ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMWT - FAQ

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Okay: Do not post here, unless there is a real reason for it!

To make it easier for people to get the information about the Tournament.

-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. .This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different.. -But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.

Mixed World Tournament.
This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.
The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


The first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

After writing your introductions, and you have gotten your character into place, the rounds will go like this:
I write a small introduction to the next round, containing a little information about your surroundings, and what else to be mentioned, and then post a single challenge in your messenger. Let it be a creature you meet (I wil do pictures of such things), a trap you encounter or any clues you might find.
This should be includes in your entry.
Then you should draw or write the actions of your character. Comics and longer stories should be the goal.
Each round will probably last for two weeks, to give you and myself the time to make the story, but if it is requested, the rounds will be shortened.

*Remember, there are other ways of winning, than fighting and ripping off limbs. Being sneaky and creative is rather important too.
*Out of Character knowledge will result in a penality in the next round. (OOC being when your character knows stuff he or she should not.)
*Not all you encounter will be enemies. Some might give you a clue to what the reason for your arrival might be, or give you advice. Once again, OOC is not allowed (knowing stuff other characters than you know.)

There will be penalities to overpowered characters, and you will probably not like the things I will make you do to your characters, if they have too much power. No, not at all.
Bragging is fine, sure, but being overpowered is something completely different...
So, take a look at your character sheet, and alter it, if you find faults. Or, of course, do not, and take the consequences. It is up to you.

I pick the winner by choosing which story is the best/most creative/makes me lol. Each contestant draw their character battleing the opponent, or running from the action, or whatever, and their tricky/somewhat stupid/random/lucky way of getting the opponent eliminated. It might be totally random, and not even them doing the battle, which is one of the main reasons I tried to keep all the characters in the avarage field of strength. Doing the hulk would not help much with the judging.Whenever a character is - eliminated, there will be threads of darkness somehow pulling them into the earth. What I do to them you migth find out.
Oh, and of course the contestants are welcome to become "friends" in the battle... I just still need one of them to be eliminated.
Draw your version of the battle. Mainly you would try to make your character win, right? If you do not, then the opponent will win, and I will be sad.
You should not talk to your opponent about how the battle will be, it is up to your own creativity. And that challenge I give you, of course.

Is it allowed to have more than one contestant?
Yes. Two contestants/teams are the limit. The number of team members should be no more than three.

what are the consent rules for roleplay and story writing?
I start every round with a little part of story, like I did with the thread itself. You are welcome to draw that part too (I would love that), but you do not need to. Beside the story, I will post a challenge or two to incorperate in the comic/writing, but that is up to you.
When the elimination rounds start, I do the story, and put each of the charas up againt an opponent, and the most creative solution wins. I could be Strop against Hallow, and the best story wins. Then the winner is up against another opponent, while I have fun with the loser.
The stories are made like the one in the beginning of the thread, but it has a little pasrt of it whach contains information about your character. In the first round, Arrival, I write down how your character is captured and transported to the world, and in which enviorment they end up.
When somebody have entered, they have given permission for everyone else to draw/write about their character.

.It is time.. Her many eyes looked at the horizon, where the last of the light disappeared, leaving the city with only the electricity to save it from the thick darkness. She turned, smiling sweetly at the lad. Her smile were for some a normal, innocent smile, but to him it screamed 'danger'. .Go start the progress, little Sururrian.. He nodded, backing off slowly before turning around, leaving the room. She smiled after him, her face, her entire surface beginning to dissolve, melt and form into a black multieyed pit. It glided out from the white clothes, and stood again, disfigured as it was. .Suffer, my children. Suffer..
The boy wandered through the many dark halls and corridors, hearing the howls and snarls from the rooms on the other side of the wall. There were no door to these rooms, not windows, no exit. Sharp claws scratched the walls, and now and then a bump were heard, as the creatures on the other side tried to enter the corridors were he walked. Funnily enough he felt himself being more safe here than with the multieyed female in the upper room.
The sounds got worse with every step he took, with every stair case he walked down.
The summoning had just started as he walking in. The mages did not even look up, but concentrated on catching each of the contestants.


1 Phill, Bob & a Jango
Suddent darkness fills the room, and all three feel something tugging in them, physically or maybe psychically. Moments later they all stand in a dark alley in what seems to be a big modern city. Out of nowhere a blue light appears, only to disappear once again seconds later. A flicker...

2 Orlestat
A slow whispers can be heard. "Get ready, child". Strings of a dark material wraps around his scaly legs, consuming his wings, and rendering him blind of a moment. When he can see again, the bird stands in a dark alley, with dirt on the walls around him. Far up, the sky seems to be the limit. A flicker...

3 Dingsly
The door makes a cracking noise, but there is nothing there. "Hello." A whisper says, just seconds before he he is hurled into darkness. When he once again can open his eyes, he stands in a alley. The air is filled with smoke. Before him a light is shown. A flicker...

4 Sasquatch, the summon Overgrowth & Yeti
The flames gets hotter, much hotter than they should be. And darker.... Their sight is blurring, the rim blackening. A sudden flash of darkness and a nice coolness is what happens next. Overgrowth have not followed the siblings, but they have each other in this unknown city. What was that?! A flicker...

5 Fredithy P. Paddle-Waddle (Xzeno)
(will be submitted later)

6 the Nergyl Child
Sudden darkness disrupts the conversation. When the Child can see again he is alone. All alone. This is not a place he has ever seen before. A flicker...

7 Dervysh & Vixen
Through the forest it went. But something is wrong, like the vines seemingly following them. Dervysh is suddenly picked up, and both of them disappear into a blackness. A black sky is the next they see, lying on the pavement. As they rise, they see something. A flicker...

8 Ezale
The grass whispers softly, like a lullaby. Next to her her mate is making a phrrrrring sound. All these familiar things stop at once, and she finds herself in front of a blue light. A flicker...

9 Delairi
The world was nothing than greys in greys. And a black line. She slowly steps on it, but as she touches it, it sucks her in. In the next moment she stands in an alley, stepping on a line in the pavement. A flicker...

10 Billy
The calling fades a little, then gets stronger, then once again it fades. Seemingly it lures him into a trap. To late he notices the thin black strings here in empty space. They tighten around his body, taking him somewhere through a darkness. The next thing he sees is a distant light growing stronger and stronger. A flicker...

11 Azu
When the bear finally wakes, he is no longer where he lost consciousness. He feels captured, the walls too high, the street all dark. All alone...

12 Charlie
What the.... Uhm... A flicker.........

13 Pazx and Garrow
When the two of them wake up (at the same time... Weird...), they lay under a black sky, with tall building towering around them. Pazx sits up, while Garrow roll over. Uh, a shining blue light... A flicker...

14 Strop
When the ninja wakes up, he is staring into a wall. There is dirt on it, and something that seems to be either blood or slime. He gets to his feet as fast as any ninja can, but the silence is disrupted by a buzz. He stares at where the sound came from. A flicker...

15 The Fallen Child
Sudden darkness disrupts the conversation. When the Fallen can see again he is alone. All alone. This is not a place he has ever seen before. A flicker...

16 Hallow
The disruption climaxes for a second, when black tentacles grab hold of him, dragging him into another world through a gap in reality. This is a city, a grand city like that of humanoids with too much money and too little time. Before him a small lightening appears. A flicker...


