ForumsWEPRBurning of the American Flag(or country flag)/freedom of speech

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I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.

  • 925 Replies
759 posts

flag burning is legal. but it should be illegal do you understand english?

4,871 posts

Human rights should entitle people to express themselves as they wish, even if it means burning a symbol the represents the country. The ideas this country was founded apon are FREEDOM. The fact that you're taking away a freedom that hurts NOBODY is a disgrace to this country.
And your not going to be taken seriously unless you can talk with proper grammar and spelling.

Freedom..lets think about this for just a second do you have the freedom to kill someone?no?ok then there goes that argument. Hurts know one i dont know about anyone else but that hurts me emotionaly and mentaly much worse than a physical afliction. Proper grammar and spelling is only needed when a poor argument is at hand.
759 posts

so because i dont take the extra 5 seconds to revise and edit my post means i dont know how to talk with good grammar?

taking away a freedom that hurts NOBODY is a disgrace to this country

why dont you go take a look at previous posts before saying things like that.
4,871 posts

Rebellion is a senseless act? Really? Rebellion is what CHANGES things. And we are supposed to be allowed to say as we please, even if it is insulting. And if it offends you that people burn your flag, than you need to grow up and look at the real problems in this world instead of just the ones that "offend" you.

The real problems in this world are people like you. If i have to tell you that through burning the flag i will, and again rebellion doesn't work. I have much more respect for a revolutionist than someone who simply rebels.
759 posts

1) What would you rebel for?
2) You said it was illegal, and i said it wasnt.
3) Im pretty sure my internet speech isnt a concern of yours.

759 posts

ok you can rebel if you want, go ahead. you obviously dont know the difference between revolution and rebellion. go ahead, you make my day.

4,871 posts

Using your logic, it should be illegal to step outside your house, to talk or to socialize in any way.


Obviously you havent been in a fight before. Having never been in a fight, you can't exactly talk about pain. And if it hurts you mentally and emotionally, than you need to, as I've said already, grow up and find something real to complain about. Your just being immature. There's a lot worse things than burning a flag.

I've almost had my arm broken and i didn't flinch physical pain is easy to block out. Your being immature about this not me.

Actually, its needed whenever you want to look smart. So, in any argument, you want to use proper grammar and spelling, or else you just look stupid.

Apparently not for you youve been in a fight bet that was an argument you didnt use proper grammar and spelling then.

People like me? So its not mass murders? The genocides that are happening today? AIDs? Mass starvation in Africa? Really?

Yes becasuse aids isnt a person, genocide isn't an individual, starvation isnt a person, mas murders excuse i found one person worse than you.

I would say otherwise. You realize that the whole creation of this country, America, was a rebellion? You know that, right? They rebelled against Britain. The country was made, so obviously it worked.

No we revolted.

You know that a revolutionary is still a rebel, right? For the most part they are different words.

yes but not a revolution and a rebellion, a recolution has a specific goal most. People rebel becasue somethings wrong they don't know what to do to fix it but "hey if i get rid of the problem it'l fix itslef."
4,871 posts

I would rebel because this country, or rather this world, is corrupt. The government doesn't care for the rights of the people, they care only for themselves, the government. They will destroy the rights of the people if it will benefit themselves, and that's wrong.

Since when?
750 posts

Proper grammar and spelling is only needed when a poor argument is at hand.

WTF? Proper spelling and grammar are an essential part of written argumentation. The unsubstantiated argument you just made implies that anyone who writes their arguments well should be discredited, this is nonsensical. People find arguments that were written fluidly such as those by any philosopher, lawyer, politician, etc. far more influential than those written by a lay person who can barely write. To put it another way, your rhetoric implies that we should see someone who babbles in gibberish as a more competent arguer than the most eloquent of speakers. Please do use proper spelling and grammar and don't support your lack thereof with sophistry.

Freedom..lets think about this for just a second do you have the freedom to kill someone?no?ok then there goes that argument.

The social contract posits that you traded your freedom to kill people for the freedom to live your life without being killed, which seems reasonable; the only way to have freedoms of your own is to respect other's freedoms. (Not that I actually agree with the social contract, but the idea applies well)

Hurts know one i dont know about anyone else but that hurts me emotionaly and mentaly much worse than a physical afliction.

