Well, it's almost time to prepare for another world war. I want some debate about whether it will, or will not happen, and if it will, when. I personally think, with the war were in, and Obama, most likely going to pull our troops, we are totally vulnerable to many countries that want to attack America. I know some may not agree, but I think with all the chaos that's breaking around the world, were in for some type of fight... so what I am asking is, what do you think?. Please no getting offended, with any arguments that aren't what you agree with. And if any racist comments get out here, I'll ask for this thread to be locked or removed.
The more troops you pull out, means that those that have died, died for nothing. Would you risk 4,000 lives, and then pull out? Why wouldn't you continue the push, and finish what you came there in the first place, and then, when that is done, pull out.
I don't really see World War III coming up too soon, but you never know with these types of things. I'd keep an eye on the European Union, EU, as I remember hearing something about them wanting to build up a unified European army and history tells us that is never a good thing. For some reason the EU reminds me of certain collapsed empires with a thirst for world power. China is also another factor to consider, no nation grows in power without getting a little greedy. They have the power to possibly unite east Asia under their control, or at least attempt it. With all of our financial ties to them, we might not be too keen to stand in their way. Iran is another issue. The middle east has never really been known for it's stability, and it has already said it wants to wipe Israel off the map. Perhaps could develop an itchy trigger finger and launch a missle or two, starting a war between Israel and Iran. The US would most likely get involved in that, but I couldn't see Iran holding out too long. They seem to think they have a lot more power then they actually do. There is also Russia to consider. They already attacked Georgia and they have had icy relations with eastern European nations joining NATO. Perhaps they might consider flexing their military muscle soon enough, but most likely only if the rest of the world is distracted enough to let them do as they please. Putin's no fool and most likely wouldn't launch an attack against anyone when all eyes could be on him. All in all, I don't see much of a World War as in a large bloc of nations against another. I could see several small conflicts leading most nations to be in a war with another nation or a few. However, alliances could make these small wars morth into a large world war, but all we can really do is wait and see. Let's just hope the nuclear option is left off the table if anything should happen.
Well, another possibility is that if Canada, the US, and Mexico unite, then it could be the American Alliance vs China vs the EU (maybe add Russia into that mix as well). That wouldn't be fun.
WW III is going to be about oil. In the next century, we better have another major renewable resource or the wells are going to go dry. People will rob gas stations and oil wells for the last of the oil. It will be civil war without end. Eventually it will be war. The human race will be consumed by nuclear fire. If you dont belive me, play the game oligarchy for as long as you can.
the only people involved in this war is america and iraq and its not even a real war only congress can declare war not the president and congress hasnt declared war yet
Pretty soon oil will not be te most important resource. It will be water. It's vastly more importnat to life and although it is ahrd to think of for "westerners" that can just turn on a tap it is becoming rarer and is already deemed a crisis.It wouldn't surprise me if WWIII was started by some country trying to take over a fresh water supply.
Then again according to George Bush (great source) WWIII has started already as he has labeled the War on Terror a world war. Yay.
I think Albert Einstein got it best "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Hopefully we have learnt from the past (or doomed to repeat it) a future world war would most likely result int he destuction of man kind "game over" and return to level 1.
I definatly think that IF ITS GOING TO HAPPEN, it is gonna begin in the Mid East. Counrties are getting very upset like Libya, Egypt, and palistine. they are not such a problem, but i think other countries will get involved. If that happens, i doubt it though, the world would be in a great dangers because every country will be at gun point with Nuclear Warfare. If a country decides to bomb another, then the other would bomb them and others would bomb others till everybody is gone.
Pretty soon oil will not be te most important resource. It will be water.
Water is abundant. The water crises does not refer to a lack of water. A more accurate name would be water sanitation crises.
There is is plenty of water, but in many places of the world, fresh water is hard to reach.
Wikipedia on this:
There are several principal manifestations of the water crisis.
* Inadequate access to safe drinking water for about 1.1 billion people * Groundwater overdrafting leading to diminished agricultural yields[6] * Overuse and pollution of water resources harming biodiversity * Regional conflicts over scarce water resources sometimes resulting in warfare