A flicker appeared before each of the contestants. It slowly formed the figure of a masked person, a male. The blue image raised his head, seemingly looking at the contestants before him. He began talking with a deep tired sigh. -I greet you.- He twitched a little. -Welcome to this test of - abilities. This world will most probably make you cry for your mother, no offence, but if this not make you go crazy or make you cry, then... You have no humanity. No sense.- He looked to the side, taking a deep breath. -The first one to enter the tower is the winner. Before you can do that, you will have to take care of your opponents, in one way or another.- He turned his head at the contestants again, looking directly at them. -If you want to live, then do not enter...- He was cut off. Then the flicker began once again, and he disappeared.
*The streets are narrow and like a maze in nature. There are not many straight streets here.
*No matter how high the character fly or climb, they would not be able to reach the sky. The walls seem to keep stretching towards the freedom.

People start out alone. That is why you all have an individual introduction.
It is not a maze, but it have the nature of one, like really big cities have.
The time the round takes is around half an hour.

This first round, we pretty much just portray them traveling through the maze? There is nothing except for the walls, the unreachable sky, the darkness and the occasional lights?
No, not really. It is not a real maze, it is just impossible to go straight for more than 20 meters, really.
But portrait the arrival/the first half'n'hour in the city. There might be animals watching, but you cannot be sure.

* How much of it is visible at any one time? Are structures like the tower even visible?
In the next round the walls shopuld part more, and let you see the windows and doors, all the empty buildings... The tower too will be seen in when you get out of there.

* Is the town organised and is there a way to even reach rooftops? Especially for non-flying creatures.
Since the boundary for this round is the sky, no. Later it should not be hard to find a open door and take the stairs up, not should it be hard for a trained ninja to move up the walls.

* Are there any open spaces at all?
There will be.

* Are the walls breakable?
They are, but they seem to heal themselves afterwards, reveiling the odd nature of this city.

How wide is the space between the walls?/How narrow are these streets?
The narrow streets are two meters (6'7&quot wide, the more open alleys are 5-7 meters (16.4' - 23' wide.

What kind of lighting is there? If any?
Streets have street lights, but above them there is pretty dark. The alleys have more sparingly light, though anyone should be able to see there.
In the next round, there should be better light, and more open spaces.

Refs will be submitted later.

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More annoying information:
The &quotrinsess" has five keys on each wrist, so she would be a good target. She might give you one for being polite, or because she likes you.
The doors will only let one out, so as much as it would help to work together, you will still need a good amount of keys.
Only the one who is to loose his or her key will notice. If you are trying to steal a key from someone, the other dancers might see it, but not act upon it.
This is a practice in creatve solutions, as well as try and incorperate other people's characters, as that will be what you will be doing in the next couple of rounds.
And I do not think this challenge is that hard. There are many ways of solving the challenge, and I will not be as "mean" as I have been, as long as you follow the setting.
Oh, and do not for the love of God remove the mask.

As I remember, there should only be one to eliminate, and I will do it by looking at the creativity. Everyone can roar and yell, and threaten other to give them the key, or have a slight of hand greater than Kai's. Or flirt hard enough to make people want to give them a key, but how to incorperate it in the setting, and how to let the other characters not be OOC. I am not worried about the different versions, there should be enough time for most of it to happen, and the ballroom is big. Actually, people would be able to make an entry without any other characters than the npcs.
Yes, the door will only let one out at the time, and that is where the entry should end, walking out the dissolved door-thing. I might give too much information by this, but the mansion itself is a illusion, and so are the npcs. When the character walks out the door, the mansion will fade, and there is nothing up empty space there. That way they can "get through" the mansion. Also, being a distorted reality, the mansion can be seen as a building circling the center of the city, making it impossible to someone to get past it, without having been at the ball, or waiting outside.
If someone had not entered the mansion, it would not dissolve, and they would be trapped. The city regenerates, remember.
Removing the mask would rsult in the illusion to break, and the person would be left in pure darkness. Not even being transported to the tower and thrown in the dungeon, but darkness for the rest of their short life.

13,657 posts

*mumble* Okay, 00:29 here, I should be sleeping, but bacause I am freakin busy the next many days because of exams and family visits and all that, I have to do a terrible thing, and throw up the new chapter already.
And with that my entry.

Masquerade - Dream
He opened his eyes slowly, feeling like he had only slept for seconds. The smooth sensation of the thin fabric under his fingers was enough to make him stay in the soft bed for a minute, but not more. There was work to, whether he liked it or not. He rose slowly, feeling like in a dream, the pains from reality disappearing for now. He felt alive, more alive than he had done for a long time. Somehow this was like a new adventure, and not another challenge for him. A slight smile on his lips when he walked out the door and down the corridors, nodding at the guards. When passing a mirror he paused, studying his new slim frame, looking like himself and still being ever so different. The short fur covering his face and the upper side of his hands and hind paws, and slowly growing longer up his arms and legs. The darker brown mask of fur across his face. The polecat form had been a good choice for him, the Lady had done well. The gray suit covering his body looked a little dull, but that was the way he liked it. People tend to ignore what does not seem interesting.
He felt at his face, finding the thin line between the mask and himself. It was invisible to him, almost impossible to find. If someone didn't know it was there, they wouldn't see it. But all here knew. He walked on, hurrying a little, as he heard the music stopped and the princess began to talk. He entered the ballroom a moment later, watching the confused contestants being dragged to the dancefloor by a few of the dancers, and observed the dance begin. He sighed, being worried, tired and excited at the same time. But he would have to wait for the next dance, if he was to enjoy it.
He recognised the light brown wolf and the bat eared fox, as they sat by a table, seemingly not interested in dancing at the moment. "Alliances, huh?" He smiled sadly, knowing the challenge and the result of it. He shook his head. Sadly he could do nothing but observe the disaster.
The music ended, and he walked into the open, becoming a part of the - party. He bowed, asking a elegant looking vixen if she would like to dance. She seemed to examine him, but accepted, though it was done with pity than a real wish to dance. He nodded, leading her to the dancefloor along with the other pairs having found each other. The tones filled the room, sounding crystal clear and light. If music had a colour, this would be silver at the water in the winter. The dancers glided over the floor, moving with ease. This music could fill everyone with joy and sadness at the same time, at least it filled him, making him feel - light. He was not bad at dancing, nor had he ever thought himself as a dancer, but as the tones almost deafened him, blinding him even... He felt alive. And then it ended, like music does. He thanked the vixen for the dance, bowing, and she smiled warmly at him, thanking him as well.
After this, it seemed at there was nothing but dancing. Every female nearby wanted to dance with him, either out of curiosity or lack of a partner, as many males were going for a drink or two, or a manly talk about women. After the fifth dance, this time with a small deerlike female, ever so quick and light, her steps dancing even without music, he decided to take a little break, making his way to the tables. He shook a little, the joy of dancing and, well, living, making him almost ecstatic. He took a sip from the wine he had brought with him to the table, relaxing a little. He looked around, observing the contestants various tries at getting the small keys from their partners or other victims. If they just knew...
"Having a good time, m'lord?" The princess sat by his side at the table, a glass of vine in her clowen hands. He nodded. "Yes, very. And you, Princess?" He looked at her, seeing her worries behind her smile. "They all seem to enjoy. And some of the contestants seem rather charming." Another smile. "Just sad that it have to end..." She looked distant, her beautiful eyes seeing nothing for a moment. "End like this." He finished, taking her hand. "I wish I could have shown them a way around all this, but..." "The Lady..." She whispered, her bright eyes filled with disgust and sadness. "Yes." He answered, caressing her hand a little with his thumb. "At least you will pass on, along with.." He looked at the dancing crowd. "... Maybe half of them? Even more?" The princess nodded, following his gaze. "More than I could ever have hoped for." She turned her head, looking at him with those gentle eyes her species were known for. "Thank you." He turned his head, surprised. "Princess? I... I don't understand..." He studdered. "I can't do anything for your people, and you thank me?" She closed her eyes for a moment, maybe looking for the right words. "You were never a part of this, but I know what you did. Because of you we can pass on. Most of us..." She looked at him, smiling a sad smile. "Thus I thank you, m'lord." He rose, taking her hand and kissed it lightly. "I am just sad I couldn't do more, Princess." He let her hand go, bowed. "I have yet things to do." He turned away. "Promise me, you will dance the last dance with me, m'lord." She called after him, when he left the table. He looked back at her for a second, accepting the conditions of the promise.
He walked past the dancers, watching out for the contestants. The ones he saw did well with the collection of keys, stealing or getting other to steal for them. How they did, he couldn't imagine, but those beings would probably not have been worth the afterlife either, probably being the ones causing the banishment in the first place. They all knew the result of their actions, some having too gentle a heart to let the contestants go without a key, probably not aware of the essence of this prison, and some being disillusional with fear of what may happen when the ball ended.
The next long time he observed, drank and danced a little, and observed some more, and as the orchestra announced the last melody, he found the princess and asked her to dance with him.
She smiled, and followed him out between the dancers. This last song was filled with sorrow and relief, worries and happiness. The contestants moved closer to the exit, probably ready to run out to their loved ones, or to the freedom of solitude. He ignored them and their destinies for now, the destinies of the people here so much closer to his heart. As the song drew to an end, him and the princess moved away from each other, but in his hand he felt the form of a key. He bowed, silently thanking her, wishing her good luck in the afterlife. She moved up the stairs, thanking the guest for their participation, hoping they all had a good time, and to see them again soon. She announced the end of the masquerade, and as she did, he saw the contestants exit the building, leaving the dancers to their fate. He saluted with the people, as the princess raised her glass, wishing them all luck on the journey. That was about the time when the first keyless dancers began to wail out in pain and despair. He sighed, and exited the dreamlike reality.