Bob has spiky pink hair. The old lady next door finds it terribly offensive. Does she have the right to have him punished for harming her delicate sensibilities? No. Why? Because Bob, did not create any true harm, he did not intrude on her rights, she has chosen to feel harmed; further, he respects her right to have a haircut he dislikes. Rights, in general, should be considered reciprocal, if I can have it so should everyone else. If the protesters have the right to burn the American flag, there exists a reciprocal right to burn the anarchy symbol, or whatever symbolizes the protest group. We can only have rights ourselves when we allow others to possess them.

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire
759 posts

deadbabies, the difference between a revolution and a rebellion is that a rebellion fails, as a revolution succeeds.

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire

i never thought about it that way, but there are more peaceful ways to protest than going out to the streets and burning a symbol of american soldiers contributions to these united states.
4,871 posts

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire

The problem with this quote here is the fact everyone for flag burning hates anyone in the military who has ever served and is serving so um im fairly sure they wouldn't die to defend my rights. However since i beleive this is your first post this is not as yet refering to you.

If the protesters have the right to burn the American flag, there exists a reciprocal right to burn the anarchy symbol, or whatever symbolizes the protest group. We can only have rights ourselves when we allow others to possess them.

Ah true but i wouldn't burn an anarchy symbol because it serves no purpose.

WTF? Proper spelling and grammar are an essential part of written argumentation. The unsubstantiated argument you just made implies that anyone who writes their arguments well should be discredited, this is nonsensical. People find arguments that were written fluidly such as those by any philosopher, lawyer, politician, etc. far more influential than those written by a lay person who can barely write. To put it another way, your rhetoric implies that we should see someone who babbles in gibberish as a more competent arguer than the most eloquent of speakers. Please do use proper spelling and grammar and don't support your lack thereof with sophistry.

I use proper grammar and spelling but i wouldn't consider someones argument any less who couldn't
1,353 posts

the founding fathers had the mindset of "I have anger problems and I cant stand america because the goverment is out of control!".

Did the founding fathers say ' you can burn your countrys flag even though weve worked so hard to put this country together' ?
4,871 posts

And if your get rid of a problem, it IS fixed. Its not there anymore. Thats pretty obvious. If you have an apple, and someone takes your apple away, do you still have it? No. You don't. He has the apple.

But then you dont have your apple ...really whats your point here?

You cant handle the idea of someone BURNING A FLAG. A a flag is, is a symbol. Know what else is a symbol? The Sickle and Axe of the Soviet Union. If you saw someone burning that, would you care? No. But it holds the same meaning to a Soviet as the American Flag does to an American Patriot.

Why would i not care thats a disgrace to everyone who worker to see that flag fly i wouldn't be offended but i wouldn't like it.

And you wouldnt die to defend they're rights, obviously. Maybe they would defend your rights if you stopped whining about the rights they want for EVERYONE? Oh, and they actually are, the rights they want effect everyone.

Would i'd die ya i would, im planning on going into the military for life just because i don't agree doesn't mean i won't die to protect that right. Also i think flag burning should be legal but i think it's rediculous and it does offend me.

Since always. Thats how a government works. It keeps itself alive by all costs.

If it fails we all fail with it.

Its not a symbol of the soldiers, its a symbol of the government.

It's a symbol of AMERICA

You didn't limit it to people only. And if thats the case, what about illegal slave drivers? Drug lords? Rapists? Those who continue to steal from the lower class even though they're cup is already overfilled?

I think they all stem from a mindset similar to yours again just my belief take it or leave it.

It makes you sound stupid if your trying to belittle someone elses argument while making your own stand out if you cant do it sounding intelligent. And you didnt capitalize the "I" after "but", or end the sentence properly.

Thats nice.
1,353 posts

Actually, they kind of did

Give me there quote.
759 posts

dead babies ure goin off topic we dont care about grammar, or if its right to kill someone. it doesnt matter, and its bad. you tell me one revolution that has failed, but then drop it. nobody should belittle their country, it could be considered terrorism or treason.

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