I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.
I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.
It's a piece of cloth. The spirit that made that flag cannot be burned.
The spirit that forged this nation is founded on freedom of expression. Its enshrined in the very document that makes the spirit of that flag worth preserving.
@ Those saying that if we are going to burn the flag we need to leave.
Why? Our government is run for the people, by the people. It is our right to protest the policies of the current government in any manner that is safe and responsible. Protests are meant to catch people's attention, and are meant to get a point across.
Question: Why is burning flags a problem, while no one here seems to mind the Westboro Baptist Church's protests?
The burning of a flag is just an action which reveals so much more. The burner is one who does it for a reason. Most likely they believe the country is corrupt, and instead of supporting it blindly, they protest. They do not believe in the nation, but the people.
You just said that your burning the flag to insault every person who has dies to protect your rights and i don't support blindly i most likely wont support some things in the next for years, and i believe in the nation not the people our nation has stood the test of time but people with these beliefs that peace is possible without war will be the death of us
It's a piece of cloth. The spirit that made that flag cannot be burned.
The spirit that forged this nation is founded on freedom of expression. Its enshrined in the very document that makes the spirit of that flag worth preserving.
For once i agree with you but it does symbolise the burning of this all
Samy I swear I might change to the Air Force just so we can join up together. Way to go!
It's a piece of cloth. The spirit that made that flag cannot be burned. The spirit that forged this nation is founded on freedom of expression. Its enshrined in the very document that makes the spirit of that flag worth preserving.
Ahhh very true.
while no one here seems to mind the Westboro Baptist Church's protests?
This is a burning the flag topic you want my opinion on that subject make a forum with that being the topic
No No No!! I'm sayng people who do it are stupid,unless they REALLY hate America! There is no need to further restict people's human rights because someone who hates America burned a flag. Or some sad, sad kid burned a flag for attention.
Why is burning flags a problem, while no one here seems to mind the Westboro Baptist Church's protests?
Im assuming your talking about the group who protested soldiers funeral well those bastards are some of the worst people in this country i do have an f'ing problem with them
Why? Our government is run for the people, by the people. It is our right to protest the policies of the current government in any manner that is safe and responsible. Protests are meant to catch people's attention, and are meant to get a point across.
so burning something is a safe and responsible way to get a point across? i dont think so smarty pants.
This is a burning the flag topic you want my opinion on that subject make a forum with that being the topic
I think holding signs that directly state that the people want the troops to die is a wee bit more offensive than burning a flag. Just a little bit. There's always worse ways to protest, you know. People could just go burn down the Whitehouse.
maybe we anti flag burners could burn the flag burners... that would be a controlled fire, safe and responsible, im sure nobody would care. freedom of speech what can you do?
As Samy said I also have a problem with people who do that. Its bad enough the family is mourning and to have those people there. Personally I would have ran over them.
maybe we anti flag burners could burn the flag burners... that would be a controlled fire, safe and responsible, im sure nobody would care. freedom of speech what can you do?
maybe we anti flag burners could burn the flag burners... that would be a controlled fire, safe and responsible, im sure nobody would care. freedom of speech what can you do?
Human life > cloth with stars on it. Sorry bud, but it's the truth. What you have in mind is considered murder.
You just said that your burning the flag to insault every person who has dies to protect your rights and i don't support blindly i most likely wont support some things in the next for years, and i believe in the nation not the people our nation has stood the test of time but people with these beliefs that peace is possible without war will be the death of us
If you do not support blindly then you are open to reason. Like I said, one who burns a flag as an act of protest does it for a reason. The point is not to insult you for no reason, but to make the betters of things. If you do not believe what he is protesting is correct, you can argue it. Not "OmG THIS IS AMERICA!!! GET THE HELL OUT IF YOU DONT LIKE IT!!"
And how can you have your faith in the nation? That's blind. You should be viewing things as their relationship to human need. Look for the best for the people, not best of what happens to the nation. Do you care more if America rules all lands, or that everyone in the world is free of suffering?
You should be viewing the government as a body that is meant to serve the people, and better the society. Not place your values on the nation and act patriotic of your countries flag. It means nothing, only people do. In doing so you could be defending the most imperialistic state in the world.
This is the difference between a patriot and a protester, they view for the best of things for the people, and will dismantle the state and/or change its policies if they believe it will help the people.