For the record, the next piece of text contains somewhat heavy violence, and that part is marked by a warning as well as italics.


As the contestants exit the mansion, the mask slips off and disappears as well as the illusion loosing their hold in their shape. Sasquatch is met with Yeti's annoyed gaze and complaining about the time, Phil is suddenly the one in the bottom of the pile of Jack and Bob. Nerg just looks at his brother, no one really missed each other. Dingsley looks at the horizon, welcoming the light of the approaching dawn. All of them the place they left, even though they exited the same door, there is no sign of any of the other contestants. As the last contestant steps out of the door, the mansion begins to flicker and fade, and screams erupts from it. High pitched, filled with fear, pain, despair. The mansion curls up, and explodes in a burst of dust. What is left is a terrifying sight. Some of the dancers, screaming, their faces distorted in pain, their bodies slowly withering. They are unable to reach, the essence of the mansion still there, separating life and death. A vixen with a white dress and flames from her back and hair crashes against the wall near the contestants, staring emptily out, her eyes almost popping out of their sockets, her skin dripping from the jaw bone. She screams, until her throat explodes against the transparent wall. Sadly this does not kill her. She claws at the wall. Phil recognizes her at one of the people he stole a key from. Actually all those melting, burning, screaming people are all victims of the contestants' hunt for keys. Males and females slowly dissolving, painfully slow. None of the contestants are able to look away.
Among the people children appear, little fluffy children, their screams louder, different than the screams of the adults. This is screams of innocents being punished for the crimes of adults.
Slowly everything settle, and the essence of the walls disappear, letting the ashes fly away in the light breeze that came with dawn.

--[violence end]--

-HOW COULD YOU LET THEM DO IT!?- The boy almost fell through the door, the pains once again reality. .What do you mean, boy.. She looked at the crystal globe, observing the startled contestants moving towards the tower. -Letting the children... Why...- Tears caused by the injustice in the situation erupted, and he was blinded for moments.-You shouldn't.....- .And you shouldn't have stolen from me, boy.. She stared at him as he was pulled closer to her by the darkness. .Little foolish thief.. She pushed him up against the window. .I don't need a fool like you.. The pressure increased both on him and the glass. .Farewell.. The glass broke, and he felt nothing underneath him. Just emptiness. He fell.


The contestants finally stand before the Tower, this bright blue, glass like building. It doesn't seem to have a door or any other place they can enter. The sun rises, its light making the surface of the Tower glitter like gold. Then something erupts at the top of the Tower, and an object begin to fall towards the ground. They watch mesmerized as the object continue its downfall, suddenly followed by a black dot, shooting towards the human looking thing. It reaches the human, merging with it all too close to the ground. An almost silent thud is heard, when the ground stops the fall.
.Good morning, children.. The voice of the Lady is heard all around them, probably coming from thousands of speakers on the various buildings. You have come this far, and now it is time for the tournament to begin. You will have to fight against these beings by your sides, and win.. A giant screen erupts from the surface of the tower, portraying Strop, Sasquatch and team, Xzeno, Dingsley, Phil and his team, Nergyl and Fallen, Charlie and Orlestat, all on a line. .Your opponent will be shown in a moment. The winner will go on to the next battle, the loser will be... My guest.. Her voice seems so sweet and yet so cold. .Have a nice day..
The lineup spreads out on the screen, showing each contestant with their opponent.
Strop and Orlestat.
Nergyl and Sasquatch.
Charlie and Xzeno.
Phil and Dingsley.

Then a hum is heard, it grows and grows, and then it silences.
Remember the saying: History is written by the winner.

------[And the rest]------

As the time went on, slowly the captives woke up, realizing their state. They used the time on being suspicious, and then slowly soften, as they found out no one would harm them. Azu, the great bear told about his fight with the blood monster. He had killed it, but sadly another one had found him in his weakened state, eating him whole.
Billy, the - superhero had been ambushed by one of the monsters too, he was not even ready for the fight when he came across.
Delairi had also been eaten easily, but had had enough consciousness to destroy the bloody being, before she was left unconscious. She didn't tell how.
Pazx and his rabbit friend had walked through the city, and met a large mouthed being with long limbs. They had tried to kill it with their katanas, but it seem immune to the stinging pain; it just stroke out. After that they remembered nothing.
Finally Derv and Vixen told about their capture. None of them knew how they had ended up in this dungeon, or why. Nor did they know how to get out, as the bars withstanded all their attempts on freeing themselves. Now, they just had to wait, as the bear exclaimed before he sat, meditating.


The mazzelh woke at the sound of the crying boy. He seemed upset as he stared at a tiny orb before him. He pushed it away and ran towards those great doors, where the evil looking lady had disappeared into. He yelled angrily she could hear, though she didn't understand his words. The black being looked up, ever so aware. A sound of breaking glass and a weird silence followed, then the black being jumped to its feet, and a black flicker surrounded her. When she could see again, she was in an empty corridor. She didn't know where or why, so she miwed and walked on in the shadows.


The dragon looked at the last traces of the mansion, lowering his head a little. "Oh the sadness." The sound was filled with mockery. He turned, staring into the eyes of a great wyrm, a sanddragon, a less intelligent being. "Let's dance."


