ForumsWEPRWorld War lll?

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28 posts

Well, it's almost time to prepare for another world war. I want some debate about whether it will, or will not happen, and if it will, when. I personally think, with the war were in, and Obama, most likely going to pull our troops, we are totally vulnerable to many countries that want to attack America. I know some may not agree, but I think with all the chaos that's breaking around the world, were in for some type of fight... so what I am asking is, what do you think?. Please no getting offended, with any arguments that aren't what you agree with. And if any racist comments get out here, I'll ask for this thread to be locked or removed.

  • 117 Replies
4,871 posts

Well have a world war III but it'l be over in a day with billions of people dead survivors with no homes and a scared useless planet

55 posts

i dont know anything about ww3 but nostradamus said that there will be no guns and bombs for ww4...

4,871 posts

i doubt he's right but the only way he is, is if we destroy almost everything and everyone in WWIII

2,662 posts

There has been no evidence of a potential world war beginning. The wars i can see happening in the near future would undoubtedly be very important but would not lead to world wars. These are: War with Iran, if Obamas diplomatic approach fails and they aquirre nuclear weaponry then the Iraelis would not stand by and watch, it is quite likely the uS would get invloved in some way if this did happen. The second war would be more of an invasion if you want to be technical, but would be the deposition of Robert ugabe in Zimbabwe. This would probably invlove Britain mainly as it was formerly a colony and so we have a responsibility but the UN would probably get in there too. North Korea as an outside possibility and the same with Russia and China, but really theree have been noo real signs for war on a major scale. No one really wants war as everyone knows how destrctive it would be.

1,690 posts

rnP.S Bush is resigning early!

haa got fire fox cant rick roll me :PPP

264 posts

War is certain, but it is not possible to tell when until it starts.

264 posts

One more thing. It is IMPOSSIBLE to destroy all human life. We are stubborn little beasts like that.

17 posts

Itachi2641747, believe me, it's possible. After nuclear war, when less the 0.5 million people would probably sta alive.. The water is poisoned, there is a very little food...
The world would become a nuclear district. And it will stay district for hundreds of years. Can you live in nuclear district?

17 posts

Itachi2641747, believe me, it's possible. After nuclear war, when less the 0.5 million people would probably sta alive.. The water is poisoned, there is a very little food...
The world would become a nuclear district. And it will stay district for hundreds of years. Can you live in nuclear district?

8 posts

we r in a world war three in iraq we have been there for almost ten years i mean if we pull out the tallaband will just find a new leader to bomb another bilding of ares

8 posts

well still we have enogh nucler war heads to take out all of asia afreca the winds will carry the radeation to the usa kill us and the only way to sevive it is to go 5 miles under ground where the radiation wont get u

1,482 posts

The war in Iraq will never escalate, its not a real war, there's a bafoon named bush thats leaving in 30 days that sent men into a foreign country telling them to kill "Bad ppl" and his men have to find these so called "Bad Ppl". Its ruinng Iraq, thats about it.

On my note of WWIII... I'm pretty sure that I have three possibilities:

European Union: They're all united, but they're growing into Eastern Europe. The countries of Eastern Euorope are very hostile towards one another and they'll do anything to blow the other up, Serbia has wanted to have Bosnian lands for a while now, Kosovo is in love with Albania and Seriba wants Kosovo to stay part of Seriba and so on blah blah. So in the end if the EU countries of Eastern Europe that'll come in slowly and be accepted grow economically, they could start a huge war on the Balkan area, with the Russians probably supporting the Serbs, Austrians supporting Croats, and all that stuff. Thus causing in meltdown of scarynessnessnessness.

Kashmir Region: Pakistan is allied with China, China, Pakistan, India all claim part over part/all of the Kashmir region, there have been 2 wars but now that the world is much more modernized, there are more alliances, and there are more armies willing to help out.. If a real war breaks out again, it could be likely that China will support Pakistan, and India be supported by America and the UK, Muslim Nations and China will go together, Russia being an ally of china going with them.

It'll become a huge alliance thing like WWI (If this happens, probably unlikely, then again, we thougth WW2 was unlikely, too, didn't we?)

Last possibility is: One of the world "Leaders" (Russia, China, US, European Union) Decides to bomb someone... Whipeee. Another war. Nuclear fighting will lead to a devestative need of punishment, and most times you can't punish a whole country.. Thus giving you the need to eradicate it. Also if US for some reason hates Russia again China will most likely back Russia, and Europe will back the US, so very confusing.

On the Iraq war I doubt anything will happen, I'm sure not all of the Muslim countries (Pakistan being nuclearly armed) will just for some reason go against america, causing india to get pissed, causing china to help, blah blah. Its all a cycle, as long as ever president knows the meaning of Peace it might not happen.

106 posts

Drace, that's not completely true. Sure, you'll have better homeland defense, but if you pull your troops out, like Obama talks about (although if he does and something big happens, he'll get eaten alive in popularity or whatever), you won't have any troops to control riots or strong hostile military-building. And if there is another war that you have to go on the offense, you will have a staging area for an early attack.

106 posts

Oh, plus if we have a ww3, we have NATO and Israel on our sides, so NYAH!, RUSSIA!

3,722 posts

The war in Iraq will never escalate, its not a real war, there's a bafoon named bush thats leaving in 30 days that sent men into a foreign country telling them to kill "Bad ppl" and his men have to find these so called "Bad Ppl". Its ruinng Iraq, thats about it.

On the contrary, we are saving Iraq's ass. I see someone has fallen to the biased media >.>

We are not hunting down "bad ppl", that's what we were doing when we started. When we first got into Iraq, Saddam would ags his own villages for fun, he was pilfering wealth, no one had electricity or running water, there were no free elections, snipers were running ramped. So we went in there to save an effed up country, and the people actually welcomed us an danced in the streets.

Now, that we have a government set up there, all we are doing is stopping the Shiites and the Sunnis from going into a very bloody civil war, because they both want political power.

So on you're "it's screwing up the country" note, here are some fun facts to sink you're fangs into:

-The Iraqi military now has control over 12 0f the 16 provinces (i think it is 16, i just know they currently are controlling 12), we have those provinces completely alone, and are finishing up in the remaining.
-People now have electricity for 12 hours of the day.
-People are getting money.
-People can walk safely in the streets.
-There are free elections.
-The death rate and news of suicide bombings there have decreased to almost zero.

So, there >.>
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