or natural weapons:A sword with small teeth in the side of it that is about 4 feet long. (teethe are only around the tip)
Personality:Very quiet and laid back, dosn't trust many but isn't against makeing friends or helping others
Preferred combat tactic/technique: combat tactic, rather quick on his feet and likes to keep his left arm to the far side of his opponent.
Allies (if any): None as of now
Strengths: close quarter comabat, good at takeing more then one man at a time
Weaknesses:left arm is allmost unusable, and very weak
Abilities or other traits that are either neither or both strength/weaknesses: Um.....none i suppose?

Showing 1-15 of 41