Akuma ran past the Lady, and out the window, following the trail of his broken master. Too close to the ground he merge, trying to get the body to function, but the kid seemed to have given in, letting himself fall. At a last attempt to save the boy, he created a thin pillow of darkness underneath the kid, but his body still landed hard on the ground, his bones breaking under the weight. The boy did not speak a word, though his mind was clear. The shapeshifter demerged, staring at the closed eyes of his master. [Are you... Okay?] He looked at the pool of blood forming underneath the boy. -I am.. fine..- The voice was low, hoarse, whispering. [Are you.. sure, Kai?] He sat beside the boy, listening to the weak breathing, feeling through the sururrian body, finding the broken bones and the pierced skin. Nothing seemed serious, the skull cracked open and the broken spine seemed to be the worst. Nothing the Government, and the kid himself couldn't handle. But then the boy coughed up a little blood, then a little more. The shapeshifter merged with fear, finding a fractured rib in the left lung of the boy. With all his might he pushed it back, out of the airfilled organ. The boy twisted a little, still conscious, still feeling the pain, but as the last of the rib was removed from the lung, his body began to heal the important organ. The shifter sighed with relief, and fell asleep from the lack of energy.
The boy just lied there.

Uhm, I think that might have been it. Hopefully it is.
Deadline is 9th of January, early 10th, and after that there will be an alternative round to give Strop an oppotunity to join up on us.

And to get it all clear:
I choose the winner of each battle by reading both entries and selecting the best, if it is most creative, interesting or special, I do not know.

13,657 posts

Behind the massive glass she stood, observing the fights in her crystal ball. It seemed this ball was more likely to tell of the misfortune of everyone in it, and that she enjoyed. All these little creatures, fighting for their lives and for the prize, the title. Stupid little beings. So savage they were,brutal, destroying themselves and the enemy from the core out. She laughed to herself. Some of these would be great soldiers, other could be used as spare parts. Yes, she thought, one might even be good enough to fill her need for power.

-Holy Erreelta...- The boy opened his eyes, though regretting it seconds later, when the light stung through his left eye and into his brain, making his entire face hurt. He closed the left eye again, trying to collect enough energy to lift himself, but the strong pains in his chest left him breathless after his first try. The second went better, though both his arms were weak and full of pain, and first after the third try he got up, gasping for breath and almost crying. He wanted to go home so badly, or sleep through this nightmare.
Neither was an option. He caught sight of the shapeshifter, still asleep some meters away. He crawled closer, forcing his entire body to cooperate, reaching out and grasping for the black dragonlike creature.
The shapeshifter woke for a moment, merging with his - master. The feeling of the cold essence inside the kid made him feel a little safe, but only a little.
Kai sat against the Tower, trying hard to come up with a plan, but it seemed so very hard... He grasped his grimoire from nothing, turned towards the Tower's wall and thought. Then he began redrawing the signs from the book.

The Lady smiled coldly as each of the fights slowly came to an end. Some results she had seen from the beginning, other came as a surprise to her, but it did not matter.

-Oh Sun..- The boy looks up at the sky where clouds fills the blue sky until there is nothing left. The sound of explosions are heard, and the great city crumples into ruins. -And so it ended..-

As all the contestants left once again stand before the Tower, the speakers hum a little. .Good, children, you have lived through the tests and the hate of your opponent. But there is still a long way up to the top. I will be waiting for the strongest of you.. The screen flicker a little, then the new pairs a written there.

Strop against Sasquatch and his team (a random, pale yellow replica of Strop's banweapon appear before Sasquatch)
Xzeno against Dingsly.

The hum increases once again, then ends.

Prisoners and the mazzelh: -

13,657 posts

[...] Black threads caught his legs, pulling him with them like they had did when he was first taken here. The swamp dragon roared, fought the strings, but nothing helped.
Seconds later he stod in a dungeon, metal bars all around him. "What is this place.." "Well, a prison?" He glared over his wing to see a group of beings in a cell. He pushed against the bars, but they did not move an inch. "We have already tried that, it doesn't help anything.." He looked back at them again, at the ninja guy who spoke. "You cannot hold a dragon captured." Halo replied, blinking his white eyes. He turned his head to the bars, opening his mouth. [insert right colour here] flames licked the bars, and they began to melt rapidly. He stopped for a second to admire his work, but that only coursed the bars to regenerate. He breathes his fire at them again, stepping outside before they got back to normal.
The beings cheered when he walked closer to them. "Stand back unless you want to be grilled." They did, and his flames ruined the bars. He had to use his breath weapon four, five times before all the prisoners were rescued. "Follow me." He ordered. "Uhm, why shou.." "Do you doubt me?" He stared at the vixen, who shook her head. "Good." He turned, shifted to his humanoid shape and began to lead them up the stairs towards freedom.

Ezale curled up a little, the sounds scared her, but she knew by instinct that they could not hurt her. She sat for moments, blinking with her little black pearllike eyes. She had to move on, and so she did. Down corridors, stairs... Miwling a little from hunger, sorrow, and being utterly alone.

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The boy's eyes were empty, staring out at nothing. The Tower, or at least the spell cast upon it was feeding the information he needed, sadly making his brain hurt.
As the battles drew to a close, he staggered to his feet, shaking from exhaustion. This day had been all too long already, and there would probably not be any chance of rest just yet. Actually, as he realized, most likely the opposite.

The Lady looked into the glowing ball, smiling at the pain the fierce contestants gave to each other. Soon she would have her soldier.

As the battle ground settled, the boy limped weakly towards the sword fighter. Neither of them spoke, though Dingsley looked somewhat insecure. The - help was quick, just enough for Dingsley to be able to get up and swing his sword, less damaged than before. Kai on the other hand looked miserable, but still made his way towards the unconscious ninja don... horse. He woke him up, warning Strop of what was coming. Just then, the time stopped for a imperceptible moment, before rushing forward, the sky a mess of light and dark, clouds, snow, rain.
Around them the city collapsed entirely, the nature took over for a moment, trees rising from the asphalt, breaking through the crumpled remains of the city. Then they withered and died, leaving the once great city as nothing but dust, everything turned to sand.
The boy stared at it with a worried frown, before leaving the ninja to his fight.

Though both the contestants are ready, nothing is shown on the screen, not a noise is heard from the speakers, not even the humm deep from the Tower. They knew they had to fight each other, but the slight change of events had stopped them for the time being.
During the confusion of the time shift, the prisoners had broken through the Tower, now once again a part of the tournament, at least as spectators.

A disturbance of the sand caught their attention, and with that the day took a macabre turn. From the sand an army of grotesque soldiers rise, naked and mutilated, twisted... Beings from a more modern world would think of them as mutated, the rest would just see them as they was: wrong.
The grim beings kept rising, and the ones first through the sand took a moment of sensing the world before charging at the contestants.
Wild gazes and a need to destroy.

13,657 posts

Winner takes it All.
.So you are the last.. The voice pushed him out of his sleep, back into the chaos. .Then you can enter.. Sasquatch looked sleepishly around, not understand what the voice was, what it wanted him to do. Yeti seemed to have heard it as well, as she looked around. Concluding the voice did not come from anywhere near them, she began the tiring job of getting her groggy brother up, him still exhausted, and her body still lagging the energy it should have.
"Sas, get up." She pulled his arm up, the rest of him too heavy. "I dun want to." "But. There is food?"
It became much easier to get him up, and towards the open doors of the Tower. She gazed around while they wandered, seemingly no one else had seen the place to enter the Tower. It was their experience alone. For a second Yeti felt... safe. Maybe because the monsters nor the other contestants were trying to kill them, and here they were, they had survived, they had actually won, and were meters from claiming the prize.
Sasquatch seemed to ignore these things, the thought of food being his main drive towards the gates.
But as they walked into the cool hall of the Tower, they could not hold back a relieved sigh.


