I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.
[/quote]And how can you have your faith in the nation? That's blind. You should be viewing things as their relationship to human need. Look for the best for the people, not best of what happens to the nation. Do you care more if America rules all lands, or that everyone in the world is free of suffering?
You should be viewing the government as a body that is meant to serve the people, and better the society. Not place your values on the nation and act patriotic of your countries flag. It means nothing, only people do. In doing so you could be defending the most imperialistic state in the world.
This is the difference between a patriot and a protester, they view for the best of things for the people, and will dismantle the state and/or change its policies if they believe it will help the people.[quote]
The difference between a patriot and a protestor is someone who sees the world and thinks we can help that(patriot) and someone he sees it and think i dont like how it looks ill go start riots and burn flags while causing more upheaval than i help(protestor or how you describe them)
And you think i care about how much land we own screw that i care more about how many people suffer but riots dont help that ive done things to help raise awarenes none of which involved protesting
And you think i care about how much land we own screw that i care more about how many people suffer but riots dont help that ive done things to help raise awarenes none of which involved protesting
Well like I said. Its one way of protesting. Extreme or not, it shouldn't matter. Unless your patriotic...
To raise awareness you would have to insult people wouldn't you? If someone believes that America is the best of all things. If you say its not, then its insulting them...
It is the Soldier, not the minister Who has given us freedom of religion.It is the Soldier, not the reporter Who has given us freedom of the press.It is the Soldier, not the poet Who has given us freedom of speech.It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer Who has given us freedom to protest.It is the Soldier, not the lawyer Who has given us the right to a fair trial.It is the Soldier, not the politician Who has given us the right to vote.It is the Soldier who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protester to burn the flag.
Think about all the lives that have died for the flag. There wouldn't even be a right to protest with out those very same people.
They didn't die for the f'in flag!! They died for the people. The American flag has no correlation to the well of the people.
I will have to repost this.
If you do not support blindly then you are open to reason. Like I said, one who burns a flag as an act of protest does it for a reason. The point is not to insult you for no reason, but to make the betters of things. If you do not believe what he is protesting is correct, you can argue it. Not "OmG THIS IS AMERICA!!! GET THE HELL OUT IF YOU DONT LIKE IT!!"
And how can you have your faith in the nation? That's blind. You should be viewing things as their relationship to human need. Look for the best for the people, not best of what happens to the nation. Do you care more if America rules all lands, or that everyone in the world is free of suffering?
You should be viewing the government as a body that is meant to serve the people, and better the society. Not place your values on the nation and act patriotic of your countries flag. It means nothing, only people do. In doing so you could be defending the most imperialistic state in the world.
This is the difference between a patriot and a protester, they view for the best of things for the people, and will dismantle the state and/or change its policies if they believe it will help the people.