ForumsWEPRBurning of the American Flag(or country flag)/freedom of speech

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270 posts

I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.

  • 925 Replies
4,871 posts

My point is that you said that taking away the problem doesn't mean the problem is fixed. It does mean the problem is fixed. It isn't there anymore. That means its gone. The goal was accomplished. The apple was a metaphor, obviously one too complex for you to understand.

The problems gone but now theres no food now we have starvation which is just as bad as the problem in the first place. To complex?it didn't answer my question.

Wouldnt you rather have it succeed? The only way the government can succeed is if the people make sure it doesn't get become too powerful, which nobody seems to want to do.

I'm guessing your a democrat?well one of democrats main goals is to have a government active in almost every aspect of life i.e. health care

And the United States of America is nothing more than a name, a name applied to a government looking over an area of the world. If there was no government, than there would be no United States of America.

As long as I'm alive there will be even if it's just a memory.

Youve been saying this whole time that it should be illegal.

I've been saying im against it not that it should be illegal

So, your saying that because I believe in absolute freedom, I have the same mindset as a rapist? A rapist takes away freedom and forces someone to have sex with said rapist. That is the complete opposite. I don't see how you can associate the two.

You beleive freedom as far as i've seen means the ability to do everything you want thats wrong, atleast in our Government.
4,871 posts

You dont understand what terrorism is

He said or treason

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

that didn't answer what he wanted
759 posts

the confederacy

yea, that was a rebellion! because it failed!
1,353 posts

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That

whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
I wonder where that came from! Was that part of the Declaration of Independence? Yes, it was!

Where does it say if you burn your flag you our patriotic?
759 posts

i dont see burning something as speech, so it shouldnt be protected by the constitution, and it should be illegal.

759 posts

there check it out. anyway, dont flame me for it.

no it didnt answer the question, it left a vague medium for us to create our own answer.

4,871 posts

Yes it did, you just don't understand. I explained it enough. Your just dense, you will never understand, I cant explain it simply enough for you.

O yes im the dense one I'm the one who supports killing babies and wants to burn flags im the one who can'y make good metaphors :P
278 posts

It IS illegal to burn the flag. I think that is wrong. It should be legal to burn the flag. The law should be there to PROTECT people. How does burning a flag hurt anyone? It doesn't. If I burn a flag, how will it harm anyone? It wont. Its a protest, or a sign of rebellion. Thats what this country needs. Rebellion.

you didn't get the question did you,

Human rights should entitle people to express themselves as they wish, even if it means burning a symbol the represents the country. The ideas this country was founded apon are FREEDOM. The fact that you're taking away a freedom that hurts NOBODY is a disgrace to this country.

WOW, unbelievable some people just don't get it. Americans have fought to protect this country since we fought for our independence. You think what they fought for is ok to burn. The flag represents a counry burning it is saying you hate your country, I have thought about it since this topic was posted and I see what your saying but instead of burning the flag, grab a piece of card board and wright your problems on it or take it to court (like I said before).
133 posts

I think it is funny how americans get really pmsed about there flag being burned, so i say legalize it.

1,523 posts

You think what they fought for is ok to burn. The flag represents a counry burning it is saying you hate your country,

Really? Why else would they be protesting? Because they absolutely love their country so much that they want to get out their thoughts?

I'm sorry that not everyone is as blind a patriot as you are.

"I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am,"-Descartes.
4,871 posts

I'm sorry that not everyone is as blind a patriot as you are

Really?really?because you seem like you disagree because your not "blindly following."

Really? Why else would they be protesting? Because they absolutely love their country so much that they want to get out their thoughts?

I'll burn your house down, that will get my thoughts out.
133 posts

I'll burn your house down, that will get my thoughts out.

Cos you know
a overproduced flag=a house.
1,523 posts

Really?really?because you seem like you disagree because your not "blindly following."

Please try to make your posts more legible. It would help a lot when I try to respond.

I'll burn your house down, that will get my thoughts out.

Are you threatening me with arson, sir?
509 posts

I dont see burning something as speech, so it shouldn't be protected by the constitution, and it should be illegal.

I don't see wearing swastika necklace as speech, so it shouldn't be protected by the constitution, and it should be illegal.
And, by the way, I'm going to spell check everything I quote from now on.
The difference between a rebellion and a revolution is that history is written by the winners.

The best type of government is an anarchy, because everyone would have the freedom to kill people, but wouldn't because it is wrong. Too bad we humans screw things up so often.

One of my favourite quotes.
4,871 posts

Cos you know
a overproduced flag=a house.

Symbolizes my country so ya it does.

Please try to make your posts more legible. It would help a lot when I try to respond.

My god i'm fairly sure at this point that you just don't understand english.

Are you threatening me with arson, sir?

nope i don't know where you live.
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