-You shouldn't go any further..- Yeti turned, still slightly blinded from going from the light into the shadow. It was that guy again, though he looked slightly broken now. Sasquatch grunted, looking towards the stairs.
-Just go out, then you will be okay..- He moved, soon standing between them and the stairway. His voice so hoarse, low. "Why?" The logic question came from Yeti, but before she could get an answer, Sas had pushed the human aside and moved up the stairs. "Come on, sis!"
She sighed, looking worried at the human that had collapsed on the floor, seemingly short of breath, before following her brother up the stairs and further up the silent, empty Tower.


Making their way up through the Tower, the siblings slowed their pace. This place was... interesting to say the least.
Big dusty armours, creaking wooden doors, the dim light reflecting in the chandelier high above them, when they entered another hall decorated with giant paintings of long forgotten people, their faces smudged and distorted. They exited.
After what seemed like a hundred halls and corridors, a long labyrinth that now was as unreal as a swift dream, they stood before two grand doors.
"Do you think this is where we get the prize?" Yeti asked, looking with a slight nervous disgust at the heavy doors and especially the bloodstains that had dried into the wood. Sasquatch looked at her.
They stood in silence for a moment, the slight mixture of joy, nervousity and exhaustion making them hesitate before this step into the unknown. Then Sasquatch opened the doors.

[Come on, get up, kid.] The shapeshifter changed to a humanoidish shape, trying to get a little life back into the lad. He stirred a little, whining tiredly and painfully. Slowly the shapeshifter got him to his feet, managing to get him out of the Tower.

.Good day.. The siblings stared at the multieyed being, jaws wide open. The Lady moved closer, gesticulating for them to come in, come closer. Dumbfound they entered the room, looking around in the crystallic room, eyes wide and jaws dropped. The walls looked like the inside of seashells, and each of the pillars in the corner looked like pure, clear crystal, or even ice. In the middle of the room the crystallic ball floated in midair, showing the images of the other contestants still fighting the sandmonsters, though the invasion seemingly had peaked and most of the monsters ran past the contestants, towards the Tower instead.
.Yes, they will be ended soon.. The Lady floated closer to them, observing them with her many eyes, as they slowly got back to the reality of the game.
Sasquatch turned to face the Lady. "We won. What is out prize?"
The being seemed to smile. .Oh, yes, the prize.. She moved between them, long strings of dark matter twirled around her, creeping round their legs. .You will have the honour of becoming part of me..
Both of them turned in confused shock as the threads climbed upwards. Sasquatch called for the flames, his eyes blazing with the power. He stroke forward, but stopped mid motion as the threads reached his torso. An internal struggle seemed to occur for a second, then both him and Yeti fell to the floor of the great hall.
The shape of the Lady flickered for a second as she hold the powers of the pepper bell in her. Then she turned to the broken window, exiting.

13,657 posts

Laws of...

-Once there was this city in a country in a world. It looked like this did. Was like this was, just with plenty of people. The Tower was used as a prison for mental patients with - a history.-
"So what's the lady got to do with all of this then?"
-Nothing. Nothing at all.-
"Where did she come in? ... Maybe..maybe I should just let you talk..."
-Mm.. Well..-
"Hmm, that's not a good sign."
-Hmm..? We might be seriously in trouble now...-
"You might as tell me what trouble. Forewarned is forearmed after all."
-She is different now... I wonder...-

Laws of...
Down the Tower the Lady crawled, her body a black blob with coloured glimpses. She was laughing maniacally, feeling the stolen power rush inside her. It had been easier than she had hoped for, and if she could find the right way... Her soldier, herself would be powerful, too powerful for them to stop her.
The power rush blinded her momentarily, but she had the control still. And would be until it was fully transferred. Almost on the ground she killed off the gathering monsters blocking her way. The new abilities thrilled her, they where easy to control, easy to focus, easy to hold.
"Stop your evildoing! I arrest you in the name of McNeely and Armor Games!" She looked up, her vision a blend of colours. A being? Oh yes, they had survived, all of them. Who was that one again, the one stupidly trying to get her attention? She looked through her memory, stopping all other actions to search for the information.
The being seemed triumphant for some reason, moving closer, its hands on a black object. Another being, one of them, tried to stop it, but a sudden movement from the one with the object made the other fall over with a weird sound. Another creature, "dragon" her mind told her, made a hissing sound at the object holder, and lifted the fallen one before moving back to the group of dumbfound beings.
Out of nowhere another creature charged, clawing at her with every natural weapon it had.
It hurt.
She hit it with a spiked tentacle of black, slashing, burning, hurting it. The group stopped what had seemed to be the prelude to an attack, but the object wielder kept moving forward.
If she just could...
But there seemed to be little information left, and she did not need it anyway. All she needed was the knowledge of the soldier.
She thought for a second to use the being with the object, but there was surely someone better. Of course it had survived, they all had... And it seemed to be their leader.
She observed the being march forward, looking important, triumphant, even... strong. Shifting the black blob to a humanoid shape, she held forward a hand to the being as it stood before her.
There was sounds from the group, another being clad in black had separated along with a smaller companion, &quotrey". The commotion made the leader turn its attention away for a mere second, enough.
The other hand grasped its throat and grasped for its life-force and strings of being.


The first loud scream struck everybody. Phil and his friends stared with fear at the scene, Delairi next to them shifted to her big cat form, ready to either run or fight. Billy drifted slowly from one side to another.
As it faded, the group stood frozen. "Is he dead..." Charlie asked, but no one answered. Azu seemed less affected by the cruel scream, but he was still on guard.
"... It is occupied now. We can figure a way out." The dragon put down the lifeless boy and began directing people. Then the next scream came.


She wondered how the sound could come out of it. She grabbed at the being with her other hand, finding threads of life shaking under the flesh. It was silent again, the feelings of fear and pain and confusion making her smile. It tickled a little. She enjoyed the emotions for some time before getting to the actual action.
She forced some of the power into the body, making the being scream out again. She pushed some more, wondering why the being fell limp. The power wouldn't fit, and she discarded the body, throwing it aside. She looked at the group, thrashing at the sand. The sound of magic was loud, but there was something beautiful about it, fragile as well. She could not use it.
She turned her attention towards the open area before her.
'Power cannot be taken or stolen. It should be given freely.' The cold voice told her, and she remembered her training and her master telling her it, the book in which it was written. She nodded.
Waving her own magic out, she called for the forgotten being hidden in the memory of this world. Her soldier.


The alien looked slightly annoyed when he was ordered to shoot at the air. "What a crappy plan.." He muttered. Dervysh shot beams of darkness into the sand, nothing really happening. Vixen cheered on, though. The swordsman Dingsly did not move. This place was creeping him out, and he could not even help much.

"Oh... Pain..." Strop woke up slowly, his whole body screaming out in pain. Pretty much like someone had set his blood vessels on fire and put acid all over him. It took him what seemed like a eternity before he got up. He never got on his hooves, the injuries of a kind making it stupid. Fractured bones, and he would probably have some nasty bruises. How this had happened was on the other hand something he could not analyse.

That... Nergyl growled as his consciousness came back and became clearer. No f-ing black spot should be able to beat him up! His rage build up, but it took longer for him to get up than he had thought.

The Lady looked over her shoulder at the wakening victims of her terror. The winged being looked like it wanted to attack. The other would probably be a problem as well. She took a look towards the group, but they seemed unorganized, stupid, using up their powers on nothing. There was a shrieking sound behind her, the winged being attacking. With a move of her hand, it was smashed against the Tower. The other whinnied. She threw it against the Tower as well.
She smiled, focusing on the magic before her, the death that gave life.


The mood in the group was falling. A few was absent mindedly in the middle of a game of "I spy" in lack of being able to help.
Suddenly Dervysh yelped. "There was something!" He stared at the glossy surface his magic and the sand had created. "Are you sure?" The dragon turned his head to stare at the fur. "I am certain! It was like something trying to swallow me for a second, before it rejected me.." He seemed to realize how odd it sounded. "There was something." "Hmm.."

A rumble. The reality flickered.

The Lady laughed out loud as she felt the grab around the soldier tighten, making her able to lift it by its own force.
Get it up! The cold voice ordered, and she did so, giving the soldier the strength to rise from the sand where it had been forever.
The name is the strength. The voice told her. She knew it very well, knowing what the control through a name felt like. And by naming this reality after the reality that once were, she had created the reality again. And by calling for the soldier, using its name to control it, she made it rise, could give it life.

The group stared at the monster rising from the sand. It had the same colour as clay and sand, the only colour different from this was its eyes, eyes a dead grey colour, empty of life. Cold.
"I spy with my little eye something beginning with T..." Bob said slowly.
"Trouble." Delairi replied.
"Trouble indeed." Dingsley whispered. "It's a.. Golem..."


The Lady laughed malevolent and high pitched in the relative silence after the monster had risen from its grave. Billy and Charlie snickered at the complete fail, possibly because of shock, but most likely the laughter.

The golem stared emptily at its master. The Tower fell to the ground behind her, almost as if the existence of the golem and the Tower was opposing each other, the Tower being the weakest.
"Weren't there people in there?" Xzeno looked sternly at the pile of shiny blue stones. "The horse and that flying pest was by it." The bear grumbled, not really replying.

.My soldier! I have a gift for you! Powers!.. The lady yelled out in the midst of her laughter. .Grand powers! I give them to you!.. She spread her arms out wide, little strings of greyish brown seen in this movement going from her fingers to the monster.
The artefactual being opened its mouth at this gesture, still with its empty eyes on her.

Colours bubbled forth from her chest, power crawling out of the material shell. Tunes began playing, not as much a melody as... As magic. It wasn't beautiful. It was perverted, twisted, depressing and raging. An animal trapped between two evils, one worse than the other. And it was forced to move towards the being, being trapped once more into a place it did not belong.
The string of colours twisted to escape, but when the one end had entered the golem, it ceased to move.

The transfer was an amazing, but morbid sight. The power kept bubbling forth, glow the time it was in the open, and then pierced through the golem's clay hide.


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Sasquatch had felt the transfer even before he woke. The Tower had fallen and the abrupt pain from this had held his mind from consciousness. But something was screaming that he should wake up. If it was his fighting spirit or something else, he could not really tell. Something about the voice made him angry, not the voice itself but the tune of it, the begging, the... What might happen to it.
He rose in the ruin, yelling out without actually knowing what he said. He was angry, so angry. And missed something important.

The lady turned towards the figure in the ruins. She did not remember it instantly, but soon
recollected the thought of her victim. She turned towards the Golem once again, knowing the being
could not harm her.
"I said That belongs to me!" Sasquatch yelled, before charging. His legs were still too weak, and
he fell over. It hurt all over, the shiny blue stones sharp even through the thick fur. He was
filled with rage, but he could not act on it, and that burning just hurt, dripping into that empty
hole in him, where something important once was. This was not thoughts Sasquatch went through. He
had just the constant, fading begging in his head.
He rose once again, standing weakly in the sand between the blocks of broken stone. "It is MINE!
MINE!!" He yelled, his voice sounding half defeated, weak, but still portraying the sudden stubborn
will to get back what belonged to him, whatever it was. "Give it back! It's mine!" The line of of
magic twisted between the puppet and its master, twisting and screaming. Its tunes had become

Yeti rose from the place she had fallen. The same desperate begging had woken her, but she could
not voice the need to have it back, this... Piece of her. But she wanted, longed, needed.

The ninja blinked, feeling light headed and heavy. He had just had a weird dream. But now he was
back to the horrible reality. He could not get up, stones holding him down, leaning against his
broken body. He could just stare up in the sky. Evening. It looked nice, except that whirling spot
of sky and white. That looked a little odd...

"Holy cow he looks dead!" Charlie sat restlessly in the sand, watching the scene before them like
it was some kind of TV show. "Like he can do anything but drop dead." Azu remarked, before turning
his attention back to the dog. "Just keep an eye on them, tell us if something happens." The dragon
hissed, tired from having to use his breath weapon. He had felt the strange tingle as well, but his
senses were exhausted, and he could not place it. By now, it would be nice to have that great wyrm
to dig for them, if it had not tried to eat him, of cause.
He turned at the sound of hollow couching besides him, but the boy was still motionless and pale.
It seemed that it was getting harder for him to breathe.
"Hey, that green minifurguy is awake now too!" Jack yelled. "I think it was called Yetti or
something." Bob bluntly replied.


The line of colours twisted even more, trying to keep in order as well as getting free, it seemed. A struggle.

"Oh, whatever. Let's attack!" Pazx shouted in a very unninjaly way. He and Garrow drew their swords, looked determined at each other and charged at the Golem. "You can't attack... a golem... Darn.." Dingsley looked eyerolling after them. "Actually it seems like a good idea!" Phil exclaimed, and he and Jack both rose and ran as well, leaving Bob with his sandwich. "I wanna come, I wanna come!" Charlie shouted, racing after, followed by Delairi who tried to stop him, unsuccessfully.
"Armatures..." The alien looked after them with an annoyed look.
In the meantime both Bob and Dingsley had followed the attackers, one because he did not want to be left alone, the other to try and not get them killed. Azu rose from the sand and trotted after, simply because he wanted to see the breaking of bones better.

Pazx chopped at the sandy limb of the monster to no avail. It did not even flinch. Did not react on the attackers, did not blink with its empty eyes. The Lady paid no attention to the beings attacking her soldier. They could do nothing.

Sasquatch yelled out as the last slip of colour disappeared into the monster. Yeti just felt.. sad. Very sad.

"Is that Orlestat..." The ninja stared at the piece of blue entering the whirl.

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It seemed so... unreasonable. There was no end on the chaos, no reason why it should continue either. A violent wave of heat shoved the attackers away from the golem, the air burning in their lungs for seconds, before a damp cold cloud moved past them. The golem used those powers, the Lady ordering it.
Dingsly swung his sword at the Lady, hitting and missing at the same time. The stony fist of the golem knocked the air out of him seconds later.

"They should have stayed." The dragon looked at the fight with sorrow in his white eyes, at least as much sorrow there could be in the blank eyes, that is. Unfair. Without purpose. He sighed, trotting to the side of the boy. The little furball looked up at him, miwing exhausted and worried from her nest on the boy's chest. Hallow sat, defeated.

Strop was humming, deaf to the screams of pain from the fight. His mind was slipping in and out of a comfortable feeling. His entire vision was fuzzy, seemingly making it even more fun, and he laughed a little.

Sasquatch stared at the scene, the people fighting. He was not sure what they fought for, injustice, their own lives... Him? Or just for fighting. He knew the last reason, but for once, just this ones, he did not have it in mind as he ran towards the Lady. Silence, he couldn't yell, he couldn't do anything but charge at this being who had taken it away from him. He hit her with full force, and unlike the situation with Dingsly, the Lady was not prepared.
Sasquatch had not expected resistance, to him she was nothing but lack of light, but there was something when he ran through. It was like running through cold gel, and though it had only been a second, he was scared of ever going through again.
Pazx yelled out as he succeeded in getting a hit in on the golem. The artificial being had frozen, and the fighters used the opportunity to cut and slash at it, incited by the pieces of earthen material falling from the golem.

The Lady had frozen as well, trying to cope with the stress her immaterial body was going through. Sasquatch had caught her by surprise, and though she would not let it happen again, it was still... Her twisted mind searched for the word. Painful. Sas had stopped to look at her, apparently for no reason. If he had had his powers, she would be burning up now; he promised himself to burn her, he just had to...
He turned and ran towards the golem, now once again in motion.

Yeti stared after her brother, observing with a clear mind, analysing everything she saw.
The Lady's response when Sas had crashed through her, and how it affected the golem. If she just had knowledge! There was so much she needed to understand, and... And Sasquatch had pawned the only one having a clue. She gazed towards the smaller group, where the dragon and the human were, along with that alienguy. Maybe she could wake him up, ask him? Maybe... Maybe they should fight the dark being instead of the golem... Maybe... She sat down, being utterly exhausted.
She wanted to cry, but there was no time for that. Just stupid emotions blocking up logic thinking. And, as she thought to herself, there was always... Win or die trying.
She rose, moving slowly down the ruins of the Tower, and trotted towards the dragon and the boy.


The success from before had now turned to utter defeat. Non of the attackers could get a hit in, and they had to use all their power to dodge the waves of heat and fists of sand trying to break their skull. Sasquatch did not try to attack either. He was waiting out of sheer instinct. He knew he had to get to the golem somehow, but for now it was more than impossible.
The lady laughed again at the pity attempts on damaging her soldier. The numb pain of being run through was forgotten once again, her mind only thinking of her victory, of how to torture those beings stupid enough to oppose her. And how she would take over the Government soon. For now she was just playing. Maybe...

"It seems to be the only way." "I am tired." "You have to."

Maybe she should try and kill one of those pests. Like the one she had taken the power from. It was no longer needed, it could only cause problems. She laughed at that thought. Problems, nothing could cause problems to her any more.

"It might not work." "It has to."

She ordered the golem in her mind, directing its dumb mind at the fuzzy being. Electricity. It would kill- Flames surrounded her, burning purple flames, ripping at her essence.
The golem stopped once again in its track, small cracking noises escaping its numb limbs. The attackers were at it fast, hammering at it like their lives depending on it to break.
Sas stood for a second, waiting for a new rush of inspiration or instinct. Whatever it was, it had kept him alive this long. Then he felt the calling, and he ran at the golem, bringing his fist at the earthen body. Pain spread up against his arm, but it did not stop him from hammering at the hide. "MINE!" A small crack appeared, pulsing red.

Hallow had not expected this when he woke. He had known there was something wrong, maybe he had even had a hunch that he should have stayed in his lair, he was not sure any more. He was getting exhausted to the point of unconsciousness. So dizzy, so weak. The scream of the Lady made him a little happy somewhere in his blackening mind. He knew he was only holding her with pain, not damaging her. Not as much as she had hurt anyone else.
The last of the purple flames left him, and he sank into a comforting, welcoming darkness.

When the last of the flames left her essence, the Lady angrily turned towards the wrongdoer. The dragon, how could she forget the dragon! It was of no use now, having burned itself out, trying to hurt her. She called for the golem, telling it to crush the dragon, but there was no response.
She ordered again, then slowly turned, and new feeling, disbelief, filling her. She stared with her many eyes at the scene before her, the pulsing wound and the threads of power tying it to the siblings. They were taking back what was stolen, but... It should violate the rules! She stared at them, then once again got a hold on herself. Just make them disappear. The cold voice whispered into her mind.
She strengthened the control, ordering the golem to attack the fuzzy siblings.

The golem woke, moving slower, but definitely moving. It looked at the two beings draining it, and if it had had an actual mind, it would have felt the sorrow of the power leaving it as well. Instead it just raised an arm, swinging it and hitting both the siblings with one devastating blow. They flew through the air, landing limply in the sand. The threads broke.


"Lahlahlahlhah.... Ahh...Lalalalahh... Laaaaahhhh... Lacoughcoughcoughlaaaaaaaah!"


The world twisted. It blanked, flickered and simply acted like a very old movie. Black spots appeared everywhere, before disappearing once again. Then everything went quite.
The wound pulses again, creating more cracks in the surface of the golem.
Paradox* the voice whispered terrified. Gain control of the power, take hold of it! it ordered the Lady, forcing her powers forward to take a grip in the magic. The pulsing red broke free entirely, flying towards the siblings, parting into two different threads. It connected.
The dull greys of the Lady slided off the thread, unable to break it. The thread grew thicker, stronger, faster, singing loud about its freedom, about going home. A symphony growing louder and louder.
Dingsly pressed his hands against his ears, trying to shield himself from the violent tune. The rest did as well, those who could. Azu fell over, the pain in his sensitive ears shutting off his mind. Then it ended, abruptly, when the rest of the line of power disappeared back into Sasquatch and Yeti. None of them moved, but a calmness fell upon them.

The Lady shrieked, staring with an insane expression at the two. .KILL THEM!. She ordered the golem, that still stood, though the cracks had spread up to its chest. It turned slowly, pieces of earth falling from it, its hollow eyes seeking and finding the furred siblings.

The sky turned white.
What is going on here?


*The Paradox occurred when the magic suddenly belonged to two places, Sasquatch and Yeti (where it originally came from) and the golem, which it was given to, and therefore it belonged to it as well.
The paradox is there simply to determine the outcome, as the magic was split.

It can be explained like tossing a coin, which lands on the edge by accident, and an earthquake suddenly happening, making the coin tip over.

Here the paradox just gave the magic an opportunity to choose for itself.

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The air felt tense, like it was about to choke them all. It cooled down, strangely relaxing, comforting. The sky change from white to a light grey, then warm blue, though it seemed more unreal than it ever had.
The Lady stared at the one interrupting her, her eyes wide with surprise and... fear? .Master.. She bowed at the newcomers, stiff and uncomfortable. .Everything is as it should be, master, I was just teaching them some manners.. She did not raise her head while talking.
The speaker, a tall humanoid with hollow, dark green eyes and an unconsciously noted similarity with a tree, gazed out on the battleground, observing the surroundings with a certain authority. Behind - him, a female beetle anthro shifted her weight, restlessly waiting for the tree man to do something. Beside her a tall man stood calmly, his orangey red hair and tired expression giving the few conscious contestants the feeling of having seen him before, and then again not.

Everything, everyone was quite. Xzeno rose from the sand, and moved closer. Those beings had to have the control now.
Phil, Bob and Jack helped Dingsly get on his feet. His chest hurt a lot, but he had still been fighting on until the battle had been stopped. He was dizzy and unable to concentrate, slowly blacking out in the arms of his new-found friends-but-enemies.
"What's going on?" Charlie looked up from the sand his head had been buried in moments before. Pazx shrugged, ready to dodge the golem, if it decided to move again. Near them, Delairi was blacking out as well, her hair wet with blood.
Billy observed the scene from the ruins, too tired to get up, while Vixen was trying to wake up Dervysh, who once again had fainted.

Teaching them manners? I have knowledge of other things. He turned his gaze at her, looking emptily at her. These beings are not ours. You have lied to us. His voice, though slow, calm, got a edge when he said it, like he was patiently scolding a child. The Lady did not answer, nor did she look up. The beetle woman shifted her weight again, flapping her wings with a loud buzz. "Can we start cleaning up now, I have a meeting later?" The man spoke,
looking arrogantly at the back of the tree man Yes, yes, of course. Follow, Suoli. The tree man turned, followed by the redhead and the beetle.
The Lady took a step forward, then another. .Fools.. The golem crashed forward, lunging for the three clad in white. The sand was whirled up as it connected, and a sickening crack sounded over the rest of the noise.
Then a buzzing began, and the dusty sand was blown away. The trio still stood, the redhead resting with a exhausted, but bored, expression against the broken arm of the golem. The treelike humanoid spoke, and the golem returned to the sand it had come from.
The Lady stared at the tree man with burning hate. Then Charlie started laughing.
"You idiot, shut up!" Pazx snarled at him, but it seemed to encourage the laughter. By Dingsly's side, Jack started snickering, and soon the laughter roared across the desert.
Xzeno looked at the imbeciles, then moved the last couple of meters to the side of the tree man "Excuse me, but I think you can be to my.."
A violent wave of... cold erupted from where the Lady stood. The Lady was screaming with rage, her form melting into the blobs of darkness, her pure essence exposed and radiating cold, despair, death. The laughter stopped abruptly. The arrogant smile on the man's face froze, though he did not look as terrified as the beetle, or as startled as their leader. .The universe is mine..

Another wave of cold, more fierce than the first. The blob formed tentacles, striking forth, barely missing the tree man .Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.. The Lady chanted, the voice getting shrill, then bubbly, like someone drowning. She stroke again, but hitting nothing. Another wave of stinging ice. A cry of a
bird of prey. Something blue dived through the blob, and disappearing up into the light of the distorted sun. The red haired man pushed the beetle lady hard,
and mumbling she focused on the dark matter. White fire surrounds the blob, and she cries out, the bubbling sound getting more distinct. Coughs. More bubbles, then silence.
The woman dismissed the fire with a confused expression. The waves of painful cold had stopped with the screams, and where the blob had been was nothing but a bit of ooze and smoke. "Did I just..." The beetle looked horrified at the tree man I highly doubt it was you. His expression was once again calm and almost non existing. She is... gone.
"Can we please go home now?" Yeti mumbled groggily at the strangers.


"Wake up." The hawk pushed to the ninja with a talon, then just stared emptily at him, like birds do. "Hmm? Is't already mornin'?" Strop blinked, feeling heavy and sleepy. "You are getting home." The beetle woman bend over him, her black eyes piercing him. "Home?" "Someone is waiting for you." She grabbed him around his chest and lifted him like he had been a rag doll, and carried him half through some white swirls. He fell the rest of the way, wincing when he meet the ground. When he opened his eyes once again, he looked up into a familiar face.

"Sorry for the trouble." The man did not look sorry, when he helped the siblings to the swirls. Actually, he looked annoyed, like someone who had just through a bad case of the flu, and now had caught a cold. "Sure, whatever..." Yeti answered exhausted. Sasquatch was just staring suspiciously at the swirls, before he entered them. On the other side, all was like it used to be. Soft air met him. Silence.

"Hey, you couldn't drop us off near a burger bar or something, could you?" Jack looked at the tree man with a non caring expression. The tree man looked just as non caring back. You will be "dropped" where you will be "dropped". "Just asking." He mumbled, following his friends through the swirls.

Garrow looked at the swirls. "So, those will get us home" "Yes." The man looked at him with an annoyed expression. "How do you know where we live?" "Your memories told us..." "But what if our memories are wrong?" "Then you won't go home." "So we are not go.." "GO THROUGH THE PORTAL!" Pazx grabbed Garrow, twitched an ear and wandered through the swirly whites.

I am sincerely sorry for the trouble, Mr Dragon. The tree man bowed lightly, then looked at Hallow with his empty eyes. The dragon simply looked back. "I trust that will be the last time you let a maniac roam..." I hope so. The humanoid replied. "Take care of the Kai..." He turned, and trotted into the swirls, entering the fresh morning air of his own world.

"This was... Weird..." Dervysh mumbled to Vixen, as they were lead to the right swirl of white. "Very... So much..." The words faded to nothing. What had it been? An adventure? Dangerous? Troublesome? Horrifying? She didn't know. Dervysh seemed to share the same thoughts. She squeezed his hand a little before they went through the swirl.

Nergyl was simply thrown through a swirl. No one had dared to wake him up, after Yeti had told how violent he acted. He landed in the middle of nowhere, but a safe place for him to wake up. Near living beings he could tear to pieces.

"I would sue you for this, if it was worth anything, crazy bastards..." Xzeno looked arrogantly at the beetle, who just smiled and nodded. "Seriously, half my equipment is ruined!" She smiled again, pushing him towards the portal. "If I find out this was planned, you would wish you where a felin.." His words was cut off when he entered the portal.

Azu patted his dog a little on the head, and trotted through a swirl.

"You look mighty good." Billy smiled at the beetle woman, and disappeared into the white swirls.

"FLY LIKE SUPERMAN!" Charlie yelled while running towards the swirls, any swirl, it seemed. "Why do I get all the oddballs..." The man sighed, grabbed Charlie by the arm, and directed his "like superman" at the right swirl.

Dingsly looked at the slowly emptying space before the swirls. This had been confusing to say the least. And hard. His chest still hurt when he took a breath, and he could hardly raise his sword from the ground. At some point he remembered wondering about it all, wanting to know. Now he just wanted to forget it all. And sleep. The tree man called for him. He took a last look at the surroundings, before going back to his own reality.

"Could it be possible to... let me go where ever I want?" Delairi looked at the beetle woman. "I am not quite sure what you mean, dear?" She smiled, pushing Delairi towards the swirls. "I.. Don't want to go back." "Not our department."

Kai petted the mazzelh tiredly. He was exhausted and everything gave off pain, but still he patted the soft fur. The mazzelh licked his fingers, mewing to him. He forced himself to smile, scratching her a little behind her ear, before letting the tree man take her to the last of the swirls. She exited the portal not far from the nest. A worried mewing met her, and her mate stared shocked at her, before nuzzling her, happy to see her.

"Feeling better, dear cousin?" The man nudged the boy's head. -I am feeling like crap, thank you for asking...- He sighed, staring into the air from the floating stretcher like thing. "Good." The man said harshly, laughing. Kai sighed once again, closing his eyes, finally able to rest.


As the members of the Government left the plane, as the world began to fall apart, the illusions breaking down, the memories scattering once again, the being stood there, in the middle of the destruction, watching the spot where the members had disappeared from. Then it smiled grotesquely wide, fading. We will see how easy you slip away next time, my prey... Then it was gone.

10,816 posts

And thus ends the official author updates for the MWT, hence this FAQ shall be unstickied anon!

Final updates to the MWT will most likely be made in the MWT thread itself.

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